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Losing weight support thread


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That is not a laughing matter. The medical term "obese" means different stuff than - you are overweight.

It's a little bit funny. It made me start getting healthy super fast. I used to be like 14%. It's quite a scary thing.

I've even gone as far as cutting down and now quitting smoking so I can exercise even more than I have been and it won't be as hard on my broken lungs. And it's already making me act like a crazy person! :nilly:

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How does one accurately measure ones body fat index? Can't just stick your weight and height in a calculator, doesn't seem like it'd be 100% accurate. Too many variables and I hear muscle weighs 3x more than fat unsure if it's true or not.

My trainer did my skin folds.

Skin folds can be inaccurate due to excess skin too

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How does one accurately measure ones body fat index? Can't just stick your weight and height in a calculator, doesn't seem like it'd be 100% accurate. Too many variables and I hear muscle weighs 3x more than fat unsure if it's true or not.

Exactly. I pay no attention to BMIs as my 5yo is apparently in the 95th + percentile for her age (yes apparently you can do BMIs for kids - I found an online calculator) and she is not overweight. I've talked to our doctor about it and she says she is not overweight. She is just big boned I guess.

I'm considered obese (well, not sure about now, since I lost about 8kgs) and I was shocked because I don't consider myself that overweight. I know I am overweight but when you say obese it makes me think of people that are so overweight it affects their health eg high blood pressure, problems with joints and that kind of thing.... though I do have those issues now but not before having kids and I was still considered obese before having kids. I guess lifting a child that weighs about 26kgs wouldn't help :lol: :facepalm: but she still wants to be picked up and sometimes I have to pick her up eg at the supermarket when she decides to have a meltdown and won't move :roll: :lol:

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Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. You do not have to be extremely overweight to be classed as obese. Just your fat percentage is high enough to be affecting your health. It does not have to be too high to actually start doing this either.

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measurement which compares weight and height, and is not the only indicator of health or obesity. Many people, eg weight lifters, will have a BMI out of the norm.

I don't think there is any such thing as heavy bones, big boned etc.

More important is where you carry the weight.

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  • 8 months later...

Hey all, I have given in trying to do it by myself and have the help of a trainer twice a week now. She said she was positive that I would have my size 12 pant size by the time my mom comes for a visit in Sept (have not seen her in 8 years) Now this was interesting, she said my big weightloss (about 35 in 4 months) caused damage to my muscles and that is why my body platoed (sp) for so long, so we are doing a little cadio and lots of weight training, all our food breakfast, lunch and supper is from the Healthy food magazine and things are looking up for me. So if all goes well then I will upload a pic of me and my Mommy in September to show you guys my results :thup: How is everyone else going?

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Were you a size 12 when she saw you last?

My daughter was seeing a personal trainer once a week and found him helpful.

I have put on about 10kg since the injury and surgery so have just started to try and lose it (had to wait until after Christmas, New Year, my birthday and conference etc) :slfg:

Not doing anything more than stopping eating all the extra high fat content stuff I had started eating.

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hi, I am doing WW and have lost 5.3kg so far. I find having someone else to do it with good as it keeps you motivated. After tearing my calf muscle in April the weight loss slowed down (static!) tho - it appears when I can't exercise I compensate with chocolate :facepalm: Have started up the exercise (slowly) again, but it is hard to break the bad eating habits that I slipped back into. I am going to have to give myself a hard talking to, and go back to weighing my portions and writing everything down. Lately I have been only writing down the good stuff and leaving blanks at chocolate time :oops:

Before my mum took me to WW (she is pre-diabetic so really needs to lose weight for health) I was using myfitnesspal.com. It is really good , I recommend it. I am getting better results with WW tho, purely because I am less anonymous - the weekly weigh in and meetings make me a lot more accountable. My fitness pal was a good wakeup call tho, if you plug in the foods you eat some are heaps of calories so I found it good that way, to get an understanding of how many calories I should be eating etc.

