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Everything posted by Alan

  1. *Edited* "Post Not Contributing Anything Useful " Ballistic Original Poster Alan 104
  2. The reason we use bare bottomed bases is that it is easier to clean. But often you will find all the species at time, forcing onto the bottom. When they do that on a bare bottom, the eggs are very easily predated upon, so a thin layer of gravel overcomes this, and the eggs can be left to hatch from the gravel or swirled and the eggs extracted that way. Alan 104
  3. The breeders link to their homepage is http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~zebra/ The idea of the * in pl*co is something I picked up on a forum in the states. It is believed that if the "E" is in place, some dire happenings may occur to the health of your pl*cos, doesn't matter what species, so why tempt fate and write plec opps nearly did it, pl*co. As for them still breeding the zebbies, no and they use to sell them for $90 to me and I'd sell them for $100. Doesn't that make ya weep now?? Email them about what they are breeding, and quietly ask them to update their web-site. Alan 104
  4. Alan

    Newbie in welly....

    Hi TEK, this is the Pres. of the NZKA here. Work off the bottom of my post, and PM me your email and I'll get back to you with a registration form. Looks like you have more killies than a few of the NZKA members. From what you have as far as the species go, I'm guessing that you have contact down there with some other killiphiles. If not, where did you get them from; if it was from a shop, what are the prices for them now?? Do you already belong to an affiliated club. Also the compulsory admittance that we have a chatroom at 9.00 almost everynight, your welcome to join in, and there is definately a lot of Wellingtonians in there, and more than two nuians. Waiting for your PM Alan 104
  5. I have to wait foer next season Tim. Alan 104
  6. Fishbait, Alan and Qidor have bred them that I know Alan 104
  7. And Fancy Fins it's lunchtime too Alan 104
  8. Sue and Craig from up in the Waikato are at last getting back into breeding corys again. They were very good at it before they stopped They are the only ones that I knew that bred the zebra pl*cos Alan 104
  9. Alan

    Sad Week

    It has been suggested that it was a fish introduced disease, don't you have quarantine facilities for new additons to your tank?? It would be IMVHO a cheap insurance considering the cost of the animals in the tank. Alan 104
  10. Yay Could call you selves the lowest fish club on earth. Go to it guys and gals. Alan 104
  11. Where are you located Raven?? Alan 104
  12. The link that I have given is actually the Tom Griffith Method. Both of which are pointed to in Caryl's post. BUT, those links are now broken. My one was a copy of them, taken before the others were closed. Alan 104
  13. Don't forget to tell Polgara 8) Alan 104
  14. I wasn't suggesting an overdose of oxygen. But the plastic could be toxic. Alan 104
  15. Put the bubbler in with the fish and watch for any strange behavior. Alan 104
  16. Try this link out It is a real good Fishless Cycling Method. http://groups.msn.com/AngieandAndrewsAq ... cycle.msnw Hope this helps Alan 104
  17. With that amount of rain Vicki, go for it. The air would have been stripped of any unwanted pollutants in the first 5 minutes of your 300 plus mm of rain. Alan 104
  18. The imported fish were only allowed to stay alive for a few years, and even then, they had to be under full quaratine. The profit, if any, was made from the fry that were bred. After their short stay in NZ, the imported fish had to be euthanised. I'm not sure if the goldies can be imported still, maybe Fishbait can settle that question. If they can, they would still be under the Q conditions tho. Alan 104
  19. Proper Veiltails are scarcer than hen's teeth to get. Since the breeders have stopped importing, the bred has rapidly deteriorated. Alan 104
  20. Alan


    Get it out NOW into a Q tank or euthanise. That means kill it. Alan 104
  21. Alan

    Sick Zebra ???

    Sounds like she has a mouthful. They won't eat when they do. Bestplace for her is where she is. G'luck Alan 104
  22. Killies would go "APE" on them. Get some 'Gold Wonders', prolly the easiest to get from your LFS, and colourful too. Alan 104
  23. Alan

    guppie needs help

    I agree with caryl. Take back the clowns, the RT shark and the four gouramis. Tell the lfs that you will buy them as soon as the tank settles down. Prolly in a month or so. Alan 104
  24. Questions HFF, How big do they have to be, to be breeders? What age?? Water conditions? Thanks Alan 104
  25. As I breed a few fish, I have a snail or two in the fry tanks for cleaning up uneaten food. Live food, when it dies, pollutes the water very quickly, the snails clean it up, and leave it in suitable sizes parcels for syphoning out. No to the black beard algae. Sorry. Alan 104
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