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Everything posted by skuzza

  1. I made one out of pluming suplies and it cost a total of $140 from pluming world.It works great and runs a 3300Lhr pump but needs a better venturi to create finer bubbles.
  2. I joined web shots and with a lot of help from fay(thanks)i got pic on the site.NOW i can not get it to work.It will not let me cut copy paste or anything in webshots.Could someone run through it for me who uses webshots sight please
  3. Do they eat cleaner shrimp,snails, etc.
  4. I watched a dvd on reefs and they say the parrot wrasse only eats coral rocks and rubble (not live coral) to get the nutrients out that they need then crap it out as sand.It showed them doin there thing and i thought staight away low nitrate poo,free sand 8) (Like no one else is thinking that).But i also have a pic of this fish with its teeth stuck in the side of a live brain coral so :-? . Anyone tryed this fish.
  5. I have seen it on paper,I have heard about it,Can you do it better yet has anyone done it. :-? (the black trigger fish that is)
  6. skuzza

    low tide

    When coral comes out of the water it creates a mucas that protects it from sun burn and other undesirables.Also keeps it meaty bits from drying.I am guessing it is the same slimy stuff that you feel and see after you man handle it.
  7. skuzza


    More coming soon.Alot harder to get a pic in focus.They just wont hold still after all i do for them :lol:
  8. skuzza

    My Tank

    I luv your bubble.How did you get those tangs so happy together.I try it and its full on war.
  9. If it keeps hiding in the dark try changing a part of your tank to create shade and place in there.I have had some demanding ones as the shop will tell and sell you anything 90% of the time as they dont know ether.
  10. He, He, Back tracking now. Keep kissing ar#e boys that had nothing to do with funny. :oops:
  11. Our LFS gets redwoods marine imports and they are very good.Fish and corals are the best i have seen in a long time.The price is good to even with the extra freight charge for the long trip.Had some get stuck on the desert road once for 2 days in a snow storm The only thing that survived was 1 anenome.
  12. the only thing that does not cost you another thousand Go the ocean
  13. Test kits are just a guide.If you want perfection by chemist shop and send a team in to do regular checks.Every time you do a check there will be someting differnt like 11mls not 10mls being tested.We are not perfect. As long as my tank stays around where it should be to maintain a happy home i dont STRESS as it nearly ruled my life and then there goes your wife.
  14. NSW is the only way to go especialy if your tank is large.Get it on high tide at night so there are no boats around to interupt you and stir it up a bit.I have never had any problems in the last 9 years and if it had crap in it like diesel i am sure that the pretty looking rainbow patterns should not be to hard to spot.
  15. skuzza


    Seachem reef plus, kalk, and NSW.I use the reef plus only because i noticed the coraline alge grows faster and my mushrooms and pumping xenia is speading like there on steriods.
  16. It takes us 15 minites from the time we back down and get ready to the time we tie on and leave to get 2000L.We have a trailer full of those 220L drums which we fill with a 20L bucket.(I always seem to end up in the water). :-? .And its f#*kn cold on my white legs in winter which seem to light up the hole beach when the moon is out :lol: :lol: .
  17. My mate has got 2 big sacks of coral rock. His mate is going to drop out in the ocean behind some island where no one dives.Mark with his GPS.(like a cray pot).Going to pick them up in late jan early feb.Putting them in a new set up and or his sump to see how things go.Should give the nastys if any time to show them selves.I will let every one know how it goes. 8)
  18. Some posts on how you guys keep you nitrates at bay.Share your methods and DIY experiments.
  19. skuzza

    Zero nitrates!

    Do you grow the hiar alge in another tank and hook up to you sump.How do you grow it.I am going to have a go at making a denitrate machine.Been reading the DIY section and getting some money wasting ideas 8)
  20. skuzza

    RO DI units

    Thanks for the help guys.Our tap water down here is full of phos.I will tell my partner that we realy need one for our health and the extra hot summer thats on its way.(year right)
  21. skuzza

    RO DI units

    Thanks.Any more info from everyone would be good. :-?
  22. skuzza

    RO DI units

    Where and how much.Also what sort of cost to maintain.
  23. skuzza

    NSW around NZ

    NSW in makatu is. Mg 800 in winter it seems to get a bit higher in summer.Best ever Mg 1000. Ca 400 at the lowest but never goes over 420. NO3 nothing PO4 nothing
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