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Everything posted by henward

  1. 3 jesters and a king (the silver aro) :0 hey, HFF has a african black knife left wonderworld in rotorua where i got the royal from has 4 more royals! the will ship anywhere for 12.50! clown knifes are relatively regular , only 28!' a.prophecy is selling one for 25$ go to the odd clearout sale on the T&E section
  2. royal clown, normal clown the one that doesnt have a crown (its a poem) and a african black knife fish just got them today arriving tuesday
  3. fair enough in theory its a good idea i will have to obviously re asses the dirtiness of them. seems like a good idea though
  4. im gonna use scornia as a substrate for my 8footer i figure, scoria is semi pourous, lost of surface area, acts like a bio media ball things. so havng the entire substrate with it will look nice - a volcanic feel to it, desert like. more martian:D and have a double effect as a massive filtration system.
  5. i love silver dollars! something about them i find interesting. you are the one that bought the red at HFF albany? i think it would be much happier in your tank than at hff right now, they put it in a small tank! looks good though
  6. to my knowledge there has not been delhezi come into nz, or not in recently. so you are lucky. ornate, is the common, senegalus also. and the albino senegalus. HFF in albany has 3 ornates! small too! you should get them. please post a pick of the delhezi:D
  7. the nozzles by the outlet pipe is to direct water and disperse the force. the heater in the middle of the two filter pipes, i think thats a jager .. but cant be sure. though knowing someone who would buy an asian aro..... no expense will be spared on something like a heater. a fish costing 2000 upwards deserves a filter and a heater that is equally as reliable as it is prestigious such as a fluval or eheim.
  8. yes, thats right, asian aros, tend to grow thicker in girth as opposed to length, silvers the other way around. silver aros are more flexible though but longer. in 3 to 4 years, your asian aro will or might be just 50 cms long. but will eat heaps of prawns. they are heavier fish too.
  9. beauty! i love big tanks makes me imagine owning a mermaid in there:D ok im sick. sorry didnt take my pills anyways, you gonna put background? would look cool or plain black or something or blue or osmething like that asian arowana ay? wow i want one, next year maybe, when i actually own a house so i dont have the risk of moving too much
  10. yeah, i epected a big slpash too it was dead already so it didnt really chase it but i have personally seen one chase and eat a mouse before it definaltey makes a mess then the next day, it shits out the hair of the mouse, and the whole top of the water is covered in fur
  11. heres a link to get an idea how big they are
  12. in the last 10 years i have had 4.ll never grew longer than 18 to 20 inches. small tank, 4 foot, thought i could do it, but i couldnt, shame. i think it jumped. killed it self, had wounds on its head but now i got bigger tanks, it will be ok, i should have left a space ages ago for it to jump, jumping room so to speak i have seen one in a tank in philippines just under a metre long. it was huge! ate massive gold fish and rats! even small birds! crazy stuff. messy though. apparently they vommit ou the feathers and at times half digested birds. anyways. my local fish store has one about 70 cms i think. they look impressive, powerfull fish. they grow more long than thick
  13. you can have one for a year or so, then onsell it, but thats no good, cos you want them huge! my target is to get this aro to 80 cms or more:D
  14. you should get one requires large tank, but i now have two ars in my collection. i said to myself, i if i can double my income nexzt year, as a reward ill buy a red or gold aro:D and of course a brand new tank, a nice one they are rewarding silver aros, but their appetits grow infinately. it doesnt seem t taper like some animals. my jardinii eats more than ever! it seems always hungry lol so of course i feed it till it stops.
  15. With two silver dollars and freaky tailess beauty:D man! silver aros never seize to amaze me. they grow so fast, i shit you not! i got it only less than 10 days ago, grew literelly 2 to 3 cms! and i feed it shrimp, only shrimp. It attcks and swallows pieces almost more than 50% the size of its head! never seizes to amaze me. I believe that the silver aro can fit larger things into its mouth then the sclerapages line. sounds like my first silver aro, but its been ages since i have had one, always had bad luck with them, tank too small i think. here are the pics:D cant wait for it to grow big enough to eat midgets:P
  16. should be fine! put heaps of neons and killis in there! make sure you soak them in vitamins and over feed them so its like a living buffet:D all good the arowana wont mind:D nice aro i just got one my self fiesty bugger! it ate with in 5 mins of re settling, and doesnt just eat the food, it attacks it from far away will be a cool animals eater:D
  17. Growth hard to find big ones just wondering, fromt he size you buy them from the pet shop, usually 2 inches how long before it gros to 5 to 6 inches? lts say i feed it prawns and meat all the time , high protein stuff
  18. has a slender body, apparently male nd female, one has a thicker girth and one is thinner. perhaps thats the opposite sex of my one, and i can breed them:D perhaps....................
  19. loaches are tiny, 1.5 inch at most. probably less im trying to grow the up for my 8 footer. i want them 3 to 5 inches in 6 months, my first two gre that big in 3 to 4 month so i thin i can do it, i want a whole school of them:D sorry no pic yet, will get some, i am not a good photographer, photos turn out poos 8 footer arrived today from warren after dramas, its huge! oh man, looks bigger in real life than in the picture:D lol
  20. got my silver aro today, prob just 10 cms! or less, so small! literally, 5 mins nto the tank, it ate a piece of shrimp which will be its staple diet. strange cos usualy fish dont eat straight away. ate before i put it in a bag from HFF too! this one is a fighter, there is currently three HFF, this one i picked cos its really aggressive:D but hope it wont grow TOO fast then getting a clown knife fish to raise bigger too to put in my 8 footer in 6 months!
  21. true, that is a valid statement, but the end of the day, i guess its what makes us the top of the food chain. if cockroaches were our size, we would be screwed!
  22. thats true some animals entirely communicated through smell and chemical scensing. but, one thing humans have that most animls though, is logical methodical analysis. most animals except primates dont have the advance logic we have. Humans are the only animal that can prety much almost adapt to ANY environment, and survive. i guess thats a plus
  23. henward


    fair enough, i too a year back went through 'cutting back' but i realised i cant:D so re purchsed rarities and specimens. i went through major withdrawals, to feed my addiction i was visiting the pet store very very regularly well, hpe the tank makes it to auckland ok too, lookng forward to seeing it tommorow. your new tank sounds fancy and well.... very over engineered, which is good lol
  24. yeah, mine does that especially when hungry i dont know isometimes think they associate people around the tank with food, so they get hyper. when i come around the tank, it starts to do exactly what you are saying, so i feed it. well ii usually feed it when i come aorund the tank anyways.
  25. so how does it that scientists claim that sharks smell blood miles away. thats rubbish cos correct me if imi wrong - but if the blod particles andsmell is nclosd in the water, and hence takes the same speed as the water to diffuse, how can they smell it miles away, they can only smell it when the blood is right on their face when the water takes it to there example, having a piece of chicken 100 metres away, and having it right by your nose. strange, some scientists probbly make claims jsut for the hell of it
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