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Everything posted by Alan

  1. No pic there Just an advert Alan 104
  2. Alan


    We have it growing wild in our streams and rivers here. In the floods it comes down in huge mats. Alan 104
  3. Alan

    Prehaps killies??

    My room is heated. Just have to make sure of your insulation. Once you have joined, I'll send you details on how to build a mini fishroom, heated only by an incandescent light bulb. Cheap to run. I'd suggest you go and mow a couple of lawns, as the BBS eggs are cheap to get in bulk, and IMHO necessary for the fry. Infusoria is too fine for these fry. But as an alternative, you could use micro-worm. But that does not beat BBS. Alan 104
  4. Those are real nice Shiuh, where did you get the strain from?? Alan 104
  5. Heard of Scrubb's Cloudy Ammonia?? Brown hexagonal bottle?? Just make sure that it hasn't got any added additives in it. You wont get "pure" ammonia, only a % ammonia, unless you know of someone that uses it commercially. Alan 104
  6. Snails produce infusoria (fry food) and keep down pollution from uneaten food. Alan 104
  7. They hatch very quickly, as the baby developes in the egg the egg darkens, but are held in the bubble nest by Dad blowing more bubbles. If any drop out, he, hopefully, will pick them up and spit them into the nest. If possible, drop the level to about 100mm, make sure the heater stays under water. Keep the lid on to conserve the humidity. Have lot of floating plants and java moss for microscopic food and shelter for the babies, don't forget to have snails too. The fry will take hard boiled egg yolk squeezed thru a hankie, but don't over feed this. No light is required. Alan 104
  8. Alan

    Suction caps

    When handling large tanks I us old safety straps from a car. Alan 104
  9. Alan

    Prehaps killies??

    With your email address and I'll send you a registration form for the NZKA. Alan 104
  10. Gravel is used for three choices any or all can be used for the whole three. One is decoration, it just takes away that sterile look and the fish seem a lot quieter with at least a thin layer of gravel, also used at various depths for landscaping. Deep enough for plants to root securely, for instance, Indian Fern will float if the roots don't have a deep enough bed. Another is to act as a filtration bed, it was the fad to have 75mm at the back to 50mm at the front, deitrius would move to the front for easy removal. For spawning fish over, the egg scatterers drop their eggs between the gravel, cuts down on pollution. Before Caryl says it, to catch uneaten food and to feed the planarians and to feed the Malaysian cone snails. Don't have it too deep without the filtration or plants as you will have no water movement and will will create an anaerobic condition and really pollute the tank. No doubt there are more reasons. But that's enufh phor now Alan 104
  11. Chuck in heaps of Java moss. Very finely ground up flake. Hard boiled egg yolk squeezed thru a hankie. All of these will be accepted. have snails for cleaning the surplus food, and be aware that the egg yolk, if fed too heavily will polute the tank. Do water changes often to keep the water nice and clean. Alan 104
  12. Put another baffle in the #1 tank so that you have a diagonal flow of water. At the moment as it is, it flows straight across to the skimmer. An extra baffle either end would do it. Alan 104
  13. The prem. hatching that I refered to is that of the fish. By the look of your reply, I don't think you realized that. Alan 104
  14. How much water changes are you giving the baby killies?? Do you have snails in with them to eat uneaten BBS?? I don't wash my BBS off, they say it is to remove the water that apparently is heavily polluted by the egg-shells breaking down. But then I add the shrimp to fresh water, then pipette that to the baby fish. Alan 104
  15. The difference is SM that they are allowable imports into NZ Wonder if they originated from NZ?? Alan 104
  16. Alan

    Help with ID?

    You can tell most tetras by them having a "andipose" fin. This is a small fin between the Dorsal(top) fin and the caudal(tail) fin. Alan 104
  17. Give it a go if the babies are about the same size. I know of someone that's not too far from here, that has done exactly that with a lot more valuable fish. If it goes pear-shaped Wont be long before the breed again. Alan 104
  18. MT is just that MT = Empty The eggs may have been hatched prematurely. Are you separating the egg shells from the BBS?? Alan 104
  19. Alan

    Selling Fish

    As a good guide Check on the price of the same fish in the LFS. All things being equal, you should be able to get just under half of what they are selling for. Any less they are ripping you off. More than 100% increase is price gouging. You've done the work, get paid for it. If they don't talk turkey, stand outside the shop and sell them at what price you should be getting. Alan 104
  20. southern purple-spotted gudgeon (Mogurnda adspersa) in Southeast Australia. Do a searchon that. That's a local G. What do they say about not being recognized in your own country?? Nice but. Alan 104
  21. From what I can see it translates as "Net for pecher the fishes of the" As the 'e' has a ^ above it, the translation doesn't quite come out with the word "pecher" But "poisson" is FISH Not DEATH is around the corner Alan 104
  22. The fighting clubs either side of the head. Easily encounted when netting them, and they get stuck in the net with them. Also if you catch an dult in your bare hand, you can feel how painful they can be. Alan 104
  23. Mad Fish, let me introduce you to killie fish. There are some lovely little bba munchers out there called Flag killis or Jordanella floridae. Do a search on it so you can recognize it in the LFS or show them a pic of it and see if they can get some in for you. The male is quite colourful, with the female sporting a large spot on the rear of her dorsal fin. They behave a little like cichlids at spawning time, but are a reasonably good community fish as well. Alan 104
  24. Bad information there. IMO It will grow in the dark that stuff I reacon. Keep up with your Siamese AE and sit back and enjoy watching them mow it down. Ask ya LFS how do daylight hours get shortened to 4 - 6 hrs. in nature. mmmmm?? The fish and plants need it, and of course, so do you!! Alan 104
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