Knowing your triggers helps, mine are when the kids are home and constantly begging me for food, but I have started letting them get their own snacks instead of me preparing stuff for them after school. Having a lot of fruit readily available and visible and keeping all the naughty food up high and out of sight. Boredom is my other huge trigger, so am working on being busier.

My biggest downfall though is lack of planning. The days when I do well, I have thought about what my meals are, what my emergency snacks will be and what will be for dinner. The bad days I haven't planned anything and am tired.

SO - whats your goal this week? Mine is to be organised, and to PLAN - realistic healthy meals (ie. plan quick ones on days I know I am busy), eat more fruit and plan my snack times & to go to the gym. And if I slip up, to let it go and get right back to my healthy eating and not let it skittle me into out of control naughtiness.

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Were you a size 12 when she saw you last?

My daughter was seeing a personal trainer once a week and found him helpful.

I have put on about 10kg since the injury and surgery so have just started to try and lose it (had to wait until after Christmas, New Year, my birthday and conference etc) :slfg:

Not doing anything more than stopping eating all the extra high fat content stuff I had started eating.

Yes, but then I comfort ate so bad while we went through a difficult time at home when my hubby got made redundant, so I am back in my size 14's again :oops: But even when I was a size 12 then I still had some flab hanging everywhere that needed tucking :o so my goal is to become a toned size 12. My trainer is a female which is nice and she is very kind and understanding as well :wink:

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Im 6'3 and around 115kg,

BMI says that I'm obese...

Dare anyone to say it to my face... :digH: :slfg:

The way your clothes feel and the way that you feel (energy, mood etc) is a much better gauge.

Oh, and ladies, there are few men that actually find the "stick-look" attractive...

Curves are where it is at! :wink: :thup: :lol:

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There are medical definitions here.

For caucasians.

BMI > 25 is overweight

BMI > 30 is obese.

For asians, and ethiopians, use a lower level ( 23 for being overweight ), and for pacific islanders, add a couple of points.

Most people don't believe how much weight they need to lose. I generally ask them what they weighed at age 18 or so, and they now weigh 10 kgs more than that and generally more.

Peak bone mass is reached in early 20s so this combats the self delusion that they have "big bones".

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It is tone or fitness that is more important I think and whether your weight is muscle or fat. I would not consider anything wrong with a size 14 and agree with cricketman - women are supposed to have curves!

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It is tone or fitness that is more important I think and whether your weight is muscle or fat. I would not consider anything wrong with a size 14 and agree with cricketman - women are supposed to have curves!

I agree with the tone and fitness. At the moment I am a fat size 14, lots of bulges and things :lol: Excuse the photo but we were at sea all day long cause the fishing was good and the sun is in my eyes :oops:












. I used to be a superfat size 24/26 So I am proud of how far I have come


I just need a little help to tone my fat 14 to a nice looking 12 with no bulges :wink:

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Been reading all the posts!

Here's my story:

I've been fighting the "obese" battle for years. October I had an appointment at the pain clinic (back problems). When weighed, I was 214 lbs. and I'm only 5' 1" or so. For the first time, a doctor told me to loose weight. Did I loose, nope I gained. I don't know how much because I don't have a scale but I knew by my clothes.

I have every lousy habit I can think of including overeating when alone; watching TV; boredom...to mention a few. I would go the whole day without eating then stuff at night! Stress eater big time!!! Since I was a child, some of my happiest memories involved food! So over the years building up unhealthy eating habits and the weight to prove it!

I had a physio assessment (via pain clinic). I asked her to weigh me 215 on her scale. She said she was going to do more work with me but thought I would be in enough pain as it was. I did hurt, but it was when I walked away (only a minute or so) I was in agony and I remember thinking what the "heck" did she do to me. For some reason that sparked something in me (don't know why have been in pain like that and worse many times before), but I thought I NEED TO TRY!

May 14th I weighed myself at work 213.4 lbs. Now I know every scale is different but at least I'm getting an idea of how I'm doing. Monday, June 4th 204.8.

Food: I eat 3 meals a day including breakfast. If I have a snack at night (oh, and not every night), I'm careful what I eat. Used to drink lots and lots of pop, cut way back on that.

