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me love fishy

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Everything posted by me love fishy

  1. hard to tell with fish sometimes, I had a bolivian butterfly ram die the other day, just got darker colourwise, sat on the bottom, then flitted around really fast and lay on its side and that was it, sometimes its just random.
  2. I never noticed an increase in power and like someone else said the cost of replacing fish and buying equipment costs heaps more than the power.
  3. I had a golden gourami do this kind of thing too, but never a dwarf. But in saying that some fish can become very territorial and not like new fish being introduced into their area. Maybe you can swap the dwarf gourami causing the issue for another fish at your lfs, that is what I did in the end with my golden gourami.
  4. sharks can also feel vibrations of distressed fish in the water, so maybe as they are moving towards the vibrations they get the smell of blood. I mean they do have a super sensitive sense of smell but its not the only sense they use to find food.
  5. sorry about your dog Slevin We have 3 cats- Einstein, Preacher and Neo And two tropical FW tanks with about 40 odd fish I guess, some are named some not. And very soon a baby
  6. We had our lounge painted and left the tank in the lounge, I just put towels over the bits of the tank where the air gets in, to try and filter out any nastys, didn't have any fish losses. to make painting fun, get someone else to do it for you :lol:
  7. A few people even felt the quake down here in chch. I didn't though, but saw the breaking news story on the 10.30 news last night. Pretty scary, glad no one is hurt.
  8. Possibly its fins have been nipped by other fish in your tank. What else do you have in there? not sure about the small white bump
  9. It could also be that it got injured somehow and has some internal bleeding from that.
  10. I was always told that fish prefer to have a day/night cycle, so I have always used a light, however, if your tank is in a well lit area so it gets alot more light during the day it might be okay.
  11. If your angels are small it should be okay, anyway you can always try it and if it doesn't work out move things around.
  12. Sometimes there are more variables than right or wrong though, if the person only had an external filter and no spray bar then IMO they would have to get an airstone, you may have only heard part of the conversation. In the end animates staff are only retail staff, and it would be difficult to know everything about fish if you don't keep them yourselves. Plus fish are not the only thing they have in store. I'm not saying that they shouldn't be more knowledgeable, but have you been into bunnings, ask anyone in there anything and they can be just as useless. Some staff make it a priority to learn a bit about the products they sell and some don't. If you are a lowly paid person, which I'll bet most of them are, then you aren't going to give a rats a*se. the only ones with knowledge have been there a bit longer than the others at those chain type stores in my experience. If you find a good one then remember their name for next time.
  13. i have an ipod nano 2nd gen, which came out last year, I like it but it does have draw backs. Any extras you have to buy more things to add to it, for example I wanted to be able to listen to the radio on my ipod, so I had to buy a radio remote which cost me another $100 and I know other mp3's already have radio in them. Plus if you want to recharge the battery from the wall socket instead of going through the USB port you can buy an adapter, which is more $$$$. I also don't like how you can't delete anything off your ipod unless you go to your itunes and do it that way and then download again, not sure if you have to do this with other mp3 players. I would say look at the features and price of each, you will pay more for the ipod brand always.
  14. Angels or gouramis would be alright, but only angels if your smaller fish are bigger than neon tetras, cos they might try to eat them. I don't think gouramis eat neons though (well not from my experience). I am talking about golden gouramis or pearl gouramis, that size.
  15. Wow that's a pretty impressive tank. I guess for the caves you could try using terracotta pots, or similar, like you put pot plants in, that might work as long as the moss will grow on it.
  16. Don't count out your bristlenose, I had one disappear into my tank for several weeks and then popped back into view one day, much bigger and healthy looking. Good luck with your new tank.
  17. one way I found to hide blue tubing is to get some of those sucker things that hold your heater on from the lfs and use them to attach your blue tubing to the bottom of the tank under the gravel, you just have to make sure you have it exactly where you want before putting the gravel on top. good luck with your new tank :-)
  18. I just try scraping the inside of the glass with an old credit card and removing parts of plants with it on and I have siamese algae eaters. I have found that one of my tanks has it, while the other one never has, don't know why that is.
  19. I cover the fish with newspaper and hit it with something hard, usually the poker from the fireplace, then look and make sure its dead and throw it into the fireplace afterwards. I hate doing it, but I also hate watching a fish dying slowly while getting picked on by other fish in the tank, sometimes if I think it is going to survive I will leave it, but sometimes I think I am fooling myself cos its not easy to put a fish out of its misery and have to euthanise it anyway. I have cried many times while having to do this, but I do think its the best way.
  20. I have had a couple of disasters with cheaper brands so now I always buy Jager heaters. I'm not sure how many watts to litres it is but on the Jager brand they tell you how much it should be able to heat. I went a bit OTT on my 60 litre tank and have a 150w in there and its fine, just goes on and off when needed.
  21. You could always try some melafix if you are worried about the wound, it helps heal wounds etc.
  22. wow siamese tortoises!! Pretty cool pics
  23. :lol: :lol: My cats sniff around the tank for food I may have dropped!!
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