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Am I the only one here who doesn't care about exams? Breezed English, don't care about Physics and not fussed for Math, life's good 8)
Some ppl want to get good grades you know.. :smln:

Pfft electromagnets like what B=kI/d, or iron cores, pssh ;) don't know anything bout waves though. I bet you dont know much about the Maori movies and short stories we did either :roll: , C...B...Bothered... Studying for english

That aint Electromagnetism.. -Depends on what short story, we did 'The Dolls House' this year. Yeah Maori movies... ill give that one a miss. :P

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My sister is renting my cat for a month :roll: She said she would give me a $10 note, so we shook on it, then she went and drew a picture of a music note with $10 written next to it, and a caption saying "Here's a $10 note. Syk!! Spoon! Spacehead!" Poor Sooty :tears: :lol:

Today we made ice cream in cooking class. Yummo! It is actually suprisingly easy to make. Last night I made a berry sauce to flavour it with, and also I made chocolate ganache to put in it too. So it's a "Berry Choc Swirl" or whatever you want to call it :D The rest of the ganache will be used for serving. We get to eat some of our ice cream next lesson I think, and then some will be for our stakeholders who are coming next Thursday, and then we can just eat the rest !drool:

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Just got back from Quiz Night. We came second to those damned Microbes again!!! :an!gry

Oh well, we won the Jackpot questions though so won $110.00 plus the $20 bar tab. I think we have about $170 on the tab now :roll:

Although it is only Wednesday, Grant has already worked 42.5 hours (since Monday) and driven 796km so far (not much compared to usual) so those complaining about a few exams do not have his commiserations.

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