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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Duke

    Fish Cleaning

    Labour will introduce a law against that!! And add a tax! I will have less money to buy fishes. :evil: Long live helen! 8)
  2. Ask him to hope in the net!
  3. The supper gluie Eric was using was Locktite brand.
  4. Duke

    Overflow design

    Well Bubbles you have opened a can of worms here. Yes I like my central over flow because it does open the tank right up. To see the over flows you have too get low and look up. They are not in the usual line of sight. You have to look for them. If I was to do it again I would look at an external overflow box in the end corner if it was not a viewing end, other wise I would do what I have done. Mine is very noisy. Too much air you have to get rid of the air. 1) Same over flows - one as a safety for a full siphon system. 2) The second over flow would be full siphon with a tap on the outside, large tap and a pain to ase to tune(Cracker I took note, but had to do it my way, you know what I mean). 3) Other overflow hole could be small- full siphon tap if you don't want a safety, easier to tune. A Cracker but external! - Also thanks Chris
  5. Duke


    Some new tools.. yes I could be interested. Tried feeding Joes Juice to baby as it looks like milk... Mum was not keen. I guess I'm in for the long haul $$$$.
  6. Duke

    tangs together

    Love the purple tang. I think I need one of those. Great picture.
  7. Duke

    log book

    I use MS excel as well...nothing to lose. Just have to remember to add the data. Like the graph idea though, will give me some thing to do.
  8. Duke

    Cool Video

    The super glue Eric is using is Locklite and you can get it from blackwoods (Pykels) and you keep it in the fridge.
  9. Reef very nice any going cheap? The road to sucsess is very long, I feel I have come a long way from the Oscar days but only just starting with marines after 2 years. Dam I like thing to happen today!
  10. Duke

    Nice big tank.

    I like cookies comments... fruit stand!! Shame I can't afford to buy a tank setup like that (bit by bit) and have to do it the hard way with a tile saw or get a forth morgage. All the same wow... but money rooks !!
  11. Well I spent some more $$$ at Med Chem today. Hope the wife does not see. Ca, MG and epson salts. Used the wifes eletric hand mixer in a bucket and it worked great even on the baked baking soda. Added 25% of the recommindation from the reef calculator and will test in a day or so. Should last a while 75kg of additives
  12. I'm looking at using my CA reactor to keep thing ticking along and using the randys 123 to top up when needed. thoughts?
  13. A few bits of un cured rock along with all my old rock which is mostly in the sump. Corals and fish. I am feeding quite heavy as I want my powder blue to gain weight. But no more than normal and same amount everyday. I have lost a couple of fish in the move which won't help.
  14. Ca 320 KH 6 Phosphate 0.25 Mg 1080 Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0.1 Ammonia 0 Ph 8.1 I have some green alge growing in the tank especially on the new rock and glass. Not a lot. A build up on the sand which is expected as it is the nice white stuff. 2x weeks and no water change at this time and are hoping to get the Ca reactor running this weekend with mg chips also. Where should I start?
  15. Duke

    zeovit poll

    I have been using it on my old tank and will start my new tank with it soon.
  16. Duke

    fish loss

    I have purchased 12 and lost 7 lost four chromis, I can't work out what is happening to them but I think my coral bandit is eating them as they are small. lost 2 x banggai cardinal as they would not eat. lost a long skinny fish (not sure of its name) but he hid in the rock when moving tank and could not find him
  17. Duke

    Feeding Corals

    What is Pohls CV and where is it purchased? Look it up on the net and nothing?
  18. Duke


    Fay I'm looking at this also... let me know what you buy.
  19. Duke

    Cool Video

    Just finished watching the video... eyeing up my corals now. Which one first. I think it will be cutting some mushrooms in half.
  20. Duke

    Feeding Corals

    my brain hurts
  21. Duke


    cool.. I must come for a look at your tank.. A great example of a tank without the wizard gear.. I aim for a tank this cool. Pictures... been a while!
  22. Feelers... like it Friends put in DVS and had it romove under their garentee, did not work for his house. High roof inside etc and in the country?
  23. I have 2 x boys 3months and 2yrs. Tank can be a major pain... espically when going on holiday. I am the same at times I do just what is needed and then someone is coming around and bingo I jump to attension and clean the tank so it looks perfect. Ha wooo wow cool tank are the comments and it's all worth while. Setting up a BIG tank is lots fun but then more of the same BUT more glass too clean!! and the new tank look small like the 45inch TV Damm I love these fish
  24. Duke

    What a day!!

    I got a phone call at work 8:30 power is off and the tank is draining and the temperature is 20.4Deg. Oh hum don't panic...! @hit you moght have to start the gen. Tank back sphined until the bottom of the Rev's. Have not fitted a non-return valve as it was on order and I picked it up today. small flood under house. Sump holds all but 20L, so for that I can risk a non-retuen valve. Brought insulation for the sump as I could not get the tank above 23deg and it would drop to 21deg in the morning. 2 x 300watt heaters on full time. Add polystrine and 2hrs it was at 24.5deg... 20.4 too 24.5 in 2hr. I guess I might see some white spot. non return valve fitted
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