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I had a fish nightmare!!


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I had a nightmare about a fish last night.... :o

Dreamed I was sitting by a lake watching fish moving around (looked like bullies but behaved like trout). Then I realised under the trees there was a big fish..... hovering in the air...

It was a vicious, 1 metre long banded kokopu, skinny and a little dessicated, and it could hover above the water. I 'realised' (still in the dream) that it was a hallucination.

It attacked with great ferocity and eventually I managed to get it on the ground and smash its skull with a rock....

Then someone came along and I explained I had a hallucination, indicating to the (quite obviously real) dead huge fish on the bank....

it had big scary teeth...

Anyone else had a fish nightmare (or dream)?

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I sometimes dream about living underwater.

A recent dream (non-fish related) was odd but the only bit I can remember is saying to a little girl of about 4 or 5 yrs, dressed in red Christmas outfit with white fur trim) "You realise at this time of year girls are called Christmas tarts?" :roll: :lol: I thien woke up.

That one was a bit of a worry! :o

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That's a strange dream Stella. Where you really scared?

Not really a nightmare, more a bad dream, but I've had dreams a few times where I'd discover I had all these tanks I didn't know I had, which were filled with fish and I was unable to keep them all maintained!

I have heaps of fish dreams. I guess that's because I think about fish a lot when I'm awake too :D

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Then I realised under the trees there was a big fish..... hovering in the air...

Weird, I've had two dreams with hovering over-sized fish!!

The first was in a huge greenhouse kinda like the winter gardens at the Auckland Domain, but with a stream running thru it and tall patches of bamboo, and there were about 3-4 red finned cigar sharks about 6' long hovering around.

The second was at the lfs in whangarei and there was a school of cardinals about 20-30cm long hovering under the racks of tanks in the shop.

Maybe we should get a shrink to look into what it means.... :-?

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From the Dream moods dictionary - a site that helps you interpret dreams...


To see fish swimming in your dream, signifies insights from your unconscious mind. Thus to catch a fish, represents insights which have been brought to the surface. Alternatively, a fish swimming in your dream may symbolize conception. Some women dream of swimming fish when they get pregnant. The fish is also an ancient symbol of Christianity and Christian beliefs. Consider also the common phrases "like a cold fish", "fish out of water" or something that is "fishy" about a situation. It may also imply a slippery or elusive situation.

To dream that you are eating fish, symbolizes your beliefs, spirituality, luck, energy and nourishment. It is food for the soul.

To dream of cooking fish, indicates that you are incorporating your new realizations with your spiritual feelings and knowledge.

To dream that you are cleaning fish, suggests that you are altering your emotional expression in a way that will be presentable to others. You are censoring yourself and not expressing how you completely feel.

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I had a nightmare about a fish last night.... :o

Dreamed I was sitting by a lake watching fish moving around (looked like bullies but behaved like trout). Then I realised under the trees there was a big fish..... hovering in the air...

It was a vicious, 1 metre long banded kokopu, skinny and a little dessicated, and it could hover above the water. I 'realised' (still in the dream) that it was a hallucination.

It attacked with great ferocity and eventually I managed to get it on the ground and smash its skull with a rock....

Then someone came along and I explained I had a hallucination, indicating to the (quite obviously real) dead huge fish on the bank....

it had big scary teeth...

Anyone else had a fish nightmare (or dream)?

just lay down on zee couch and tell me zee problems , ya?

i zink zee recent stress you haf had wiz your fishies

is manifesting itzelf in guilt and you feel you haf let your fishies down

and so need to be punished by zese same fishies

so zee big fishie haz attacked you, but your indominatable fighting spirit

has not let you succumb to zee problems and you vill continue viz fishkeeping til you suczeed

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i tend to have dreams where something is going wrong with my fishtanks

like a leak or something and i have to save the fish but theres nothing i can do

This is the kind of dream I have had for years (ever since I was a kid). Either the tank was leaking and he fish were going to die, or I had syphoned the water out thinking there were no fish in there, only do discover their poor little dried up bodies later.

I also have dreams where I suddenly remember I have a fish tank after 'forgetting' it for weeks & weeks, then I rush to have a look and the fish are dead or dying either from hunger or nasty dirty water.

I only recall one dream where there were fish but not in my tank. I had set a net to catch some snapper then forgotten about it. Weeks later I remembered to check the net and it had caught lots of snapper but some of them were tangled in the net and still alive. The net had grown into their skin and as I tried to untangle them I was pulling bits of flesh off these live fish. It was awful. :(

My sister-in-law recently confided in me that she was worried about my brother because he often had nightmares about fish. When she described them they were just like mine! This is funny because my Bro and I have never discussed our dreams. Now my sis-in-law is worried about the whole family :lol:

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I have had MANY fish dreams in the last few years.. most recent was probably a couple of weeks ago. I don't recall exactly what it was about.

They are generally disasters like the tank has cracked or smashed or often its in danger as a result of an earthquake. I do recall one where I took my fish out of water and on holiday... I had my Zebra loaches with me on a plane, then realised that, uhhh fish need water so why do I have them with me on a plane to Disneyland!?!?


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I had my first fish dream today - I had a nap in class (accy 111 is REALLY boring!) and I dreamt about cutting my puffer's teeth with nail clippers...I was holding it and a squeezed it too hard, and it popped out of my hand and bounced around the room like flubber.

Now I'm terrified about having to cut their teeth (and I don't even have them yet!)

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my flatmate had a nightmare that the tanks overflowed until they filled up the house, and then the oscars chased her :lol:

Heh, I've had similar nightmares to that, except it wasn't a tank. The shower at the house I grew up in was over the bath and it was closed in by glass sliding doors. I'd have dreams that I couldn't turn the water off, I could turn the tap so it was almost stopped but still pouring a bit. Wouldn't have been a big deal but I couldn't get the doors open and it was slowly filling with water until it got to the top and I drowned!

And the first time my wife stayed there, guess what happened? The tap broke so the water wouldn't quite turn off!

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