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Tank Failure!!!!! Anyone else out there have it happen?


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It was a Aquaone AR620T.....


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!! :cry::cry:

Yep, sometime after midnight, I hear this Snap!Crack! Pshhhhh! Waterfall sound...... I go running downstairs, and in Any Other setting I would say the magnificent fan shaped cascade was beautiful! People pay money for water displays like that- reminds me of the outdoor waterpond shows in Vegas.

LOL <-- NOT! :cry: A crack running nearly the full length of the corner of the tank was spewing water out into the middle of my lounge.... what a sight...

The good things?

1. I was home when it happened. Imagine coming home to an empty tank and suffocating SH's, and a flooded house...

2. The lovely wool oriental carpet my mother gave me turns out to be an incredible sponge-- umm, is that good or bad?! we rolled it up and heaved it outside. hopefully I can hose out the salt and clean and dry it...

3. I happened to have 2 big plastic garbage bins, to catch the rest of the water and save live rock & horses in...

4. I did not electrocute myself

The crack ran all the way to the bottom, so I had to remove all water and scooped up all the sand. It is in a bucket; Most was fairly clean, but amazing to find how putrid certain areas were underneath!! Hmm, I wonder if this is a good time to start over with a bare -bottomed tank? Mopped up all remaining water from the concrete (glad I never laid that plastic fake wood flooring!) Discombobulated spray-bar and intake, and yay! the hoses reach to my new tank (the rubbish bin) flick switch back on at wall, hear pump starting to re-prime, smell?SMoke! eek ! turn switch OFF!! I guess I was pretty punchy, and had actually forgotten to check INSIDE the cabinet DUH :o :roll: Actually there was only very little water underneath/ inside the cabinet. Just enough to wet the powerbar where ALL apparatus were plugged into. So, I am trying to bolster myself to go back down there and HOPING *fingers crossed* (dangitshard titypewwhtcrostedfingerss!!] :lol: HOPING I have not fried my lovely new chiller or the cannister filter... at least airpumps are relatively cheap....

Ughhh I was just so happy how this tank has come along after 2 years....

It is one of those jobbies with the curved front corners...

Has anyone else had a break like that? Hubby refuses to believe it is due to imbalanced pressure from a dodgy/unlevel/warped stand. But I don't know- what else could cause this? Is there a weakness associated with those curved corners? It has been on a seemingly solid, thick oak stand which was braced underneath/beefed up by a professional cabinetmaker, ever since i brought it home & set it up.

Oh yeah, the horses should be OK... and I did get to evict a coupla HUge bristleworms whilst scooping the sand out...

Ughhhhh, I guess I should stop procrastinating, get down there and finish dealing with it all, relocating new tank (the plastic rubbish bin) to the garage for now...


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I heard of that happening to another person recently aswell. Yours looks like it is not on the factory aqua one stand for the tank? If that is the case, then you are buggered as they have no warranty unless they are (AFAIK)

Sorry, re read your post and no its not on the factory stand. Im pretty sure you will not be covered by a warranty unfortunately

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Thanks to all for the input. :)

hmmm... insurance I hadn't thought .... mite be worthwhile chasing it up.

That stand is built much better than those MDF jobbies...

Sorry, no time to post another pic just now, but that crack runs all the way up to the very top, ending exactly in the corner.

Luckily, my chiller seems to have survived. Cannister filter gone south. I have double bubblers bubbling away. Should be OK, as I didn't have even that (get battery pumps!) during those days on end of no power with those Easter floods we had...

I just have to decide whether to brave another tank or call it quits and find a home. But :(:cry: I have grown so attached to them in 3 years!! and one is a bit of a "special needs" case. He was born with a crooked snout and has one cloudy eye, so he looks forward to his twice daily hand- feedings in his own little cafe (lol, a 750ml bowl)....


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I'm so sorry to hear this has happened to you :( , i don't know if its true but i've been told these types of tank can do this if they have too much direct sunlight shinig at them :-? . If you want to brave another tank I might be able to help you out, I have a spare ar-620T tank and woodgrain matching stand that I can part with reasonably cheaply for you, it has been set up for marines and has spare marine bulbs etc, might be ideal for you?? I am waiting for a reply from someone ele but the chances are they won't buy it as they have bid on something else anyway. Anyway, feel free to send me a PM if interested (not trying to force a sale or anything but it is the tank and stand you need back to recomplete your broken tank, so this could help you out???) :D:D

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The tank has cracked on the curved part only with just a small section of the crack extending outside the curved area at the bottom. It might be a manufacturing defect due to the heat treatment on the glass to get it curved. If it hasn't been properly anealed after heating then there will be stress in the glass. An uneven stand could also definately be the cause. From the feedback, it looks a bit like there could be a design issue. How many other tanks mentioned in this thread broke in a similar way or place?

If it's a common design fault then it should be the manufacturer replacing the tank for free.

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A few years ago now I had this happen to me with an Aqua one model (smaller than djsurfs tho). It was replaced only to have the same thing happen twice more and the cracks were always in the bow of the glass. Needless to say I gave up on them in the end, although the service was great, the tanks lost my vote of confidence.

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I guess I was lucky then. I wasnt even asked if the tank was on a factory stand. It was replaced without question.

Hey Jewelz, did you get it replaced by your local shop, or did you have to contact AquaOne , the manufacturer, or the NZ distributor directly?

Just curious... Am planning to contact Somebody, besides my insurance, because it just doesn't seem right! I am highly suspicious of manufacturing fault; especially with Barrie's glazier knowledge & input. Plus, I know a gal who has had 2 of these break in Exactly the same place(same side and all!) in the same manner. We are planning a joint effort... So if anyone else has had the same, perhaps we should all band together?!

Yikes! How many more of these "water bombs" are there silently ticking away?!

seems to be a common problem for the aquaone tanks. Do you need anything? I am in whangarei too & would be happy to help. i have a spare tank & filter & other stuff.

Thank You so much for your kind offer smidey! :)

Good news; turns out my filter is OK! I tried it one more time from a different outlet and it came to life. :oops: I must have popped a fuse or something . I reconfigured the spray-bar and transferred all out in the garage into one of those Big rubbermaid storage bins and got it going sweet, after a bit of fiddly work re-sealing the cannister and new connections...

Hmmm. I am likeing the idea of a rubber tank more & more! LOL :D *paranoid*!

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Im worried, I am recieving a Aqua One for Christmas.

Bear in mind that these are very popular tanks - I had an $2000 Eheim tank fail too - one of about six in the country, so on average Aqua Ones don't seem too bad. Just inspect it, and be careful when you set it up, and you will be fine.

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