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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Alan

    What is my name

    :roll: Do you not read the replies to your questions?? Sometimes I wonder why we try to help others with the results you tell us of your guppies. Alan 104
  2. Alan

    What is my name

    Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus or Flying-fox It's an algae eater. Your pictus will act as a scavenger and eat almost anything. Alan 104
  3. Alan

    What is my name

    I think the cat fish is Pimellodus pictus Don't trust it with smaller fish, it hunts at night. Alan 104
  4. Botia Lohachata Dr Axelrods Atlas, 2nd Edition, frame five pge 557, ISBN 0-86622-139-5 Alan 104
  5. Alan

    14 4 $211

    Ever heard of a place called Rotorua?? You have?? Heard of an LFS there called "Wonderworld"? Yeah! Have you been there tho? Yep when ever I go to Rotovegas. Been there lately then?? Yep, today, with 75% of the NZKA think tank. We had our quarterly works committee meeting yesterday at EJ's. Today, I got a phone-call to say if you want to go to R., be ready in 20mins., I was. What a change has happened there. It is now a "works in progress" gotta stop in and visit place now. 117 tanks, 1m x 450mm x 350mm tanks. All new, and running the full length of the new addition. What a fantastical place to look forward to visit next time I visit. Even Rose will get out of the car I think. Waikato, allow an extra hour at least for you stop there, and have plenty of dollars. They are another FNZAS friendly shop, gives 10% discount and if you are real coy, better than that. When Arnie, the proprieter, got fronted by 4 killiphiles he had lost his battle before he'd started. Especially when Christine spotted the Aphyosemion striatum. Yes A. striatum. Four beautiful males and nine, well we all know what females look like, sitting, hiding, in the back of one of the bottom level of tanks. "How much for these killies??" Checked thru all the price tags waiting to go on the tanks and found it. "Only $33" "Each or a pair??" Wry smile from Arnie. "Each" "Whatdabout for us??" "Make it $19" Sold!! So the Marshalls zoomed in, out came the males, two each, Christine wanted two females, Alan wanted a spare female , so that left a tank with four female STR. Give ya $5 each to get rid of them" Didn't quite get them for that tho $30 for three. Woops, here's a female in another tank. "Ya can have her for $5" Quick, put'er in the bag". Done. The moral of the story is?? Stuffed if I know. But if a killiphile walks into your shop, sees killies they WANT, they'll get them. Guess what? Another fish to send into Warren's ID parade. Another species for the NZKA to get there teeth into and not loose it from NZ again. EJ?? Yep he got ten pencil fish. Me? Nope, I live to buy in Auck. in a couple of weeks time. Good fishing gang. Did you know it was Trout fishing opening day this weekend. Who cares about trout when there are new killies around. Remember, when in Rotorua, visit "Wonderworld Aquarium" Clyton Rd., Open 7 days a week, 9am till 5.30pm. Be nice to Arnie and they'll be nice to you. Alan 104
  6. Why do you want to use acrylic to make a tank when there is so much less hassle with glass. You only have to glue glass, it doesn't scatch to the same degree. It is fairly easily obtainable. Going the other way, you have to literally melt or weld one to the other, harder to find, and scratches fairly easily. What size tank are you looking at?? Alan 104
  7. Debs I don't think I'm thick (others prolly think otherwise) but I can't understand your request. Not at all. Alan 104
  8. It isn't critical to have the exact temp. The fish sure as heck won't mind. I'd prefer a jager to the others for reliability. That is, not jambing on an cooking the fish. Alan 104
  9. Alan


    Welcome aboard Michelle I too have spent hours watching a female, in fact three of them give birth. My darling and now our two daughters. Oh by the way, I have watched the livebearing female fish also. Several breeds of them in fact. Alan 104
  10. Hi Tony, maybe your brown algae is doing the job of conversion ??? Alan 104
  11. Eric, are you sure it's not mezzes?? Alan 104
  12. Yeah, and your mooses gave it away too. Lucky you didn't say you had a pretty red uniform, and sang whilst sitting astride your horse, in a snowy outback, "Rose Marie I Love You" :roll: mmmm Alan 104
  13. If you look for ones called babies, or ask for runts, I'm sure you'll find what yu are after. Be careful tho, of the ones called babies, they do, or can, grow to the bigger size. Alan 104
  14. Yeah Bill, just a short drive north. Up past the Huka Falls I think. :lol: Alan 104
  15. Actually, I went on GOOGLE with "that" spelling and it came up with Betta BUT The wrong spelling arose from some other forum with "that" spelling coming up. Further down, you would have found the correct spelling. I am not one of the spelling cops either. I'd have no hair left if I was, and to do so, leaves one open to be hit themselves. I was merely stating a fact. Alan 104
  16. No it isn't. But it is a Siamese Fighting fish Alan 104
  17. deleted by author woops :oops: Alan 104
  18. If it has failed in one place, the lot is in need of repair. Strip it down completely and start again. A tube of silicone from mitre10 or similar will cost about $14, you'll ned a gun to apply it,(they're cheap). But the main thing is to clean ALL the old silicone off before you even think of starting to reglue. NOTE the way it was assembled for the correct place to put the glue. Assemble in a well ventilated area as the fumes from the glue are hazardous to your health.(burns the lungs out). Alan 104
  19. Try Silver Dollars Prob with them is that they are scaled mowers.. No plants, sorry Use rocks and driftwwod for deco Alan 104
  20. You want advice?? Why ask?? Have you done research on these fish?? Really?? I bought six fish by another name, and they have turned into giants and still growing. Max out at two foot long and just as deep with a body thickness of at least six inches. Still interested?? These a tank breakers if ever there were ones, and of course, if you do decide to get them, that you have a tank like Kelly Tarlton's. These are a fish that I hpe is NOT passed by MAF to come into NZ. They are WAY to big for the aquarium trade and should never be imported for private aquarists. It's just too cruel, because of the size they get to, and the cost required to house them. Also, I don't think they'd survive if they were released into Lake Taupo. I'm told by reliable sources tho, that fried in butter and sprinkled with coriander, they make a dish hard to beat. Don't forget the juice of one lemon as well. DON'T GET THEM Alan 104
  21. One thing I learnt Devon over the years of breeding fish is not to count the fry before they hatch. In my words it was not to count the fry before they were 30days old. Bit soon to say congrats yet I think. But kewl they have laid for you tho. Alan 104
  22. Ant said Don't use THIS Read the info, Mould and Mildew - resistant. As soon as you see that on a product you are thinking of using for your tank. Put it back. Look for one that says "For Aquarium Use" It MUST, when you use it, smell strongly like vinegar. This is acetic acid fumes given off, and when using the silicon, make sure it is used in well ventilated area. I personally use Selleys Glass Silicone Sealant. (clear) [for windws and aquariums] Alan 104
  23. Kewlazz Laters mate Alan 104
  24. Cause the NZKA club members are really the only ones dedicated to the continuality of the killies in NZ. Where abouts are you located sinnaz ?? If you wish to join the NZKA and learn more on how to obtain these little jewels of the aquarium, send me an email, and I can then send you a rego form with the necessary information. Alan 104 alanandrose(at)xtradotcodotnz Al
  25. Alan


    LOL Mystic. You will find that with a small outlay of $15 the price of killies from members to members, quickly recovers any outlay. When do you want a rego form sent?? Alan 104
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