Ever heard of a place called Rotorua??
You have??
Heard of an LFS there called "Wonderworld"?
Have you been there tho?
Yep when ever I go to Rotovegas.
Been there lately then??
Yep, today, with 75% of the NZKA think tank.
We had our quarterly works committee meeting yesterday at EJ's.
Today, I got a phone-call to say if you want to go to R., be ready in 20mins., I was.
What a change has happened there.
It is now a "works in progress" gotta stop in and visit place now.
117 tanks, 1m x 450mm x 350mm tanks.
All new, and running the full length of the new addition.
What a fantastical place to look forward to visit next time I visit.
Even Rose will get out of the car I think.
Waikato, allow an extra hour at least for you stop there, and have plenty of dollars.
They are another FNZAS friendly shop, gives 10% discount and if you are real coy, better than that.
When Arnie, the proprieter, got fronted by 4 killiphiles he had lost his battle before he'd started.
Especially when Christine spotted the Aphyosemion striatum.
A. striatum.
Four beautiful males and nine, well we all know what females look like, sitting, hiding, in the back of one of the bottom level of tanks.
"How much for these killies??"
Checked thru all the price tags waiting to go on the tanks and found it.
"Only $33"
"Each or a pair??"
Wry smile from Arnie.
"Whatdabout for us??"
"Make it $19"
So the Marshalls zoomed in, out came the males, two each, Christine wanted two females, Alan wanted a spare female , so that left a tank with four female STR.
Give ya $5 each to get rid of them"
Didn't quite get them for that tho
$30 for three.
Woops, here's a female in another tank.
"Ya can have her for $5"
Quick, put'er in the bag".
The moral of the story is??
Stuffed if I know.
But if a killiphile walks into your shop, sees killies they WANT, they'll get them.
Guess what?
Another fish to send into Warren's ID parade.
Another species for the NZKA to get there teeth into and not loose it from NZ again.
Yep he got ten pencil fish.
Nope, I live to buy in Auck. in a couple of weeks time.
Good fishing gang.
Did you know it was Trout fishing opening day this weekend.
Who cares about trout when there are new killies around.
Remember, when in Rotorua,
visit "Wonderworld Aquarium"
Clyton Rd.,
Open 7 days a week,
9am till 5.30pm.
Be nice to Arnie and they'll be nice to you.
Alan 104