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Everything posted by maxxi1

  1. Some tanks are made to not have foam. Do uou know the brand? And type of aquarium
  2. I thought ghey had all died. ... appear go bd back still need to try take proper pics
  3. maxxi1

    Buying fish

    For a pond? Heated? Best thing is to try and ID them or see if a local can.
  4. Welcome. What area are you in vinz , we have local clubs where u can meet many other fish boys n fish girls. Haha
  5. They polystyrene is generally to help distribute even weight so the tank doesn't stress under any wright or if somethings off balance... we all know we need to make sure the tabks are level the plays just an extra added precaution. If your tanks one with a plastic surround it's already designed to be stress zone free but alot of straight glass tanks can novel time wear into a stress point. Better safe then sorry i say
  6. Welcome/back. So much Excite!!!!
  7. I know this is an old topic but do any of these members from this thread have any of the nigripinis left? Or hidden on peat somewhere
  8. i have just sold all my young, but egg season is upon us !!! keep an eye on the kilifish nz facebook page if you use it (few of us have gold pans breeding now)
  9. cool pictures and yum i bet those strawberries get massive...i cant help with your question however sorry!!!
  10. fish will start to eat it and it will go away - alot of people just rub it off during waterchanges
  11. maxxi1


    Hi Tamara tanks really do help us remember people and times we had in the past the forum has heaps of information and there are many many good shops to visit in wellington, we have two local clubs in wellington also so if you want some face to face advice we are here they are the Upper Hutt Aquarium Society and Kapi Mana Aquarium Society - information on both these clubs can be found on the local clubs page - just depends which one you are closer to really. hope you find your way around on here Maxine
  12. Morning everyone- Come speak to other fish enthusiasts in the Wellington region - learn from their experience and share the ups and downs of the fishkeeping hobby. Upper Hutt Aquarium Society meet tomorrow night 11/11/2015 This is our last meeting at the Ctizens Advice Bureau - and a new venue will be discussed at this meeting. Our meetings are normally every second Wednesday of the month at: The Upper Hutt Citizens Advice Bureau, 18 Logan Street, Upper Hutt. Doors open around 7:30pm and the meeting kicks off between 7:45pm & 8pm All are welcome and if you enjoy the night membership forms are available at the meetings Cant wait to see you all there.
  13. maxxi1

    gold panchax

    i have many youngsters unfortunately i have also just sold the lot of them to be grown up and then resold. so ill pass on your details
  14. Next meeting scheduled for 14 October 2015. Hope to see you all there. Our meetings are normally every second Wednesday of the month at: The Upper hutt Citizens Advise Bureau, 18 Logan Street, Upper Hutt. Doors open around 7:30pm and the meeting kicks off between 7:45pm & 8pm.
  15. yay keep it up enough for everyone soon lol
  16. Amazing ... can't wait for progress shots yay .... and to see them in person
  17. maxxi1

    gold panchax

    Yes multiple times Joe and yes killifish is like my side project haha.
  18. maxxi1

    gold panchax

    hi everyone, just letting you know that i have a fairly strong breeding pair and babies in wellington of these. Also know of a few other members whom i have passed these on to. also i want to see if i can add photos...hahahaha
  19. see if rachel prince could want them to add to her lot ben
  20. this is me i have them.. and.... well the eel and cories dont even batt an eyelash at them... they have since quadrupled and i was going to catch some and send them off... they are nocturnal but also dont seem to be getting eaten or eating my fish so... they stay.
  21. awesome build. thanks for sharing :gpo2: :cophot: its going to look amazing
  22. KMAC meetings are held in the boardroom of the Tawa Community Centre, 5 Cambridge street, Tawa, gather 7.45pm for 8pm start. Next meeting Wednesday 26th August. Topic for the night is bringing in your photos and videos of your fav fishy things to share with others. Feel free to join us for an awesome night with fun friendly like minded individuals Please email [email protected] for more info or for sign up information. Happy Fishkeeping
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