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Everything posted by Alan

  1. The new breeding co-ordinator took over in June He has not got the same puta, so I dare say there could be some glitches until he gets up and going. I suggest that you have a little patience and it will all come out in the wash. Maybe late But it will happen I'm sure. Alan 104
  2. Alan


    mmmmmmmmm Pickled Hydra Yummy PJ. Ya didn't put that site up ???????? Alan 104
  3. Alan


  4. Yep, the others, you should get in touch with the local fish and chippy to see if they'd take them. Those fish should never be allowed into NZ for the aquarium trade. Alan 104
  5. Alan

    Ghost Shrimp

    ROTFLMAO Alan 104
  6. Have a look here http://www.akvariet.dk/albums/album01/m ... urgkii.jpg Alan 104
  7. Tell ya what FN, put up that it has died and withdraw it from the auction. I would. IMHO in NZ that IS a rare find. Alan 104
  8. Sorry, Common name Black Barred Myleus, Disk Tetra - Myleus schomburgkii Myleus schomburgkii (Jardine 1841), the Disk Tetra. Northern South America. To five inches in length. Cond.s: pH 5-7, dH to 10, temp. 23-27 C. A beauty with brilliant red highlights as an adult in good condition. Alan 104
  9. Findingnemo, is that your fish with the vertical stripe and red fin?? If so that is as far as I know a very rare fish and worth the national Aquarium getting their hands on it It is a http://www.jjphoto.dk/fish_archive/warm ... urgkii.htm http://www.akvariet.dk/albums/album01/m ... urgkii.jpg
  10. Alan

    Ghost Shrimp

    Only if they are undersized. But then if they are for educational purposes, you can get a permit to keep them. That goes for any fish that has a size limit. A strange one is the whitebait. It can only be caught in a set seasonal time, but once it gets past that stage of their infancy, you can catch them anytime. It is frowned upon tho to go for the adults, as the fish themselves, can be a bit difficult to rear, and taking the breeders, means you are depleting an area of the reproduction potential of the area. I know of a small stream, just north of Matata, that was raped by a certain breeding facility in the Hawkes Bay. Using electronic fish stunners made it very easy to get them, and I heard that they did not survive. So now that stream is poorer for the acts of a firm, after a quick buck. If they had gone for the young ones, grown them on, they would have had a more successful survival rate. But then, due to the fact that the embryo return to the sea, I fear that their efforts were bound for failure, and sadly, the effect on the stream's fish will take years to recover. I also think that it was the results of a NZ fresh water native fish club having fished there, put in a report to DOC to which the public have access to, probable lead to that firm knowing of the huge potential of that stream. It was noted that it probably held more species than most waterways in NZ. That was from DOC, not me. Alan 104
  11. Alan

    Ghost Shrimp

    No, you can sell natives. Fish that is. Alan 104
  12. Were any of the six guppies that you got females?? Often when a heavily gravid female is moved she will abort or give birth to her brood. I'd go guppies too, as you found some in the bag with the six you had bought. Alan 104
  13. Make it yourself. Boil up some peat then squeeze it thru stocking, and you have the equivalent. Peat water. Add to get your tanks required pH. Alan 104
  14. I was quoted $800 per tank at the importers, plus MAF inspections, three of them, plus labour plus food. Not really the cheapest is it?? Alan 104
  15. Alan


    Put a heap of java moss in with them and / or green water. A week on that, try them with BBS, they should take it about then, and as Shae says, you'll know if their belly goes an orange colour. Keep snails in with them too, those big 'uns, ampularia would do here, they are infusorian machines. Alan 104
  16. You can test the flow rate easily. Just fill a 10-litre bucket using the filter and remember to time it. Use it the same way as when working in the tank. The info given with the pump is when there are no obstructions, there-by giving a higher reading that you'd ever get using it in the tank. If it takes a minute for instance, it will have a flow-rate of 60 x 10 = 600 litres / hr. Make sure your heater isn't exposed doing this test too. Alan 104
  17. Yes Shae Gravid = pregnant. Socked = soaked It won't be all around the tank if put in wet, tho socked soaked peat is a good idea, as then the peat won't be through the tank and can be removed when the pH is at the required level. Don't rush to check the eggs or newly hatched babies as they are are highly sensitive to light. Alan 104
  18. You'll have a prob with the paradise, with nipping with other fish. Nice fish all the same, and of course can be kept in a cold water tank, even in a pond outside thrughout the year, as long as your temp. doesn't get too low. You know, like Dunners at the moment. Alan 104
  19. OK sorry about the wrong name Good to see you got it out. I think I'd have gone for a pair of scissors to cut the dorsal fin spines to try and cut down the risk of injury Those are also known as Red devils aren't they? I had a pair of them, bred like rabbits but couldn't keep them with one another or other fish either. They use to breed with a shelf from a fridge dividing them Their name for obvious reasons were Mary and Joseph. Alan 104
  20. IMHO I would leave it there. Fish don't swallow head-first without a reason. You'd almost certainly damage the Severum pulling the fish out. I had a oscar do that with a firemouth, apparently they are munching away at it in the back of the throat. If it doesn't want it. He'll regurgitate it himself. Hopefully Your choice Alan 104
  21. Alan


    Give it a dose of (spp) eromycin, you won't have to worry about fish etc, or recycling. That is for blue/green if that is what you have Jude. When I use "e," I use a capsule per a two foot tank. Alan 104
  22. Now PJ if you had killies in that tank, you'd have no problems at all. Alan 104
  23. You finished with him already babe??? :oops: No Eric tho. Alan 104
  24. It only goes up as far as your themostat is set. No sweat. Alan 104
  25. Glad to see TJ made it back home safely Anne. Alan 194
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