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Everything posted by henward

  1. white spots are generally notas nasty as some go to your local fish shop and ask for white spot medicine
  2. take photos its hard to imagine wht i looks like
  3. I am not a planted tank man untill my gf asked to have cute pretty fish. now i like them, Traditionally an MFK, my usual rocks, wood and gravel set ups are easy i have a planted tank, the platns were thriving, still kinda is, but problem si that the leaves get a grown layer on them -algae probably, they are alive, and leaves are nto chipped and broken, but not as green. i see set ups where the tanks are so green and colourfull mine gets a coeating on the leaves. how does one prevent that? is that algae? poo? do i fertilise too much (one capfull of liquid fertiliser per week - which is 80% of the dosage) cos i have plenty of fish and im sure the poo is part of the fertiliser they need. any advice?
  4. why is there a copy right at the bottom for jacob bates? are you jacob bates? nice tank anyways
  5. moving big fish is never easy make sure the tank hes going to isnt extremly full cos aros will jump a few times entering a new tank being angry or scared or both. when i move big fish, i have moved a few in my time. Big chilly bin, NOT POLY!, well i had one nightmare iwth poly moving a 16 inch royal clown - the poly cracked uner neath leaking most of the water. chilli bin will keep warmth in or a plastic container from plastic box... really cheap stuff and good too! a 100 litre should suffice or more. you can spend 18 bux for peace of mind a battery operated air pump, one load of battery lasts 20 hours, i tried it:D but with that, a 5 hours trip should be ok, obivosuly a tank should be ready and set up at the other end wtih a cycled filter. if you have a fully cycled filter, you dont have to starve them but people say you do, when fish are hungry, they are under more stress in theory.... the chilly bin, line the top with foam or styro foam, cos that WILL jump int he container. make sure the container is not clear enough to let thight through, so its completely dark, any light changes can frighted an aro, some fish dont mind but aros are very jumpy - no punn intended
  6. isnt the cos tof brining in an asian aro makes it cost as 1300 to 1500? or is that a fib they tell ya? the cheapest i been offered a grade 2is 1600
  7. give them a call they will sort ya out or ask for kerry tell him you part of the forum
  8. its ok david i already bought it lol kiddin whta is it?
  9. henward


    tannin in the water is what did it. nothing wrong with it, unless you see fish being lethargic. low PH makes amonia less toxic, most fish f not all apart from a handfull of species from africa actually prefer acidic waters. silver dollars im sure wont mind it. change the water to rid of the brown but i think you should be ok wiht the fish having lower ph
  10. well, ill say hello next time i come in if you are there good to put a face to the name.
  11. what size do silver mystus cats get up to? scientific name? i wanna google but dosent show much on it, i think its a different commonname
  12. lol yes thats me holy crap you were the new guy? the one following dewilder around? lol i go there very frequently to check out fish that people surrender and stuff, i thikn i have competition now - an insider that would take them all yes, that was me i have an fx5, and a over flow sump set up to be honest, my gut feeling is no, it wont make a different, considering my feeding regime while im on holiday is every other day i guess im paranoid and looking for people to give feedback i think it should be ok ill have a think bout it i guess, in the next couple of days
  13. i am thinking of adding a synodontis a bout 7 inches into my dat tank does the bio load affect it much for jsut one fish like this? will it throw my tank into haywire ? or will a synodontis not add much bio load?
  14. thats plenty of water changes to not need gravel etc water must be pristine! i wouldnt think you would need to syphon the gravel. the poo has nowhere to stick tolol
  15. Would a 7 to 8 inch giant gourami be ok in a tank with two big dats? 13 to 14 inch dats? whats your opinion on this? there is a royal clonw in there that they dont bother
  16. well on that note i just did an experiment with my own dats after putting rocks and plants and stuff, they are more active. i dont know why i never usedto decorate my tanks, just gravel. gravel accumulates lots of benefician bacteria. adds to filtration. and fish poo? depends, meaty poos like from the aro is a lil different, but in principle unless you get iant chunks that still have large amounts of undigested food in the poo. usually poo is very complete in its decomposition. fish poo becomes nothing more than dirt, soil when it is in the gravel. amonia and the primary toxins making up the poo is actually soluble. humans are differnt to fish, but fish poo , usually powdery dissolves most if not all of its toxins into the water.... so water quality doesnt get affected much by gravel. bio filtration is most important, if the poo stored toxins, then it would litereally have to be sucked into the filter to be metabolised, even then you have to wait to break it down to microscopic particles. and we wont be ablet o test water cos we would need to get poo samples. having no gravel lessens bio filtration. but if your fish is healthy, then its inconsequencial. plants make animals feel more at home. someone told me ones, probalby from here. an owner that keeps a healthy happy fish is a good fish keeper. fish can survive and tolerate conditions - but being happy makes them look nicer and more entertaining. hence why i not decorate all my tanks. even with basic thingsl ike gravel and a piece of wood. some plants. fake plants are good bacteria medium.
  17. yeah definatley in fact they are one of the biggest fish i have ever had lol
  18. i dont have monsters in m community tank, all peacefull fish, clown loaches cats gouramis, discuss tyre track eeletc i have a total of 10 fish tanks, 8 has fish in it, the other 2 are lizards. all but my 1 community tank are monster and predatory tanks. fishthat will eat most other fishes. or at least dismember them. my 8 footer will be a true, myfirst truly monster comunity tank.
  19. there is a guy in the US, he made a 30k litre tank etirely out of wood! walls were plywood with layer sof epoxy he painted on
  20. i still watch my tank for hours:D and i have set up many lol when i get bored, ill sit and watch them my community tank is the most interesting,though i love my monsters and they are my true passion, since my gf convinced me she wants "cute fshies that dont eat other animals" - never look back,im gonna up grade my comm tank when i move:D how they compete fr food, how they feed and hunt
  21. yo yamirochi! i currently have one i dont suggest you keep one with your 2000 dollars aro:D it is only 14 cms long, it tore my silver aros fins to bits lol neat fish though if the other animal is bigger, i dont think it will bother it but i really dont htink its worth the risk i had to put mine in a tank by itself. they have a 10% chance of being less aggressive, so 90% is agains tyou lol if yo wana try i have one you can buy:D its sitll small, so it cant kil your aro but the one at HFF mt roskill is HUGE!
  22. one of them is, the indo is eating prawns and beef heart the other refuses to eat anything else so beef heart it is perhaps another time ill re introduce prawns but ... it was almost a month wiht out any food so i didnt wanna aggravate its recovery by starvation
  23. it was starving lol i was trying to starve it to eat prawns
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