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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Alan


    It has been off for months. Maybe the floods last year got him. Alan 104
  2. Alan


    The page cannot be displayed That's all I get with that link Warren. Alan 104
  3. What is the temperature Vicki?? Alan 104
  4. I have named all my neon tetras. Neon One Neon Two Neon Three Neon Four Nean Five Neon Six Neon Seven Neon Eight Neon Ten I was going to get a school of twenty. Aren't ya lucky I didn't. Alan
  5. Alan


    I use a washing machine bowl. Alan 104
  6. I find a tank that is real good, and actually have the most of is:- 300mm x 200mm x 200mm. Perfect for breeding killies. Alan 104
  7. Alan


    No sweat with the mites. Treat them as a bonus of live food. If you do get over-run with them though, submerge the culture and most of the mites will float off. Drain the culture and carry on. The WW's should be in a container that won't "pond" water, and should have drain holes in it. mist it each week or when ever neccessary to keeep the moisture content correct. If it gets too wet, the worms will tell you. They will start climbing out of the mixture and up the walls, finally dieing out and becoming putrid. Alan 104
  8. I'll go with Misnoma 432 Lts. Alan 104
  9. Use wet towels and make sure the air-pumps are off. Alan 104
  10. It may be an idea for you guys to get in touch with EJ concerning the adaptor. He is a 'gun' engineer. He could at least give you a price to work off. The first one always costs the most.( I think) Alan 104
  11. Alan

    new account

    Ant, ask Cees if he can re-instate your info, I would think he has the ability to do this. You have lost all your posts. I was in the same position as you are now, yesterday. But thankfully it was sorted. Alan 104
  12. My thoughts exactly. Could be a learning curve coming in here. Alan 104
  13. Remember me if you are successful with them paul please goodluck Alan 104
  14. Ant, I pick mine daily, cuts down on predation, therefore more eggs, therefore, more babies therefore - - - I could go on and on and on and - - - Alan 104
  15. Next time you get a B/N get a bit bigger, they seem prone to water change when little. Alan 104
  16. It's a lovely smelling small shrub, although I think it is a bit frost tnder tho. Definately doesn't like wet feet. Oh ! Daphnia. Silly me, I thought you said daphne OK go to your nearest farm ask permission and go have a look in the troughs, water patches that have water in them for a month or more. Out-side excitement. Small things excite small minds, although you will see what I mean when you find a seething water mass. Alan 104
  17. Feed more often. But cut down on the amounts that you feed. In other words. " LITTLE and OFTEN " Also put in some snails to take care of your bad house-keeping. Alan 104
  18. Of course, What else could it be?? Alan 104
  19. Plant lotsa plants and load ya tank with daphnia I do hope you are talking about a freshwater tank. If not, please ignore the above. Alan 104
  20. Alan

    Glowlight Tetra

    All she needs now is a boy and right conditions and you'll have your own BIG school of Glolights Alan 104
  21. Well, all over for another year, and another happy successful NZKA AGM is finished. Thanks for those attending and organising and helping behind the scenes. Exciting things are lining up for this group in my opinion, from what was discussed. There were no changes to the officers, so that can be read in two ways, there was no one else to take the places, or that the consensus was that they were doing a good job. I hope it was the latter. :lol: We had an excellent one of our famous auctions of fish donated by members at the meeting, and we ended up with no costs for the meeting and a nice little bonus to the NZKA coffers. Several gifts, sales, and swaps of fish eggs and plants, were done amongst those present as well. Also fish were dispatched around the countryside by the returning killiphiles to their various areas. Alan 104
  22. Peter Mc was breeding these. Don't know what he is up to at the moment tho. Maybe Peter could email me Alan 104
  23. So what fish have you in the tank now Blitz?? Alan 104
  24. They are ok, but to have the least hassle you put it in at the beginning of setting up the aquarium. I personally prefer the cables that go in the base-board beneath the tank. Alan 104
  25. Alan


    How did you score them reef I know the breeder/exporter of kuda Alan 104
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