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Everything posted by skuzza

  1. I got some frags from a friend and we decided to try two different types of need it. STEEL and AQUA. The aqua need it coral frag took three weeks before we noticed the base spreading over the glue. But the steel need it was a different story.Not only was its growth rate fast it started to change colour alot faster.It has growen 3 times as fast as the aqua need it frag. Amazing i thought.
  2. Get the need it out and glue them down with a 2 inch gap so they can talk it over nicely.
  3. You can realy see the blue.Is that an adult sweet lip.
  4. Living waters in palmers sell marines as well.tauranga
  5. Does anyone else know how hard it is to live over the road from a pet shop and keep control of our money. Impossible.Dont move within walking distance of a pet shop with marines.They will do special orders to.
  6. I use a hand saw.Buy the one with the orange handle called jack.Cost $9.00.It cuts through the thickest coral like butter.Wet coral never tryed dry dead coral
  7. I have a the same rusty brown flat worm infestation as brianemone got in his pic.Glad to know i am not alone. Little ba%$ards.
  8. I wish my plumbing was only $200 odd Dollars.I have spent over $400 and i have to buy another load of fittings to add more outlets to my closed loop.If could have got my tank parts for the price that chim rattled off i would have saved a lot of money.
  9. True but, i still wouldnt mind a bit of that.
  10. How mant times do you feed him/her a day.Does the fish look skinny and boney?.Mybe its got a touch of mad cow
  11. skuzza

    sand sifting

    I have the same problem with the alge over a period of time.I still clean mine with the suck device as i have not found any thing else ether.
  12. Fay uses tank water.PM her and ask how she collects hers.
  13. skuzza


    The local pet shop has one set up and as soon as they put the chiller on it became a new tank.they are quite neat and your right it is a shame about the chiller price.There cheapest is about $700.00 i think as the stock take specials are all gone.
  14. skuzza

    acropora info

    Not very good in winter(now)
  15. skuzza

    acropora info

    I think kelvin rating over 6500 is only for viewing pleasure.My tank is in the wall and protrudes into the carport come garage.It has clear lite for the roof.I use the natural sunlight during the day and the colour is slightly off white towards the yellow.the coral is not as affective without the blue light. It is awsome from about 9.30am when the sun is just high to send rays in on one corner.At 10.30am the whole tank glows and lights up the lounge like a high powered skylite.There goes half the day agian.
  16. skuzza


    Go the purigen.This stuff is good and it lasts for a long time.Same as carbon but also removes amonia.Its made by sea chem.Read about it on the net.I think the site is seachem.com
  17. skuzza


    Thanks warren.I am abit worried about useing bleech to regen that reuseing.Have you had any issues?.The price down here is only $38.00 for the purigen.
  18. My jetskisteve strain did the same thing to me.(its not jetskisteve coral that is the problem just incase anyone gets any ideas)I fixed it with food.I put in plenty of coral food.This was after a drum of nsw water change.I could have been a bit of both,but it worked and i am not so tight on the coral food any and they seem happy.
  19. I have only done this twice with good success.I just snapped a bit of where it does not stick out to much an got some selly aqua need it then stuck it on a bit of rock.Jetskisteve uses stainless pliers which work a treat.Brought from the wherehouse were you can also get the aqua need it.
  20. skuzza


    The local pet shop put this in the tanks and to every ones amazment the tanks are amazing.They have made the corals liven up and the hard coral come alive staight after arivel.Also no alge problems at all.I have put some in my tank to see if any change in coral health.Anyone else tryed this yet.?
  21. skuzza


    I had a po4 problem with some alge growth.I found the answer in salifert po4 remover.It sucked it dry .
  22. My leathers love a good blasting.They look a bit unhappy at first but they soon adapt.
  23. skuzza

    full monti

    I got it from the local pet shop.(Over the road from my house,very bad for the bank balance.I think it will be cheaper to move. )Any way it came from reef.
  24. Niger triggers are safe.If you want proof go to the w house and buy the dvd called sea world i think.(mines on loan).It is a movie of two diff reef tanks and realy well done.One has 2 niger triggers in it and cleaner shrimps.Yes cleaner shrimps(amazing).The other tank has archilles,powder blue,lipstick,sohal,blue tangs,tangs everywere.Its a dream come true for me.Its only 9.99 of course and worth putting in the collection.
  25. skuzza

    full monti

    The brown spots in the pic is my flat worm outbreak. :evil: (little bas#*rds)
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