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Apistogramma viejita

I think it would be almost impossible to get true Apistogramma viejita. Pretty much all viejita on the market are actually macmasteri. Real viejita are very rare and hard to come by, and all of them are wild caught unless you bought them from a hobbyist who has the real deal, and it is extremely unlikely that anyone in NZ is keeping them.

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There were some A. pertensis, and I really regret not buying them. Instead I got a pair of hongsloi and a pair of agassizii. The agassizii were nice but they were quite aggressive and kind of boring IMO, so I sold them to a guy in Nelson who wanted to breed them. And the female hongsloi died so I sold the male to Bilbo and then the male died as well :tears:

So if the importers could get A. pertensis again then I would definitely buy them next time because they are a nice small Apisto so they should be compatible with my other fish :D

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I'd be keen on any other Betta species besides splendens. I see there are three on the list.

Betta coccina

Betta imbellis

Betta pugnax

and maybe a couple of Apistogramma species

Apistogramma elizabethae

Apistogramma borellii.... the real one not the "Steel Blue" that comes in under that name.

And maybe..

Sphaerichthys vaillanti. Samurai gourami.

Will be interesting to see if anyone's choices make it in!!

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The agassizii were nice but they were quite aggressive and kind of boring IMO, so I sold them to a guy in Nelson who wanted to breed them.

Last I heard one of them jumped ship from the guy you sold them to,so they sadly will not be breed from. I actualy went round to buy them from him but then he told me the sad news &c:ry

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Welldone F15hguy :thup: a starting point+

Hoo..hooo..hoo santa please :hail:

Going out to the Monster fishkeeper /Central America Cichlids Fans!!!

1)**Cichlasoma festae Guayas cichlid (festae)

2)**Parachromis friedrichsthalii (yellow Jaguar)

3)Crenicichla lacustris (Pike Cichild)

Hey people a importer had contact me regards to request order..

this is hi quote" the importer told me he can get the fish. But need to wait until they are available and it needs to work in with his orders."

again very promising from helpful importer, so today is the 20th October 2012!

to be continue...

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Welldone F15hguy :thup: a starting point+

Hoo..hooo..hoo santa please :hail:

Going out to the Monster fishkeeper /Central America Cichlids Fans!!!

1)**Cichlasoma festae Guayas cichlid (festae)

2)**Parachromis friedrichsthalii (yellow Jaguar)

3)Crenicichla lacustris (Pike Cichild)

+1 million.

let me know how it goes bro

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok quick update, I have talked to several suppliers and they are actually reading this thread with some interest, so there might be a few new additions in the early new year. unfortunately many will not make the list due to space and financial constraints, some of these fish being asked for have been investigated before and one in particular (they didn't say what) would be at least $650 + freight + gst at wholesale prices, with minimum size shipments and the actual likeleyhood of sales I would suspect it will be a no show.

But the importers ARE listening, and they are browsing our forum, and they are trying their best to provide what we want within their limitations.

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I do not belive them anymore!

Ok, so what do you expect from our importers?

At the end of the day, they are not in it for the love of fish, for improving the stock availability in NZ, or to do any of us any favours. They are a business.

Why should they fork out hundreds or possibly thousands to import a batch of fish, when they are only going to be able to sell a couple from that batch? And then the people who bought them will breed them, stick them on TM, and they won't be worth squat anymore.

Here's a likely scenario: (prices are examples only)

An importer gets 50 new fish in to the country, it cost the importer $10000. They try to sell the fish at $300 to help cover the importation costs.

2 people buy a pair each, and a 3rd buys 2 pairs (8 all up). That's $2400. Those people complain about the cost, but they want the fish. Many more just complain.

The people who bought the fish then get them to breed. Yay!

They then have surplus of said fish. They sell the young on TradeMe or via other means, for $150 each. Nice little profit for them.

Meanwhile, the importer now has 42 fish that he has to stock, feed, etc. that won't sell, because everyone can get them cheaper elsewhere. He would have to drop his prices to $180 per fish just to break even, which is still above the current market rate.

If you can fork out the dosh, go for it. Import the fish you love. But don't moan about importers.

At the end of the day, why should they be stuck with the bill, when they are trying to run a business?

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