Exercise: They now have some equipment at work so I do 5 minutes treadmill, 5 minutes stationary bike morning and afternoon. Plus the exercises the physiotherapist gave me. Oh, and I have my daughter's treadmill so doing 5 min. every second day for now. I hate the bike but the physiotherapist said to go back to it because I increased the treadmill and cut the bike out...but my pain became worse. I hate the bike so hopefully can build back up to just using the treadmill.

Sorry for the long story but wanted to give some history!

This was an awesome thread to start...thanks for the opportunity :bow::bow::bow:

Dolorosa (a.k.a Caper) :P

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Go Caper! Just cutting back the sugary drinks will make a big difference and eat small amounts often then you are less inclined to binge eat.

As the weight drops I am sure the pain will lessen. Over 10 years ago now, I had back problems, tired easily, had gall bladder problems resulting in cholecystitis, blood sugar swings and other health issues. I went to my Dr who said "You fit the classic profile for the 3 F's - you're fair, fat and 40."

It took me another 2 years to finally get off my backside (and the thought of being harpooned in Fiji at conference) and seriously do something about it but it was the best thing I ever did. These days I am much improved (apart from the past 12 months but that was an injury) and eating much more healthily (except when I attend conference :wink: )

Keep up the good work! :bow:

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Woooo You go Caper :happy1:

Losing weight, especially if you comfort eat is one of the hardest things to do. You are doing great. I found that if I want to snack at night I eat a weightwatchers bar, or a handfull of toasted muesli or even a small little tub of yoghurt. My trainer said that its fine, its better than not eating something healthy and ending up to just run into the kitchen and making this one massive meal out of frustration. Another tip I can give you is to drink your water icy cold if you can, your body will have to work harder to get it back to body temperature so it burns some calories doing that :wink: We are all here to help each other to make the weight loss journey a little easier :love:

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nice fish :hail::hail:

good on yar with the weigth loss..i know its hard .ive loss 8 kg so far..

ask hubby on the curves thing he may miss them when gone ,,it makes cuddying softer than bones.. :oops: :slfg:

Thanks, we had a super fishing day that day. Smoked Kahawai for the whole neighbourhood LOL. Yay for your 8kg loss so far :thup: You can do the rest, I know its hard, but it sure feels great :wink:

Mel you have done tremendously, you must be really proud of yourself. :hail:

I am super proud of myself, sometimes I forget but then I just look at my fat photo and then I am all good again :P

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Thanks Caryl and mcrudd :bow::bow:

This is awesome...I finally feel like I have support :P:P:P:P:P:P

Caryl, I was always a pop-acholic but in the weeks before I decided to "try" and loose weight, I was drinking more than ever. I didn't quit cold turkey but I'm not drinking almost 2L every night!!! I started to decrease by just having one glass in the evening and sometimes now I have none. I knew long ago that the weight was not helping my back but that still didn't stop my bad habits :oops:

if you comfort eat is one of the hardest things to do

OH for sure! And when you've done that your entire life, makes it that much more difficult. I am terrible when it comes to handling stress...and always turn to food and I"m not talking "meals" mostly junk food!!! I never had an overweight let alone obese situation growing up. But, looking back...like I said some of my happiest memories involved food...probably didn't help.

I have to admit I hate drinking water. I always tell the girls at work, "I bet if if couldn't get water to drink I'd sure appreciate it!". But now I try to get all my glasses of water during work hours. Still not able to do in the evening but I do have the odd bottle of water in the evening now and that is new for me!

Even the days when I wouldn't eat till the evening...it wouldn't always be a "meal" maybe just a big bag of chips and my pop. Oh so unhealthy :facepalm:

Now I still have my day that I eat what I want (Friday) but even then I try to cut back (e.g. if I really want potatoe chips, instead of a big bag, I get a small one).

I've read all the posts here and it's amazing some of the stories!

Who would have thought that I'd be joining a fish forum in New Zealand to get help with my fishies and end up getting support to loose weight :happy2: :happy2: :happy2:

oh... and to all who have lost weight...WAY TO GO!!!!

Caper :P

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