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Everything posted by Alan

  1. They look like the pupae of the what I call the Mason Bee, about 15mm long and wings carried down the body. It is a fairly flat insect at barely 5mm through The pupae shell is hard to the touch, and really the only fish that will eat it IMHO are cichlids that take it down in one gulp without tasting it. I squash them when I find them. Alan 104
  2. This topic was moved from the Killie Section Alan 104
  3. Pinkies ?????? Welcome aboard, hope you have on ya gummies so you don't wet ya pinkies. Chat Normally about 9.00pm onwards. Sometimes we even talk fish. Who's the hubbie?? Alan 104
  4. I would then say that the water you had left there was a concentration of the contaminants in the pond and that is what killed the fish and NOT the cold. Goldfish can live under ice. Alan 104
  5. I think it will have something to do with what you call a water-change. Did you put some more water in, or did you just drain out a heap waiting to fill it later?? Alan 104
  6. Lovely fish. Lovely pics. Thanks for sharing. Might just use one of thos for my desktop. Alan 104
  7. What about when you join the NZKA Vicki? You'll want somewhere for your first killies. Alan 104
  8. Try peter Baker Couriers for the shipping of them. Ask down at your local LFS if you can get a qik lesson on how their supplies arrive. Alan 104
  9. Alan


    If you are referring to me Joze, I had already seen that one, and there is a better one there too of a single male. I wished to know IF that was what he was after, before I gave out the information of where it was I saw them for sale. I am very much aware of the lack of google before pushing the submit button Alan 104
  10. Alan


    Wish James would reply to his own thread. I know something he doesn't know Alan 103
  11. Alan


    Is this fish you are after this one?? Aulonocara Nyassa maylandi Alan 104
  12. eon your email isn't working Alan 104
  13. you have no evaporation when the room is heated. All he has to do is contain the heat for MAX efficiency. Alan 104
  14. Keep ya eyes on the pot Wok. They'll spawn there I would think. Gluck Alan 104
  15. Phillz, looks like a Top-sword wannabe Alan 104
  16. What size is the tank Phillz? I tell ya what, they'll look a darn sight more uncomfortable on the lounge floor. That's not even bringing you into the equation either. Be patient. Although the smaller the tank the better I like to give the 4'ers a week. Alan 104
  17. and that was a joke about TradeMe Alan 104
  18. Keeping goldfish in tropical conditions speed up their metabolism, thereby making them grow quicker and die earlier. You can see this in the forestry with the radiata pine, slow growing in your part of the woods Caper, (woops, sorry about that unintended pun), but in NZ are huge in 25 years. Of course we harvest them before that tho. By the way, MTS does not hurt you, but it does sting in the wallet tho. Alan 104
  19. Get yourself another tank and set it up as your first tank. Use the goldfish in there to cycle it(the new tank) and when you buy new fish, put them into that tank to quarantine them for a minimum of one week, failure to do this will, I'm certain, result in you writing in again to say that your tank has gone down with a dreaded lurgy. Now get another tank, shove ya plastic fantastics into there with the goldfish and get some proper plants for the tropicals. You won't regret it. By the way, the goldfish's mouth is big enough to swallow one or more of your tanks inhabitants, it will. Now you go to the doctor and explain to him/her that you have developed a bad case of MTS. Bet he doesn't know how to cure it. Most of us here haven't found a cure either. Goodluck with your new hobby Alan 104
  20. Thanks for that Kim. As the President and Editor, I'd like to thank you for that offer, and they would be very much appreciated. Are you coming down to the conference, if so could I pick them up there from you. If not, how big is it and could it be couriered? If that would be prefered let us (me) know and we'll pay the couriers cost. Once again thanks for that Kim. Alan 104
  21. Chris, try TradeMe for the GPS. This is a fish site. :roll: Alan 104
  22. Try these Steve Glowlights Silver tips Emperor tets Kerri or blue emperors Serpae tets, When you have done these ones Steve, give us a yell and we'll sort some more out for you. Alan 104
  23. Won't Eric build that for you?? Wet Pets? Alan 104
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