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It appares


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that people in here are trying to take offence at anything others try to ask or say.

Is it the faze of moon or maybe people worried about the recession or is it that people want to be unhappy? :roll:

Yeah I noticed that too, Barrie. With some people I think there might be a cultural difference - it's how they speak in real life and to us reserved kiwis it sounds pretty rude! Generally they come from cultures where they value speaking in a 'straightforward' manner but to us it seems like they're saying "shove off, stupid!" which is not how they meant it.

With others I think they are already feeling hurt or offended by something else and are feeling a bit defensive, so anything you say is likely to be taken as a negative.

Anyway, don't take it personally. I, for one, appreciate your input and am interested in your opinions (especially in your area of expertise - I have never known so much about glass before!)

*hugs* :D

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I think you are completely wrong Barrie :wink:

ps were did you avatar go?

edit: o just found the answer they don't know what they are missing personally you have been so helpful to me in so many ways and if people keep acting this way you wounder why you should help. at least it hasn't hit the killie section

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I will only PM and ask if people want help from now on unless I already "know"them

all my details are now deleted and if it was allowed, I would change the name

Yes, Im really annoyed about the way people try to take offence

The only person I have let down... through lack of time... is Spink and Im feeling so bad about that

Now wheres a tree and some rope

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Sorry to hear about this Barrie, I know that you have offered nothing but good advice and helped alot of people out on here. Your experience in your line of work is often called upon and is invaluable in this hobby, not to mention the things you do with the killie club there have been many who I know have received freebies or invaluable advice from you.

Unfortunately you have pointed out the main reason why there are alot of very experienced people who don't bother to post and try and help people out. :( It is nothing to do with the mods or the way the forums are being run it is the people on here and the way they take things some people just can't take good advice, and also seem to want to take everything as a personal attack. It is very hard to express tone or intent through typing and people always seem to read into everything and see what is not there or meant

Anyway Barrie I know there are plenty of people who appreciate your advice and help so I hope that you keep continuing to offer it.

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no rope barrie, use a bungie cord

then you can punish yourself over and over again :D

we are all humans and entitled to voice our opinion

you were merely expressing yours and somebody expressed theirs

you broke no guidelines

if some one wants to be offended by what you say remember it is their problem and not yours

sadly the written word is not really able to express emotion too well

and all to often can be taken in a way that was never intended by the author

some of us know you for what you really are not the thick skinned rhino

but the teddy bear only too quick too help others :wink:

sometimes the tone of the site is not what it used to be

please don't join the number of people who don't post as much anymore

as you, like each of us, are a small part of what makes this forum what it is

P.S. before i answer someone who has said something to upset me or just been nasty

i think to my self, what has happened in their day or even life to make them feel like that

then i feel sorry for them

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Sorry to hear about this Barrie, I know that you have offered nothing but good advice and helped alot of people out on here. Your experience in your line of work is often called upon and is invaluable in this hobby...

It is nothing to do with the mods or the way the forums are being run it is the people on here and the way they take things some people just can't take good advice, and also seem to want to take everything as a personal attack.

I totally agree.

Seriously - some people need to relax. :roll:

Barrie I view your knowledge and experience a real asset in our hobby. I hope you continue to share this with us :D

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Serves you right Aaron-Betta. You obviously aren't in here often enough :wink:

Don't let one person upset you Barrie. It can't have been too bad if it only took 2 merlots to help 8)

People seem to forget the purpose of this site is to be friendly and helpful so people find their hobby enjoyable and stress free!

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Dont worry about it Barrie as my mum would say "Water off a ducks back." :lol:

Please dont become one of those people that stop posting, the void you would leave behind would probably devastate alot of good people on this forum who do appreciate your experience and knowledge.

I dont have any killies or much interest in them but I would be sad to know that there would be one less experienced and knowledgeble person available on this site to ask for help with something. :cry:

Whenever I make a post on any forum I always try to use the Smilies to emphasis what I say to try and inject some emotion into my words. To some people it make come across that Im just 'smilies trigger happy' but at the end of the day I liket to think it helps with people not taking my words the wrong way. :wink:

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so what happened? in what section? gotta love some people's love of melancholy melodrama.

no offence helpful barrie but it's "appears".. see this forum is great.. even in this thread i can help you with english lol :bounce:

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NO Barrie, we need knowledgeable people here and you are one of them! How else will people like me learn????

It's true that how we write sometimes could be entirely interpreted differently if the word was spoken instead of written! I know even myself, I might write something in a way that looks like I'm having a panic attack (ok, maybe sometimes I am :oops: :o ) but sometimes it's just an expression in words as opposed to how I might actually "say" it.

Oh, you know the old saying "you can't please everyone"!


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