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Full Tank Shots - Add yours


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Seems that Hans got so excited over showing his masterpiece that he got impatient with the submit button :lol: I have removed the second post incase we all get bombarded with double dose jealousy over his tank :D :lol:

Come on Hans, show us what else ya got :lol:

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Seems that Hans got so excited over showing his masterpiece that he got impatient with the submit button :lol: I have removed the second post incase we all get bombarded with double dose jealousy over his tank :D :lol:

Come on Hans, show us what else ya got :lol:

Ahhh, the site crapped out on me so i hit post again. Thus 2 posts.

Woods out of the tanks now.

Edit: For fear of assassination

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Heres some pics of one of my tanks. I just redone it today so the plants haven't grown yet. Theyt're not great pics cause I took them quickly.


Side veiw


Other side


And the front

It's home to 14 neons, 7 glowlights, 2 black widows, 2 BN, 3 corys, 3-4 Khulie loaches 1 female fighter, some platys and 3 gold balloon rams. I know it's overstocked but I do big weekly water changes ant the fish seem happy enough.

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