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Everything posted by maxxi1

  1. I have ingangas but also a few smaller goldies in there... https://aquariumworld.nz/forums/uploads/monthly_2016_09/large.14423649_10206140039494844_1693256113_o.jpg.4ec5947a35a74d6dda7b0c8f73be3ab7.jpg
  2. Couple of local breeders. Not too many otherwise just rhe generic stores suh as animates and pet centre. What tail type / colour I can see what I can help with maybe
  3. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare connectToDB() (previously declared in /home/aquarium/public_html/entrydb/_inc.php:15) in /home/aquarium/public_html/entrydb/_inc.php on line 15 When clicking on the Shop Directory
  4. What message do u get cos I post pics from my phone all the time.
  5. I'm desperately hunting some female badis badis... if anyone knows where some may be or who breeds let me know please. I'm happy to pay for shipping and fish also thanks in advance
  6. I personally cannot wait to see pictures... BTW im starting to fall in love with discus and am very tempted to just go and buy another tank (you would then have to find my body as i would most likely be killed by my husband~! 40 is not enough~!*joking*) if you are wanting hardy low light plants, maybe go for some different sized Anubias plants and also the java fern variants would look amazing all attached to your multi level wood. Needle leaf java, windelov, giant java fern and also java fern with the variating anubias types would look amazing - im saying they are hardy as i have them and manage to grow then well and havent killed them yet which is a BONUS! - i only flourish excel and comprehensive when i remember also Excited to see your scape, have you thought what kind of discus you want.... im learning my fav ones.. you know just in case i accidentally buy and put another tank up....
  7. maxxi1

    Spoon returns

    Hai Spoon Welcome Back - What an awesome pond ---- my goldies are now giving me the EVILs... awesome to see salties around also - yay~!
  8. maxxi1

    Hi from Taupo

    welcome and enjoy, browse away and learn and share - Share some pics of your tanks if you want
  9. i also haz little green fishie tray for my repashy hahaha its soo funny i think i got it from Kmart...
  10. good good... oh wait its not coming here... hahaha
  11. males alone are currently $2 a peice, and I have the name of someone who you can approach for other sexes - but the price here now is only for people who wish to buy males alone, as soon as I get females the price will go up.
  12. March meeting - tomorrow AGM also Board Room, Tawa Community Centre, 5 Cambridge Street, Tawa. 6.45pm (for 7pm start)
  13. F Gardneri Pairs available. Pair will be one male one female, They are the dark bodied strand , photos are of female siblings and father to fish - purchased as F Gardneri "Akure" - however this is very hard to identify Please note fry can be both light and dark bodied colour as this is what the Akure strand is known for producing. Pairs are $25 per pair. I can ship, however prefer to ship north island only- thanks PM me for more info photos are father fish and then siblings to you fish
  14. Male clown killis for sale. Only males will be sold at current as I have not managed a spawn of many females. Currently have about 40 males available. Females could be available at a later time. The clown killi or banded panchax is a species of African rivuline native to fresh water habitats in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone in West Africa. Wikipedia Scientific name: Epiplatys annulatus Price reflects the fact that only males are for sale I can ship, please note south island shipping is not very cheap, otherwise pick up in wellington
  15. please reseach alot before breeding you need to be able to house at least 100 feisty males on their own. however bettas are super amazing - enjoy
  16. The fish room in Nelson have started to stock it they have buckets contact cam
  17. gold pan generation 4 are hatching as we speak wooooo
  18. For sale are three golden panchanx.. golden wonders... lineatus. I can only assume they are a trio of one male two females but I have been tricked before. However I have been collecting eggs. Pick up only. $25 for trio. Recommend research as killifish are not tropical or cold water they are temperate fish. Pm me for more info. Have listed else where
  19. If ur doing more constant smaller water changes then the ph will move naturally and slowly the fish most like won't even know the difference alternatively u could age water in a barrel if need be but I don't think discus are that finicky if the pet shops can do big cold water changes and et away With it. Here in wellington the oh out the tap is always 7.6 to 7.8 so pretty high. And I have bettas and killifish...
  20. my whiteworm farm is in a big poly box, under the native freshwater tank, seems to keep them cold enough! hope yours do okay! - blackworms can be bought from rodneys tropicals, but they are a bit eww (even for an experienced live food feeder i was all like eww) but are hard to keep
  21. ive shown someone who may be able to help your message
  22. sorry to hear of your injury and hopefully you heal up nice and fast - maybe worth contacting the AFA to see if they have any members that may want to pop up to you and see if they can give you a hand or anything like that - they have a facebook page also if you are on there
  23. maxxi1

    Returning westie

    welcome! tank looks good!
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