moving big fish is never easy
make sure the tank hes going to isnt extremly full
cos aros will jump a few times entering a new tank being angry or scared or both.
when i move big fish, i have moved a few in my time. Big chilly bin, NOT POLY!, well i had one nightmare iwth poly moving a 16 inch royal clown - the poly cracked uner neath leaking most of the water.
chilli bin will keep warmth in
or a plastic container from plastic box... really cheap stuff and good too! a 100 litre should suffice or more.
you can spend 18 bux for peace of mind a battery operated air pump, one load of battery lasts 20 hours, i tried it:D
but with that, a 5 hours trip should be ok, obivosuly a tank should be ready and set up at the other end wtih a cycled filter.
if you have a fully cycled filter, you dont have to starve them
but people say you do, when fish are hungry, they are under more stress in theory....
the chilly bin, line the top with foam or styro foam, cos that WILL jump int he container.
make sure the container is not clear enough to let thight through, so its completely dark, any light changes can frighted an aro, some fish dont mind but aros are very jumpy - no punn intended