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Everything posted by maxxi1

  1. Thanks to Rodney I have an amazing pair of Fundulopanchax Gardneri Clauseni Akure. These fish are sooo friendly and barely hide away from me... the males a chunky monkey haha and is rather round. He has beautiful colouration as does the female. Food ... lucky for me these are the only fish I've not had an issue with if they are hungry they will eat but their fav is white worms and they gobble them down super fast. Breeding .. the set two have the sex life we all dream of hahahaha litterally they will swim by each other and cuddle up and lay an egg.. hahaha so I've been using spawning mops and two or three at a time as they like it thick... they spawn at the very top of the mops eggs start to hatch about 14 days later but as I only have a pair the number of eggs isn't great yet. Trios would be superior. I have about 15 babies ... they are now two months old they were removed from parents tank Dec 24 2015. The eggs were removed then... Good fish for learners the eggs are not as big as gold panchax but they are very motivated to spawning. Tank set up is divided killifish tank... full lids they jump. . Higher then I ever will also... 2 spawn mops... a tiny peice of java and currently this is now a potted amazon sword... which they try to breed on... and a sponge filter I have been trying to maintain tank temp at 24ish but this heat has been pushing it up to around 27 and higher and this also hasn't seemed to affected them. Water changes are often and I add black water extract ( my secret weapon) tonic salt and some peat to the floor every now and then.
  2. Yes I added all my pictures to Dropbox so I could add them here quickly and it appears they don't work. So yay.... And yes sometimes I read that also... This fish was possibly under a different classification ... which has been bought to my attention also. And sadly I'm reporting I have now lost both parents. I'm putting it down to the heat we've been getting. Don't stress I do have babies and they take 5 months to sexually mature so now I get to just enjoy having babies for a bit.
  3. Volcano Killifish - Aphyosemion volcanum A Beautiful longer bodied fish with a lyre tail effect - stunning colouration and colour varies greatly on where the wild fish have been caught. Size/Length: To 2" (5 cm) Similar species: Other fish of the sub-genus Chromaphyosemion. Aquarium: A tank measuring 20" (51 cm) with a capacity of 10 gallons (38 L) is sufficient. Use a dark substrate with subdued lighting. Plant the tank heavily and provide hiding places among roots and wood. Water chemistry: pH 5.5-7 (6.3), 1-10 dH (2), 77-81°F (25-27°C) Social behavior: Males are aggressive towards one another, otherwise this species is peaceful. Sexual differences: Males have longer fins and are more colorful. Breeding techniques: Use a spawning tank heavy infested with Java Moss and a substrate of peat moss. The moss should be removed weekly and stored in a plastic bag in a dark area with a temperature from 64-75°F (18-24°C). After two or three weeks the eggs can be placed in their own tank having soft water. Start feeding with Artemia nauplii. The eggs may have a better hatching rate if cooler water is used a first. So thats what the internet says, the internet also says that this fish is very sensitive to water conditions, I now know this to be very true So my adventure begins with a package from Rodneys tropicals - A Pair of Valcanum go into their new tank. These fish from the first day I got them I have struggled to feed. I know live food - but I honestly can say I dont think I ever saw the male eat once, and the female only when white worms were being fed - but gen two will be better as they will have grown with me. so my tank is set up with java moss, bit of peat floor, spoinge filter and LIDS hahahaha I got these guys early December and its with sad news im reporting today I have lost the adults, Both were showing dropsy symptoms and have not come through, but i do have about 20 odd fry to continue their legacy....... I dont use the breeding technique above (i kinda thought why would you kill a bag of Java like that!) - but this is what ive done. I used spawning mops - now generally I can see eggs and remove them from mops - but these two fish were sooooo fussy - they would lay on the sponge filter over the spawning mop - so since the spawning mops were failing i moved them to the hatching tank (just in case) and chucked java moss in - so this is the same technique I use for my clown Killies , Java in and in 10 days or just less it gets moved to the hatching tank and in goes a new lot. - this appeared to work very well. Amazing coloured fish - I dont recommend them to beginners as well even I dont think ive succeeded in these fish yet as Ive lost the parents. - pictures of parents to come
  4. update on the golden panchax, have just gone through 2 weeks vigorus worming with both pravi and Levamisole, appear to be worm free again - onwards and upwards to breeding! So I will separate the males and females again, choose a trio or two and off we go again woop woop
  5. Thanks I'm doing it my down time and I'm having to sort 2k pics on drop box too to post them but I'm getting there...
  6. So 2 trios of clown killis arrived.. I have tank set ip as 9l with lids.. peat bottom and java moss and Indian fern sponge filter on low setting air ratio.. tank sits at a happy 23 24 2 males four females. Eating golden pearls aND also baby brine shrimp since I'm hatching every day anyway. The eggs are too small to try and collect so I set up another identical tank but empty. I know babies can be kept with parents but I wanted to ensure gen 2 also. Every 9 days I'd swap java moss out of one tank to the other I did this four times then stopped for a few weeks. Baby clown killis are super super invisible hahaha... and I'm used to betta fry so they are small. However I started to see more and more fry hatch and will add pictures to thread. Think my oldest babies will be a month old now. And theRe is plenty there.
