NZKA stands for NZ Killifish Association.
Did you know that there was a fish club in Hamilton?
WAS, Waikato Aquarium Society.
Have a look in the "club news" forum
I think Dave has just done an update there.
In fact, I'm going there tomorrow night to give a chat on killifish,
and hopefully supply some answers to questions about my part in the hobby.
As for the Koi
they grub around in the bottom of the pond, lake, river, where eva
Doing this they disturb the plant-life holding the substrate together,
and therefore get a murky water column,
and as you know, plants need light to grow, and it slowly kills them out.
Creating a water desert.
Koi are now all through the Waikato river system, and IMO will never be controled there.
Alan 104