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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Love to see your pic penejane. But from thatprice youpaid it is a common, run of the mill Ancistrus. Or else the shop has priced it wrongly. Of course IMHO only. Alan 104
  2. Definately don't glass-over on the outside I've seen this done before, and the tank still leaked. Through the crack. Sameas you don't put glue over the outside of a crack either. Make sure the perimeter of the patch has a full bead under it. Then when the patch is glued in place, go around the perimeter again and wet-finger finish the bead. Alan 104
  3. Alan

    Under tank heating

    Hi Tim, we in the NZKA have a tank stand that is completely heated under tank We have close to 30 tanks on this, with each section having one thermostat wired into the circuit and all the tanks have the same amount of water. We do not have a over heating problem as we use soft-board, aka pinex for the base, the wires are shallowly imbedded into this then covered with a vinyl to tidy it all up We have had no losses due to heating, or failure to heat. Some members here, will remember it at the National Show held at Napier, not only displaying the entered killies but also, other small fish. Guppies etc Saves having to have a heater in each tank. Alan 104
  4. http://apisto.bravepages.com/Ram%20article.htm If you go to this site Shelley, you'll find all you ever wanted to know about Rams Goodluck I'm hoping to get a pair this weekend too. Alan 104
  5. Penejane, from the killi side of things. A trio of Aphyiosemion australe sell for $72.00 that approx. makes the wholesale price to the shops $36.00 Or $12.00 each Some of our members sell them for $10.00 Others down to $5.00 to club members. So the short answer is "yes, you can make a $ or two" But we aren't rich, helps pay for more fish when we see something we want, or think we need. There are ppl who have fishrooms, still hobbiest, and breeding to sell to the wholesalers. But generally these guys are breeding BIG numbers. Alan 104
  6. Can register them as an Ancistrus spp. That would be ok I would think. Alan 104
  7. You and me Caryl. Where two or more are gathered in like mind, them an AGM can go ahead. Alan
  8. Mitch, I take it that you have two booked for the NZKA?? Alan 104
  9. Keep an eye on the bloodworms Paul, only feed what she is going to eat at one sitting, syphon out any excess, live mozzies are fine for nibbling on all day. Water changes sound ok, keep her jar covered to stop her from jumpimg out, or him in. Get one of those polystyrene cups, cut it long ways, and float against one side of their container, with the open end to the wall, curved so as to form a cave. If he is ready, he'll use this as a nest building area, keeps the nest tidy, warm, etc. Alan
  10. Well one thing to be thankful for Wok, is that the other cichlid has not been attacked by the same alien monster. In fact it looks like she may be getting palsy with a big male, in their tank. Alan 104
  11. Sorry to hear that Matt,bet ya wished you had put up with that blasted BBA. Don't add any more until the crisis is gone. I wonder if there was a ammonia spike with the BBA dieing off, or if the chemical "uncycled" the tank causing the same thing. Alan 104
  12. May have even died from Kiwi juice fumes. Notice I didn't say who or how? Mate? Did ya?? PS. just trying to get the point across about shipping the fish to Shelley. Alan 104
  13. Sh** no, ya don't break the ice. NO WAY JOSE It sends shock waves thru the water, worse than a tank being tapped. But what ya can go is to have an airstone in there, and confine the bubbles to a circular ring. This leaves a gap for the water to exchange gases, and the warmer water stops it from freezing. You could also, money being the problem, have a heater in doing the same thing. But with the cost of electricity not for me. I wouldn't worry about it tho myself. Gets a darn side colder in Europe, but the fish seem to survive ok. But DO NOT Feed over the coldest part of winter, feed again when you see them moving about. Another trick is to use fine bird-netting in the pond first, then if you want to check the fish, just lift the netting. I saw a goldfish importer doing this years ago. Anyway, who said we are going to have a winter? Alan 104
  14. Naughty Shelley. You are the customer You are paying for the fish You are going to be the one that opens them up when you gethome. What do you think you will do next time? Even if it is close to closing time. You are paying their wages. Alan 104
  15. Shelley, I take from your last post that you had a betta in with your neons?? If so, better do some educating in your to LFS. I made a mistake and had two chromides in the same bag. Opps, one dead on arrival. The other weekend, I had two cichlids delivered for me, both in the same container, opps, one DOA. Not good. It only costs the LFS another bag, a little time, and a bit of their water and if you are lucky some more stress-coat. You gain a lot bigger chance of getting your fish home alive. By the way, the neons. Could it have been the females that died, of so, it may have been because they were egg laden. Just a thought mind ya. Alan 104
  16. Alan

    Neon Tetra Disease?

    As far as I can recall the NTD was called that because it was first seen in the neon. It is possible for have other tetrs to be affected by the NTD. So don't let ya Cardinals out, not just yet anyway. Alan 104
  17. Alan

    Auckland Visit

    Those ones were probably bred locally and sold when the breeder stopped and packed it in. Alan 104
  18. Alan


    And that's what I say too Colin, also, a sure fire way of telling if you have a male, is if the eggs are fertile and you get babies you have a male. OK, they can be sexed by an expert, or one that knows what they are looking for, by what is termed "VENTING" That is to see if there is one or two vent to the animal. Boys two. Gurls one. Alan 104
  19. Use it as a breeding tank when not used as a Q tank. OR Just keep a fish or two in it until needed, then flick them back into the main tank. You must keep the Q tank and the main tank at the same parameters, saves any unnecessary stress on the Q'd fish. Alan 104
  20. The actual kill period for the WS is AFTER the cysts hatch and are in the water column and in contact with the medication. The heating up hurries up the process, and also you should continue the treatment till three days after the WS has appeared to have left the fish. The reason for more aeration is that the warmer the water, the less oxygen content. How did you get the WS? Did you bring it in with your new aquisitions?? mmmmmmmmm?? Alan 104
  21. OK Shelly, go to the top of the page where you are reading this, and you will see where it says (login), next to that to the left is you have (no new messages), Or (you have 1 new message.) Click on that and hopefully you'll see my PM to you. PM = Private Message Alan 104
  22. Welcome aboard Shelly (gotta say this b4 Shae does) Step into the water, it's wet but warm. I suppose you know by now that we have chats almost everynight, starting about 9.00pm till when eva. Checkyour PM.. Alan 104
  23. What are earthquakes?? Alan 104
  24. Try these links. They are fantastic, all you ever want or need to know. http://article.dphnet.com/cat-01/artificially.shtml http://article.dphnet.com/cat-01/artificially-2.shtml http://article.dphnet.com/cat-01/artificiallypro1.shtml Alan 104
  25. To feed the babies you will apparently need a fairly deep sided bowl and make a paste of eggyolk that has been hard boiled and make a rim of this for the babies to nibble on. As this goes off fairly rapidly, the babies will have to be removed to freshwater, and then you feed them in two hours, and so it goes on. The water for the bowl feeder and what the fish go back to will of course be all from the same water source. Temp up around 26oC This is just from memory, and I think I read it in a Jack Wattley book. You may find more along these lines on Google search. Alan 104
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