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Sophia's planted riverbed... update pg 10


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  • 2 weeks later...

Forgotten update: corydora eggs grew fungus. No more since.

Got to see the loaches spawning but I didn't see any eggs. A funny sight of odd but zippy contortions and shenanigans. :spop:

Also earlier this week Big Mac began dying of what we think was organ failure as he had a big pop eye one day which then shrunk a bit, then he didn't eat for a week and languished about with his fins a bit clampy. When I found him listing over to one side I caught him and euthanised him. I knew he was old when I bought him so at least he had a good few months eating like a little piggy and swimming about.


Current occupants: 4 dwarf chain loaches, 2 mature peppered cories, 3 small ones, 3 loxozonus cories

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  • 3 months later...

Time for an update:

new occupant - Li@m the peppered cory, yes he has a bung eye but no he doesn't seem to mind...

still got 4 loaches, 3 loxozus cories, 2 mature peppered cories and 3 younger ones, 2 otos.

Also got - blue green algae in places... still too much light on this tank.

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  • 2 months later...

Fi5hguy wins.

Yesterday L129 found the cave and hasn't been seen since. Or so he thinks. Since I rebuilt the cave after the house move it wouldn't go back together how it was before so there has ended up a larger hole at the back so I can see right through and spy on him.

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Did my reply not count? Oh darn, knew I should have put the word pleco at the end!! :rolfl:

Name: Hypancistrus debilittera

Common Names: L129, chocolate zebra pleco, Colombian Zebra Pleco

Hate to tell you but this is never likely to be seen :roll: unless you change the tank around so much it is forced to show itself.

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Hate to tell you but this is never likely to be seen :roll: unless you change the tank around so much it is forced to show itself.

I see the tails of mine sticking out all over the place all the time. Kind of cool to play spot the zebras.

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Name: Hypancistrus debilittera

Common Names: L129, chocolate zebra pleco, Colombian Zebra Pleco

L270 = chocolate zebra pleco

L129 = Colombian Zebra Pleco (although technically as it is scientifically described the L129 is not used)

Are actually two different fish, so your vote did count, just not in the right "column". :dunno:

Hate to tell you but this is never likely to be seen :roll: unless you change the tank around so much it is forced to show itself.

Thats why we have plecos though, kind of like the Schrödinger's cat of fishkeeping, is it there or is it not there.

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Since 'Geoff' the catfish was raised on novo tabs I bought some to help him settle in. Yesterday after he went in the tank he wiggled about furiously nearby but didn't tough near the food. The loaches and smaller cories are pretty excitable at mealtimes so he probably isn't used to their loachy ways.

Tonight I could see him inside the tunnel, just his tail and back, and he got all wiggly again inside the tunnel when I fed blood worms. Then I put half a tab down the back of the tank near where he was and he actually popped his head out that side a couple of times. I was very pleased to see even one of the otos had a go at the novo tab, that would be the first prepared food I've seen them eat.

And in other news, I've put the 2 adult peppered cories in a little breeding tank to see if I can get some eggs. It seems a tall order since Adrienne couldn't get them to breed but I've seen them spawning once so I have hopes it will happen again.

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I got two Chocolate Zebras a few weeks ago after much uming and arhing... Thought I wouldn't see them much but turns out I see them a lot. Still don't know what they eat though has have never seen them have a good feed. Oh, and my otos will happily scoff down any NLS pellets that make it to the bottom of the tank. There is a great compitition to see who can get to them first. The Oto's or the chain loaches. :bggrn:

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