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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Aren't those sands in the islands just scrunched up lava. Idon't think that they have the iron content that the West coast beaches in NZ have. Just my understanding, I've been wrong before and I dare say I'll be wrong again. Alan 104
  2. Alan


    With those eggs, the only ones that you throw out should be if the culture has died on you (lack of air bubbling). If you are hatching correctly only floating egg cases are left for the lawn.. Sounds like you guys are becoming a bit attached. Don't say you weren't warned. Aqua, will you be home Sunday?? That is the only spare day that I have up there, at the moment. Thursday I hope to link up with Wok, haven't told him yet, but guess he'll read this. Alan 104
  3. Alan


    Where did you get the eggs from Werner?? Alan 104
  4. Alan

    Hello all

    Is that the SP from down the Waikato that had a goldfish outlet?? Welcome aboard anyway. Have fun. Chat in the evening about 9-ish most nights. Alan 104
  5. Alan

    Adolfo's cory

    Last I heard they were back into it again. Alan 104
  6. Alan

    Adolfo's cory

    Hopefully you belong to the Hamilton club. Ask Rob or Dave, how to get in touch with Craig and Sue from Waitoa. They are one of the most sucessful cory breeders I know. They have also bred that Zebra Ancistrus. Before anyone gets carried away, NO, they haven't any more of them left. Everyone has their price, soI'm told. If you do a search using the word "Sue and Craig" I think you will find them. Alan 104
  7. In NZ it is, a lot of times, a spare workshop(shed), stand alone from the house, often attached to a garge or part of a garage, converted for a bedroom. Good place to get rid of whinging teenagers. Remember to set up a security cam in there tho, to keep an eye on them. Also a smoke detector.. An electrical switch from the main board that can turn off their power is also a "must have" They can't hear you, eva, when you call or want them to do anything. Alan 104 ps. joking about the cam.
  8. I use bread, soaked with water, and squeezed out, so as the mix doesn't get too wet. I also tried the porridge, dry, wasn't too impressed, and back to bread now. Alan 104
  9. Catch him in a net and while still in it. Drip neat methylene blue over the affected area. Just one or two drops will be enuff. Don't get it in the gills, keep it in the net for about a minute (seems a long time) then release back into the tank. Warning. Beware of splashes, this is a very good dye and hard to remove. Don't get it on your own skin, may be a good idea to wear gloves while doing the operation. Alan 104
  10. How would pumice go in the making of the concrete That will have plenty of porasity (any such word,spp??) Alan 104
  11. Alan


    The joy of belonging to a postal club I find are the members that in a lot of cases you only know by email or the occasional phone call. Are the visits of distant members. Yesterday I was the host to our newest member Tim and his partner. I took them over to see EJ's setup, and they were suitably impressed. Had a long chat over a beer or two; poor ol' Tim was convinced that now he's a member of the NZKA he'd need a tin of BrineShrimp eggs, which he obtained. Mind you, they are about the cheapest around, and for the NZKA members only. Back to my place, a quick look at my setup, a lunch prepared by Rose was enjoyed then back to the business of staring into tanks and what ever happens in fish rooms. Buying of his first trios was apparently so exciting for Tim, he forgot those unpronouncible names and had to email me for them when he got safely home. Even wants to come back NEXT weekend with his brother. But I'm afraid Whakatane and Ohope are closed down that weekend. So if you are travelling, see if you can catch up with your club mates. By the way you Aucklanders, I'm heading your way next weekend. Make sure your dogs are tied up and your tanks are clean. I MAY be around to see YOU. Alan 104
  12. But you do have a breeding pair and eggs, so way-ta-go. The angels would have had to be moved if the babies could get through, Depending on your divider, I have seen cichlids SUCK babies through a small gap under a solid glass partition. What temperature were the parants at?? Good luck with your new additions in the future. Alan 104
  13. Try some boiled peas, skinned, and squashed. Alan 104
  14. Don't say the name of the shop. What area in Hammie was it in tho?? Alan 104
  15. Ummm Just checked some dates of your posts Fisherless. Your name is bang on. The way you have done things and poured those fish in, I'd say you are just about set for a melt down. But don't be discouraged. A lot have done the same thing. If the worst does happen, don't be in a hurry to load the tank, let it cycle first. If you do get away with it, it will be more by good luck than it will be good management. Sorry Alan 104
  16. If you don't it won't unless you have flying insects partial to the plants. Alan 104
  17. Put a drop of methylene blue directly onto the growth, while the fish is in a net. Then put it into a Q tank, dosed with medication as well. Alan 104
  18. If you make a ring of airline tubing or similar. Place around the stem of the flower spike to form a floating circle. Slowly pull the stem under water, you wil see the pollen come off the flower onto the water surface. Slowly bring the flower spike up thru the floating pollen. Wallah !! The flower is fertilized. Alan 104.
  19. Cichlids get blamed a lot. You know, tunnel under stones, KA-BOOM Ask Rob. He appears to having experience with getting carpet cleaners out before start time. Earthquakes are also kewl as Caryl said Even if it was VERY localised. Alan 104
  20. Alan

    In Wall Tank

    For plants in such a deep tank, you will need top of the line lighting, expensive and heat generating as well. You won't want any heaters in your fish room will be one gain tho. I saw a monster like that down in either Chch or Dunedin when attending an FNZAS conference there. They had underwater lights worked from a console on the rimu frame that surrounded the front face of the tank. Almost making it picture framed. It finished it off lovely. But disappointing part was the poor plants, lack of light, and the size of the fish in a tank that had been there for ages. We, the oglers, reacon that the water quality may not have been too easy to keep up to scratch, therefore, hard to keep the fish there. He maintained the tank by getting into it, and his wife pointing to where to put things. The house was actually built around the tank. Love it, this is where the tank is to go(big concrete foundation block), build the house from here. Alan 104
  21. Alan

    14 4 $211

    I'd like to know too Wok. If you re-read my opening gambit, you'll see it was the MARSHALL'S that got ALL the Str. between them
  22. Alan

    14 4 $211

    As stated, they are very FNZAS friendly folk. REMEMBER It is not a right, so be nice and ask, just in case they are having a bad day. Don't abuse the privilege.
  23. Alan

    What is my name

    Fair enough Alan 104
  24. I sometimes wonder at the age of the fish offered for sale when you compare their size. When ever I go killie hunting, I don't get the big ones. I look for the teenagers, all their life in front of them. Not the geriatic aquarium. Alan 104
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