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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Definately clean the gravel using a vaccuum (not the one you use on the floor either). Clean the filter also, but only clean in the water you have vaccuumed from the tank. 50% water change, then 20% each week Five G/F are a lot for that size tank. It depends on their size of course, but only two adult size fish is all that is really suitable for. Alan 104
  2. Alan

    Salt stain

    Put a strip of 50mm black duct tape around the top, fill with water, can't see the build up. Solved. Alan 104
  3. Alan

    Help :(

    It really is only circulating the water. As Ira said no easy work for it. Alan 104
  4. Alan

    Albino Cats

    Corydora I think should have been that answer. If they don't go white they are prolly fertile. They can be removed with a business card. and placed into a floating icecream container to hatch. Have a good handful of java moss in with them. Hava esome snails readyto go in with themafter they hatch. Alan 104
  5. Excellent B&K, I just read that they are big enough at hatching to go straight onto BBS. So theat makes them bigger than I thought they'd be. Also a lot easier to get going. What was your lighting over the spawning and hatching area?? Good effort. Alan 104
  6. Good one Shiuh, would workfor killies too except lids are needed for our jumpers. Neat idea with the little sponge filters too. Like Bill says, thanks for sharing your photos with us they are excellent Alan 104
  7. If it is a banned species, Show it Loose it Betcha There used to be a clause that said if the fish is on non-permitted list and was in NZ before a set date, late '98, it was deemed allowable. eg. whiteclouds Don't know even if this exists now. So I'd be very ffee about "specials' Alan 104
  8. Alan


    Good thinking JSS Alan 104
  9. Thought you may have had a pic of it there some where Caryl. Alan 104
  10. I'm one of the ones in the NZKA watching out for the killi side of the hobby. I've been informed that the pics have to be no more than ten years old and dated. How the hell you did that in those days without digi cams is beyond me. Maybe out with the ball-point pens. I too suffer from the paranoia of there being an ulterior motive behind the whole thing. Possibly by writing this I'll go further up the ladder. But other surveys requested by them, I refused to give any details. But this time they are using BIG scare tactics. I'd like to see what they are really up to, maybe after this weekend and the committee meeting we will all know a bit more. Alan 104
  11. Remember silicone does not stick to plastic There are systems, albeit expensive, that you can buy and fit into suckers and supports on the inside of the tank and of low voltage. These wires are covered by the layer of gravel on the bottom. I wont say where to get them from cause they don't support us. Alan 104
  12. Herefishie, that list of fish are actually what Polgara has in her aquariums. It is by no way what is allowed into NZ. But all that could change when the fit hits the shan Alan 104
  13. Yes I've done that and had a friend that did too. But look out if you take one out to breed with then want to put it back. Bye Bye Betta Alan 104
  14. Yep, I have one that holds ten with circulation flowing through all of them, then returning to a undergravel filter system, then returned to the barracks by an airlift. The whole thing works well, and I made it myself from an idea that I got from PFK mag years ago. I made it with 6mm glass that I'm glad I used as it at least can take most knocks. Alan 104
  15. Jan Payne and I use to make them and we would lightly staple them onto softboard, then cover with a vinyl. Worked fine. Looked very professional too. We also used a thermostat in line for contol of the heat. This looks similar to a heater-stat, but doesn't have the heater. It is in the tank. We use this system for heat control of our Killifish display stand. About 48 tanks. They are in three tiers and we only have six thermostatsfor the whole setup It, the stand, was used at the last National Show, that was held in Napier. So some of you may have seen the stand, but not realized the setup that we use. Alan 104
  16. You should have rinsed out your filter and it's medium using your tank water. That gets rid of the purtrification that starts when off for that long. If it is turned on without doing that, the tank COULD have a bad reaction. Another reason for having air operated filters. Just need to connect a car tyre to the system and the filter keeps working. Alan 104
  17. Looks like it's the Gramps of the group to be the welcoming committee. Good to see you here, and we are just over the Tazzie Feel free to drop into chat, we hardly ever talk fish, but are prepared to do so. We start about 9.00pm NZST Might see you there. Alan 104
  18. Alan

    The Dwarf Cichlids

    :lol: nope the eggs wont slide of They are what appears, fairly forcefully forced onto the stone. They make a real good job at cleaning the rock so as the eggs do stick well. Occasionally you'll see an egg fall off but this is usually due to laying on top of another egg. Alan 104
  19. Alan

    Fish Food

    Would appreciate that. Thanks. Be good to meet someone nearer my age. :lol: As for their life span, it is really only short because they, some, have adapted to their environment where the pools have a limited time. Others can and do last for some years. Alan 104
  20. Short answer YES But best to cut down on the amount you hatch at a time You don't have to feed them all at one time either. Just take some out and feed during the day. Make sure that you keep strong aeration on them tho while in the hatching or holding container. I just use a straight line for bubbling them. They are at their most nutritious at hatch time. Alan 104
  21. Alan

    Sunken Bellies

    Thanks for that Michelle, I'm sure a lot of fish-keepers including my self, will do a little copy and paste on that suggestion. To kill the fish, I just throw them hard onto the concrete floor of my fishroom. IMHO, the fish feel no pain and are dead as soon as fish and floor become one. It's not hard to do. But I would like to know why you haven't got a spare tank for a quarantine area. I believe that before you keep fish you should always have two tanks, and that's just for starters. Alan 104
  22. Alan

    Fish Food

    Last year we had close to 40 members nation wide We are a very close, keen group with some real gun-breeders and in the last two years have built up the stocks of existing killies and the few new imports that have been imported into NZ. The breeds seem to be getting more secure by the week. Always keen to meet other killi-keepers from overseas to share, experiances. Alan 104
  23. Alan

    Sunken Bellies

    I'd go for TB, and make sure that they are in Quarantine. Prepare for the worst. I suppose others will have their views, so I'm just giving you what I would think and do. Mind you, I wouldn't have got them skinny gutted in the first place. The old story that they haven't been feed yet, doesn't ring true, if that was what you were told. On the happy side tho, EJ has some fantastic, self bred, young ones ready for sale. Get hold of him and check them out. Alan 104
  24. Alan

    Fish Food

    Freakyfish said If you have a look again at my post I DIDN'T say it WAS fat-free. I said it was a terminology for meat that had had all VISIBLE signs of fat removed. Alan 104
  25. Alan

    Fish Food

    BK said: To whom are you referring when you say that?? I write a newsletter, and at times I'm sure it's long enough to be classified as a book. Alan 104
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