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guy demanding refund after killing my FH....what you think?


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a guy bought my FH, then calls me to say it died the next day.

demanding half the refund.

i was abit annoyed, it was a healthy fish.

anyway, he told me later that his tank is a discus tank.

discus tank, low ph, high temp.

my tank is 26 to 27c, ph 7 to 7.5

if someone just throws in a fish into a tank with 1 point lower ph and few degrees cooler, a fish could die!

he refused to tell me how he acclimatised the fish (i suspect he did not) and the parameters of his water.

i was gonna refund 25% of the purchase value but thinking about it, its not my fault...

what do ya think?

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Don't refund him. It is his responsibility to research the fish before purchasing. If he didn't do so, and didn't acclimatise it properly, then it is his fault that it died and that has nothing to do with your care of the fish, so therefore it is his fault that he lost his money.

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i felt bad initially, then i thought about it....

i have no control after t leaves my house!

it was fine that arvo, ate even.

i suspect he just threw it in there with no care to the water parameters, fish got shocked, even hardy fish will get shocked sometimes.

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Perishable goods. As you say---you have no control over what happens after it leaves your place. I would not refund if it was in good condition when it left your place. I have killed a few fish myself and did nor expect a refund. I put it down to experience. Experience is what we call the mistakes we make and learn from.

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you certainly have no legal responsibility to refund his money (private sale, buyer beware). i think moraly you're pretty safe too. the fish thrived in your tank and there was no reason for you to think it would do otherwise when sold. as you said, you have no control once it leaves your house. the reality is sometimes fish die. it could be that he didn't acclimatise it correctly, he may have had poor water quality, it may just have been bad luck. whatever the reason, unless he can put forward a compelling argument that it was your fault, it's on him. shame though, it was a nice fish.

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The refusal to tell you how he acclimatised it does seem to be practically an admission of guilt.

"Hey, I installed that video card I bought from you and it doesn't work?"

"How'd you install it?"

"Well, it didn't quite fit so I wacked it with a hammer a few times until it went into the slot."

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Perishable goods. As you say---you have no control over what happens after it leaves your place. I would not refund if it was in good condition when it left your place. I have killed a few fish myself and did nor expect a refund. I put it down to experience. Experience is what we call the mistakes we make and learn from.

agreed :thup:

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yeah, to be honest, i guess i felt a little guilty!

i didnt want it to die.

but realized i feel guilty for the death of the cool FH! more so....

it was a nice fish, sad:(

but yeah, just wanted to know how you guys felt bout it!

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If he was putting it in with discus one wonders what other things he does regarding fish keeping, water quality etc. :dunno:

I am assuming you were unaware he was going to add it to a discus tank so could not warn him against doing so?

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yeah, its a shame!

was taken aback when he asked for a refund! i was like...what?!?!

Man I can imagine: " Ohh ohh Henward can u please give my $150 bacckk, my fish just die when i just put in my tankerrrrr!! It not my fault, it the fishy die on me.. :rotf:

That sound like his quotes? :slfg:

I guess not every1 can afford to purchased a fish and can really look after it right.. It's sure a shame"

But again fish come and fish go" :-?

It depend on how i know this guy? For me if he was just a beginner and ok to deal with then I wouldnt mind giving him some portion back just to help him out :wave:

Ps" man should of keep price is negotiable for me.. :thup:

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Well, if it dies the next day, it's the new owner. (If it doesn't eat for a week and THEN dies, I blame the LFS :an!gry .)

But even the LFS requires a water sample, and details on the acclimatisation process used.

sounds like an interesting story there....

even then, the stress from poor acclimation can take several days to manifest, failure to eat can be caused by improper foods/ feeding methods, unsuitable living environments, poor water quality, excessive lighting etc..... so no wonder the LFS doesn't do refunds normally. I did a refund the other day due to a guy purchasing a fish that was completely unsuitable for him (and his 50L WAY overstocked tank) on the recommendation of one of our staff. if it wasn't for that recommendation I would have told him hell no and tried to help him learn a few things before torturing any more of my fish.

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sounds like an interesting story there....

even then, the stress from poor acclimation can take several days to manifest, failure to eat can be caused by improper foods/ feeding methods, unsuitable living environments, poor water quality, excessive lighting etc.....

They were in the tank from my pic (see to the left)

The food was the same as the pet store, all the other fish were fine, and other fish of the same species from a different supplier have been fine (and still are).

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