  7. I 1000 percent swear thw edit button isn't on my pc... but I can see it on my phone so crisis kept at bay. ... VINNIE don't swear at me... what this reading thing ahahah sounds like exercise. ... or running
  8. who stole my edit button I need this as I'm a terrible speller until I read what I write hahahahaha
  9. attached and the last photo in the last post are the latest batch of Golden Panchax and the breeding certificate you can get with you have a successfull breeding and are a part of the FNZAS financially. Enjoy - ill post more updates as I go
  10. Golden Wonder Killifish (Apolcheilus lineatus) This is a top dwelling fish - and can get very large for a killifish - This is one of the larger Killifish reaching a mature size of 4 inches (aparently ive never seen their true size). The males of this species are brightly colored, with the body having a yellow to blue coloration. The female of this species are more subdued in color and form. this is a non annual killifish - and in my experience the easiest of the killifish I own to breed - Beginners should begin here - I say this as they are not fussy eaters - and they have the biggest hardiest eggs. I have had Golden Panchax the longest of all my killis - I want to say a year or maybe even longer. I want to share my adventure with you as well its what got me hooked - Killifish are amazing - but there are less and less breeders in New Zealand - without future breeders we will lose these species in New Zealand. My experience so far has been many ups and many downs - these fish when conditioned can lay eggs like there is no tomorrow - however they also very easily get internal parasites such as worms - this has all been a massive learning curve for me as I have never had to deal with these things before with my betta breeding - they have their own challenges - trust me I originally bought my pair from Rodney - quickly conditioned them by separating them - slapped them back together First spawn I used Java Moss - this was relativley easy - put the moss in and either remove and replace it often or push my luck and leave the moss in for 10 maybe 12 days max. - i admit the first time I bred these fish I was Looking everyday for eggs and could not find them - Lesson number one- Killifish when freshly laid are invisible in the water - I only noticed when I saw a fry on the top of my tank (now im short - my killi tank is dumbly placed at the top of a shelf - I have to climb a ladder to see the top so lets say I dont do it too often) - Lesson number 2 - Killifish babies need live food - Lucky for me being a betta breeder I had this on hand not hatched baby brine shrimp but Microworms- now if you know me at all you will know I am a SUCKER for anything baby... I couldnt leave the fry in the tank to be eaten - so I set up another tank. A Little Lazy on water changes and possibly not feeding enough - eventually the fry started to colour up - as far as I can remember they appeared to be a fairly even gender divide (however I also was guessing) So this lot - i had to sell I couldnt maintain this many fry - I still had the parents - so off they went to their new home. At the same time I took on some golden wonder adults from a fellow breeder who was getting out of the breeding game - so lucky for me I could house them while they were being onsold. (cheekily) I set them up to spawn - this time I used my UGLY home made spawn mops and collected as many eggs as I could - now I find that the eggs have a better hatch rate when they are left in java and not touched so i try and drop the eggs in some java (partially to keep them off the ground) With all the fish I pulled heaps and heaps and heaps of eggs for the week I had them. This time When they hatched is when I noticed that I had internal parasites for the first time - some quick shopping and I was set - off to dosing for worms I went - Lesson Always have Dewormer~~!~!~!!!~~!!- I also had no IDEA how long they had been there The worms were so bad in my adult female that when the treatments were killing the fish they were ripping her whole tummy out with them -- super clean water and she healed - unfortunatley this was to be the last spawn from her as it appears that she healed all her egg laying parts up and ended up getting extremley egg bound - was sad to see her go in such a horrible way. Her mate was very lonley so I offered him up to someone who I knew had some already - alas its not the end of the adventure - the fry which I had aranged a sale of were still there - after ensuring they had no worms they were sold - I held onto about 10 to ensure i still had stock - of which are now breeding age. Unfortunatley the person whom I sold the recent batch to has said they ended up with mostly males and only about 5 females from 50 - my odds were more favourable and I have even numbers.
  11. This adventure was what got me hooked on killifish More to come
  12. Tha ks to rodney who sold me 2 trios of clown killis... this is where my adventure begins..... More to come
  13. Thanks to rodney for selling me a beautiful pair of volcanum killis... More to come
  14. Thanks to rodney for selling me an adult pair of akure More to come
  15. Thabks to rodney who shared the love and sent me some eggs on peat for me to get going. I will update thread more soon I need to get pictures onto one device with info so I can be as a curate as possible. This is my palmqvisti adventure.
  16. do you have a preferred tail type/ animates in porirua have had a nice selection latley - unfortunatley i have none for sale at present
  17. rabbit... it bit through my arm... THROUGH it
  18. hi everyone if you have some killifish for sale, or on peat let me know what types / kinds.... Thanks all Im based in wellington
  19. binoy mines in a big poly box, with top soil and i feed white bread / flake food. i put a peice of glass on top of the bread and they all kinda bunch together near the bread, also keep it moist with a spray bottle. i also have the little flies but i dont care about them as the more food the merrier hahahaha
  20. Afternoon, just letting you know (could be bugging due to upgrades) that when I click on pictures to make them big it opens up the whole plant database in the bigger screen - thus sending me in a circle of plant databases for eternity hahahaha
  21. adrienne is casserole stu lord?
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