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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Roy said Not quite correct there. Snails lay eggs. Well the ones I have do, and Ramshorn come in that catorgory. Alan 104
  2. From my experience I'd have green water ready for about 10 days after they spawn. Mind you they are scatterers so they could be all thru any plant thickets you have. Alan 104
  3. The officers to whom I was refering to, were not inclusive of the delegates voted in at Napier. The delegates for this year for the Time-out-Taranaki representing the NZKA are Jane and Alan. Alan 104
  4. Alan

    Normal Krib?

    KK, I don't think it is a slender Kribensis, Pelvicachromis taeniatus, check this link out, http://www.cichlidae.com/articles/a155.php But for sure, they are good pics, and a lovely fish. Alan 104
  5. Killies?????????????/ Alan 104
  6. Enjoyed your visit Vicki. Did you forget what the date was today?? Alan 104
  7. Hi Matt, IMHO I think you have been had. Go to http://www.theaquariumexchange.com/apis ... emale4.jpg There you'll see a female A. pan. Note the colouration in your ones tail. Sorry Alan 104
  8. mmwwwaaahhhh mmwwwaaahhhh mmwwwaaahhhh Caryl Alan 104
  9. Thankyou for a job well done Caryl. Ours arrived today. Question though, have you changed that info on the back page yet?? Alan 104
  10. Thanks for that Robbie Alan 104
  11. That's what I said Mystic :roll: Alan 104
  12. The reason I put this question was to see if any one had March 05 issue. In it is an article I'd love someone to copy and send to me. It is on danios, by one of the probably best danio breeder in England if not the world. Peter Cottle has been to NZ sevral times, and the first time I met him was at a Waikato Aquarium Society's meeting. He gave a talk on the pencil fish he had bred, I didn't know there were even that many p/f around. So you can see he isn't a slouch as far as a breeder goes. So when it comes in, please keep me in mind. It would be appreciated. Thanks Alan 104
  13. Does any one here subscribe to the PFK magazine?? Alan 104
  14. My post is definately NOT misleading I stick by what I say they are fish so they are related Alan 104
  15. You ARE correct Shae. Sorry Pegasus. They are fish Alan 104
  16. You missed something Shae. See those white spots, eleven of them or there abouts? Those are the cory eggs. The neons are in the background Alan 104
  17. Take them of with an EFPOS card and catch the eggs as they float down. Alan 104
  18. Alan

    Flushing fish

    To kill them quickly, slam them onto the concrete footpath. Dead straight away Alan 104
  19. Alan

    Flushing fish

    Don't quite agree with that at all. Ours can go down the pipe, ok, I don't think they will survive, but the only treatment the sewerage goes through is to get minced up, seived, then into ponds for settling out. I have seen eels in these ponds, they can pick up the pathogenes (spp) then off they go back to the river. mmmmmm Then we have a little town up river from here and they are always saying that we drink their sewerage, makes ya think if you are an Aucklander. YUK Alan 104
  20. Portobello Marine Labortory collect their own plankton; and the guy you need for finding out about the rotifers is Greg from Tauranga, the only sea-horse breeder in NZ, that breeds tropicals, the H kuda. He developed his rotifers from samples in the Tauranga harbour after sorting them out under a microscope, he is also very secretive about his breeding of the s/h's and any thing to do about the process. I don't blame him, as all his stock goes to Nth America, a very lucrative market and his method of earning his living. No, for the life of me I can't think of his surname, as soon as I send this it will come back to me. I hate it when that happens. Dennis knows who I am refering to so he may post about him. Alan 104 ps. Told ya I'd remember. Leveridge Greg Leveridge Alan 104
  21. Found this Pies. But then I think you may have seen it already. http://www.aquaticeco.com/index.cfm/fus ... 03/cid/280 Alan 104
  22. Not mad at all HFF. As the fish are hard on plants, the use of rocks and logs is the way to get the tank that "YES" look. The easy answer is to lookat a stone wall set-up and one with both. I'd choose the second. Try tying on some Java Fern as well as your anubias HFF. Alan 104
  23. Those are the dearest platy I've ever heard of, $8.50 each. You can almost get a trio for that. Hi-fin platy are only between 5 and 6 $$'s Ordinary platy are $3.50 each. Alan 104
  24. Nope, dat ain't de whitespot what does the wipin' out of da fishies. But if ya go to da top of da page and click on da search buttom, then type in da word,"whitespot". Ya'll fin' all da t'ings ya eva wanted ta know about whitespot, or maybe didna wanna know. Alan 104
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