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Everything posted by henward

  1. do we get discounts here? what type of discount?
  2. tank arrived, cracked, and damaged all at the top the auctioner didnt disclose that then the tank was 8 foot, no bracing top or bottom at all! i returned it! so buying a new one lol still 8 foot:D but annoying olitle mishap'
  3. thought bout it, dont wanna spend too much money. skimmer alone is 300+ then live rock. if its FW, i already have everything i need. unless i can get away wiht out a skimmer but i am told repeatedly that i must have a skimmer. i already have a reef tank, small one , my brother gave it to me wiht a few corals and mushrooms and some fish, getting used to that, and then ill upgrade:D this one will be only a freshswater tank. unless someone can give me a skimmer for cheap. i have a spare skimmer, but its the cheapest possible skimmer you can get, my brother said even for his 2.5 foot tank, its not good enough. so no chance on a huge tank i suppose with huge marine fish
  4. ok, but first ill have to buy a pink tail c, so ill wait for you to let me know if you sellin:D
  5. though a little premature... 8 foot tank is going up in a few months, need to know what to put in there, have some ideas. but need feedback from people. maybe some better ideas or some have fish to sell that i would like! so far my idea: 1 black pleco 2 spotted metynis 3 silver dollars 1 silver aro 1 flagtail prochilodus 1 giant gourami 2 oscar - one white or one black 1 borneo tiger 2 apollo shark 1 pink tail calcheus (if able to find one) 15 fish in total too many? im thinking maybe a couple more looking for aggressive fish that can live with these. cichlids maybe. dunno, geophagus? another silver aro? clown knife fish? id like clown loaches but will cloan loaches be able to feed with such hungry fish? if o then ill probably go for clown loaches and fatten them up. maybe a catfish, large one? like i said, a little premature but hey, just excited:D
  6. lol sad news i saws my silver dollars and thought, they not very active, strange. so i left a camera filming and when i left, the jar starts chasing the silver dollars , just once in 30 mins, but thats probably why they dont like to swim around. though the tinfoils and flagtail and s metynis isnt harassed at all anymore, i had to move my silver dollars:( lucky i had a spare tank but oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained. i dont think its jsut the jar, it hink its the size of tank mates, if they are relatively small and fast, he doesnt see them as a threat and too fast to be food. but if its bigger like a g gourami at one stage, i think the jar sees it as competition for food etc. so lesson learnt, when flagtail and tinfoils get bigger. must relocate. in conclusion, jars can have tank mates perhaps only when circumstances are right, but circumstances change as fish get bigger and seem more of a threat of space and food as i have seen. shame though, it looked cool having silver dollars with jardinii.
  7. l lol thats probalby why alot of species are banned cos of dumbnuts like that unfortunately, most pet shops give bad advice about fish except the big fish shops
  8. lol sounds like a sound theory though ill see, right now im having trouble finding a place to store this tank untill i can use it lol
  9. how does the water keep going down the tubes? does it work in a normal syphon action? or will it start as the water enters the inlet? return pump returns water to the tank and keepspushing water down into the inlet... but do you have to start a syphon action? meaning if there is a power cut, and syphon action stops, you have to re start manually?
  10. how and who and how easy is it to put an overflow on an already existing tank? ne that i just bought, i want an over flow. order or middle dont matter to me
  11. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 426644.htm cool here it is
  12. over flows that you hang on the side any one can give me info? are hey any good there is one on trad me, no link cos i dont wanna get told off:D but so hff sells hang on over flow
  13. how heavy is a tank like that? how many people would it take to carry it and move it around ? im excited, although i cant use it im excited to actually be able to use it lol
  14. aka long fin apollo sharks look it up looks really cool they have the massive gaping mouth like aros grows to a foot in captivity only $13 lol i bought one, looks so cool or a giant gourami too would be cool. i just re measured now long 8 foot is. crap! its big i bid for it with out much though:S but its funny none the less
  15. maybe not pacus your right had one that reached over 60 cms had to do a three point turn:P
  16. well, its long enough to to have silver aros. they only turn when they get to the end, if it takes ages to reach the end - then theres no problem:D but i was thinking of putting silverdollars, getting more spotted metynnis, appolo sharks, cos they are awesome, i never had one, and they are so cool! i reckon i can train them to eat meat and maybe oscars - just big fsh, that when you put pellets and food, there would be a massive frenzy of craziness. when you get big long silver aros, i used to have one that was 2 foot, it didnt need much more than a foot, probably less t actually turn, their bodies are like snakes. with jar and formosus species - their body does not bend easily, i think they actually needmore turning space. well, ill see, its awhile before i put it to use. i jsut thought itwas a bargain. but im liking the idea of lots of silver dollars, clownloaches, oscars, apolo and silver sharks. maybe a 2 or 3 silver aros:D see how they go
  17. a sump is in effect a giant external filter but better you can put more stuff in there to help filtration, heaps of filter wool with out risk of clogging and reducing flow. sump is way better, if you want to go the whole way, you fill up the sump with bio media etc. you can have the same multistage filtering as you would in a canister as you would a sump, just that a sump has a massive return pump, well it would be good to have one, and that is your filtration. in the past i have found that even small particles can be caught in the filterwool of a sump currently i have a 6ft, it used to only have the sump nothing else, and in the sump was 3 internal filters. this kept my water perfect and extremely clear. so clear birds were trying to fly through:D
  18. maybe it wants to give them a kiss or a hongi........ ok well, my one does that too, im not sure, when competing for food, it does it, when there is no food, it does it also but other fish doesnt seem to car, it nudges them, and they ignore it, and the eel goes away and eats and minds its own business. when the jar nudges, everyone takes notice
  19. oh ok cool well, i didnt know that but good to know:D
  20. very cheap i actualy got my 6 footer right now FREE! lol the guy kept snapper in there and didnt want it anymore so said ill destroy it unless someone takes it... so i took it:D well if this one isnt leaking , broken etc, then there is nothing wrong with it i guess yeah, it is abit green, but im sure they will not ship it with water:D ill put the gold fish in my pond. ill give it a good clean, stash it away for future use
  21. I just got myself an 8 footer! from trademe. $161 lol 8 foot! he said it comes with a stand but wood, ill see if its a good one, if its not ill et a steel on made. he said there are no leaks at all and can be filled up no problems so 161 is a good bargain i think lol but no room for it so will hvae to sit somewhere untill i find room:D thinking now what i will put in there! dunno what yet. but mostlikely a few silver aros eventually, with silver the silver dollars, metynis and maybe pacus - oscars perhaps.
  22. i will soon ill wait for the silver d and the s metynis to settle in and swim around more right now they are still hiding behind the plants and not swimming much as the others in the first few days ill get a video soon:D
  23. intersting the flagtail seems to try to school with any fish in the tank ... except the jar. t follows the tinfoils and or the silver dollars s;eemingly schooling iwth them, feeing with them. does anyone have any flagtails?
  24. i think there is one in HFF too mt roskill
  25. unfortunately we cant have piranhas so closest are the 4 i mentioned it would be cool though i really like them and how ti swim around so fast and stuff
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