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  1. they have been here for a while so not a new species per say ...or so i think
  2. great thanks for the help
  3. ok i have to try some of the notho's then , either the guntheri gold or the palmaqesti will do me just nicely. Now any idea where i can get them?
  4. are the notho species more diff to deal with?
  5. wow i did not know there was such a big selection now time to do some home work, i still find it very hard to find any info or find them at all in nz
  6. so what exactly do we have here in nz and is there any recommendations as to what i should keep or are my choices ok?
  7. i was myself thinking of getting either australes or gardneri would they mix well with the fish i have?
  8. as i am finding the higher the volume of water the more and more expensive things start becoming and the more andmore equipment you start needing, now this is not so bad if it is a one off cost but what are you guys running big tanks finding your big ongoing expenses are?
  9. btw how are these guys in a community tank? specially with neons and small angels swords ect?
  10. Basically i was planning on a mainly fish tank , i only wanted 1 small area with live rock and corals but mainly alot of free swimming space for fish
  11. wow please tell me these are not a must have item?
  12. Thanks Alan i am in auckland and am interested in the club. is it expensive and how does it work please email the details [email protected]
  13. i am thinking a 4 foot at the moment , but why is your power bill so high? that due to metal halides or some other power huger piece of equip?
  14. so bigger is better in this case then
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