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Everything posted by henward

  1. Tank 1: 8 foot x 80 cms deep front to back x 65 cms high. 1x Silver Aro 3x dats (1x 14" wide bar, 1x 13" indo, 1x 10 inch indo) 1x run of the mill pleco 2x giant gourami 1x Royal clown knife 1x lown knife 1x Black african kninfe 2x cigar sharks 1x pink tail chalceus Tank 2: 4 foot x 1.5' x 1.5' 1x flagtail prochilodus 1x red parrot 1x polypterus ornate 2x polypterus senegalus (one albino, one normal) 2x or 3x small dats - babies feed back please
  2. i had that coming i guess:P yeah well the other is happily now accepting the prawns f*ck!@!!!#@#$ the wide bar just isnt at all eating anything but the live gold fish 5 days ago. it put the shrimp in its mouth and spat it out.... just a matter of time,i have faith it wont let itself starve and die cos it dosent wanna eat shrimps just annoying!
  3. damn dats im starving thema lil they been slightly harassing the other tank mates EXCEPT the knife fish lol dont know why probably cos the knife fish looks weird. the flagtails tail, just the top bit was ripped off! im so annoyed though its not too stressed and is eating i moved it i suspect its the wide bar, i have not seen the thing eat prawns as of yet. so its a little starved.
  4. when i get my 8 foot goin im gonna set up a small dat and polypterus tank
  5. feed it prawns and beef heart chunky ones that no one else can swallow only they can i guaratnee you you will se 1 to 2 cms per month! for the first year
  6. puffers dont ship well hence they dont like to bring it in cos deaths can be common or problems after arrival but they do come up once in a while
  7. henward

    Oscar food

    pellets oscars my friend has eats anyt ype of pellets, you get high protein cichlid pelets or even pond pellets oscars dotn seem to be a picky fish.
  8. i was gonna buy that one but didnt so i want a pic to see how it looks:D
  9. i want them all all!! if i was there, i would buy them all
  10. well, the big ones are novelty they are eating bloody shrimp now the wide bar ist still picky as hell but he is gonna start eating soon he started going for food nd colouration is coming out so two or three days he will start eating i just moved my american tiger away from the community tank to the old tank it was in you would not believ eit with in 5 minutes of going in, it become smore active and eats!!! what the f*ck! it must not like so many fish in the tank! its really strange its never fun catching a dat in plantedand wooded tank! i will never do that again if you get sick of your dat ill consider buying most ofthem and putting them in a dat tank i wanna make a dedicated small dat tank:D jsut dats:D ok maybe anyways
  11. ill see how i go then perhaps it doesnt like the tank? it used to eat the shrimp though i have never had such fussy fish! my three dats are the most spoilt buggers in my colection
  12. i have a small american tiger dat used to hvae a massive appetite i moved it to a planted tank only seen it eat once, but never saw it swallow the food, it hid with the food. its bellly looks empty ish when i put its normal food, it goes to it, then it pushes it with its mouth. as if trying to bite and suck the food in, but not really able to ... or not wanting to just strange its like nudging the piece of shrimp forward
  13. that was almost 4 days ago it was a small gold fish too the other ate one as well perhaps but before that, almost 3 weeks and he didnt eat .. wel i didnt see there are pits of shrimp on the bottom of the tank after a few hours they are gone but silver dollars, flagtail, tinfoil, metynis and a royal clocwn 7 inches long could eat it
  14. mmm string ok il try that but so far he isnt realy interestred the other is though but i fund that if i drop the food and it makes abit of a splash, it hits it fast!
  15. yay finally the indo is eating shrimp after starving him a lil bit funny cos i fed him some beef after some prawns now he ate three pieces, didnt spit it out i believe he will eat this now but the wide bar, im concerned, not eating, i hvae not seen this guy eat anythin else but a gold fish. is he gonna starve or does he eat bits of shrimp fallen when im not looking?
  16. i was gonna do that but if i took away from my other tank, which has more bio loading then i would impact that too so instead just gun it out on the hardier fish wiht less load but it sstarting to cycle itself now amoni dropped by half in 1.5 days
  17. i have never heard of vodka before. yeah, ill probably jsut swap a tray or wait for it to cycle the ammonia has dropped anyways, over a day, after putting the fx5 on, i love those monsters! i mean the sheer power of pumping and filtering is amazing! 1ppm amonia and less than 48 hours later is less than half ... with a little feeding so i guess its cycling now
  18. all heroine addicts love the feeling of heroin in their veins. they enjoy it immensely ..... doesnt mean its not a bad idea:D so i get the point, fish may enjoy beef heart, but not always the best some fish may eat it for decades and be fine some might have shorter lives as a result but.... lead full enjoyable years due to the indulging of beef heart;)
  19. oh ok so more of a digestion point of view so as a staple, not a good idea. how bout if you feed them less but with only beef heart? in theory that shouldnt be harmful? or same effect, the digestion thing?
  20. i just wanna hear any solid reasons. cos im curious. why not beef heart for fish? does it shorten their lives? i jsut wonder what it does i have heard of people feeding aros beef hearfor its whole life discuss tucker is mostly beef heart
  21. alot of people do it though maybe peace of mind lol which doesnt help when they hit the top anyways i have no gap on mine as it has an overflow right to the top my fish is also scared of the net everytime i put the let to get un eaten shrimps, the dats go nuts to the other end of the tank funny really
  22. i feel jealous i want to plan a heist and go to your house extract it in a military style operation to obtain that specimen. im looking at buying one nextyear or so. looking forward to it. wish i could buy 3 or 4 though:D but thas a lil too much. probalby just one. you can put a flagtail in there. they are aro safe generally. or the best i reckon are knife fish, clown knife fish. royal clown knife fish, would look impresive!
  23. i missed it ok goig there now:d
  24. its gone! i wanna see pics in its new home!
  25. yeah but its beter than no margin:P when i did it on mine, he stopped cutting his head as much the distance give enough slowing down power to reduce damage but you are right when they get to 5 inch plus, their weight will punh through the water anyways making little differennce what i found is that i get my aro used to people walking past and external light sources like windows etc. that makes them less skittish
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