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Everything posted by maxxi1

  1. hi Bert - I think Maximum Pet Supplies in Naenae have some, if not I will see if one of Upper Hutt Aquarium Society Members have any to spare and ill get them to comment on this thread. Thanks
  2. you can try house plants such as pothos, philodendrons and Syngonium with just roots in the water ( from my experience goldies wont eat the good roots) some of my nicest vines are growing out of fish tanks
  3. try reach out to some of the reptile and amphibian rescues, I know of one in Christchurch and one in Wellington (both on facebook)
  4. attachments are here More details for AGM will be posted once nominations are received. Duties of Federation Officers.pdf
  5. AGM 2022 Important Information Notice of FNZAS AGM August 20, 2022, 10am (Virtual Meeting) details to follow The FNZAS Executive is calling for nominations for the Executive for the 2022-⁠⁠2023 year. To help people make a choice on becoming an executive we have attached a very brief overview and expectations of each position, please note the position descriptions are out of date and will need to be modernized. Please note we need to ensure that the people who take on positions understand it is voluntary and they will need to commit time to positions and meet minimum requirements. The upcoming years ahead are vital to the FNZAS with the new Incorporated Societies Act being implemented. All positions are deemed vacant therefore incumbents are required to re-⁠submit nominations as in previous years. Patron 2 x Vice Patron President 2 x Vice President Secretary Treasurer Editor Breeding Co-⁠⁠Ordinator 1 – 3 Committee members Anyone seeking nomination must be a financial member of the FNZAS at the time. If the nominee is not attending the AGM we also require written consent to stand for office sent to the Secretary prior to the AGM. No nominations will be taken from the floor, unless there are no nominations/not enough nominations for a particular position. Please send all nominations to [email protected] along with a Bio and Photograph prior to 31 July 2022 to allow time for these to be distributed to clubs and their delegates given voting instructions by their members. Remits Please send any remits your club has to [email protected] Delegates Clubs have until 31 July 2022 to submit the names of their delegates for conference to me. If you have changed your delegates since your last AGM, and you want your club to have a say at this meeting or be able to vote, it is important that I get this via email prior to 31 July 2022. We don’t want clubs missing out. Attendance Owing to recent changes to our social structure due to Covid 19 effects an all-online AGM will be once again offered to our members. Observers are also welcome. Thank you FNZAS Secretary
  6. Try the aquascaping shop.. or aquarium project if not cast your net wider to demetries... Aquaticplants.co.nz .. the fish room and redwoods.. im sure I've missed alot but these are the shops I've seen people recommend for plants
  7. We have been working away breeding quietly from 2 fry to get numbers up to a decent amount and have now passed a few trios on to other breeders. But we managed to hatch some old peat and got lucky
  8. maxxi1


    Kia ora, If you are still Wellington based the Upper Hutt Aquarium Club is the only club now in Wellington. We still have meetings once a month and also have an active membership - alot of the local breeders are a part of the club feel free to email [email protected] if you want to find out more Maxine - UHAS secretary
  9. Hi I haven't been able to revive mine... but there have been some popping up on trade me again
  10. Morning.. I can check if ours is still going.. normally we sell them for 10 as a starter culture but we have ignored them over covid so could be dead! Based in welly
  11. hey have you found a betta- some good shops in auckland are new pupuke and also hollywood fish farm - as well as the other shops too i dont know of anyone activley breeding halfmoons in auckland other then some of the ones on trade me (please be careful with some of these breeders - you can private message me for more info if you need) otherwise in wellington we have a very young spawn 1.5 months old of halfmoons coming up - these range from blue reds through to yellow blue bicolours - but they are very small still and not ready for another good few months. we ship regular and have a facebook page for sale - (Fish-Garage NZ)
  12. keep these coming - they are great - for both experienced and newer fish keepers!!! - Cheers Maxi
  13. Thank you to all who attended, nominated and congrats to those who got positions.
  14. Hi. Yes the AGM has been moved back to online... we felt it was better during uncertain times. Emails went out recently to club secretaries which need to be passed on that has the details of nominations.
  15. As fore mentioned... this is just an interest post .. not a commitment... it's purely so we know how big we should go!!! Hahaha
  16. Also we are wellington breeders.. theres only a few around from the killi club and even fewer who breed... when I started I emailed all the old club members ?
  17. I wouldnt add others I've always found my panchax to be agressive or out competed easily
  18. Hi Cees! You wont know me but I'm secretary for the upper hutt club.. next meeting is on Feb 11at kelson community center 7.30pm. We are the only welly based club now (yikes) Welcome back
  19. We don't expect people to commit yet... just a show of interest! Get amongst it fishkeepers
  20. Oak leaves but dried and naturally fallen. Otherwise rooibos tea (make sure nothing else is in them)
  21. Hey Killi keepers The latest import bought in eggersi and rachovii Some nothos that havent been in nz for a few years now If anyone knows of or heard of anyone who has a spare eggersi male please let me know We have 3 female eggersi and our last male now appears to have dropsy with his swim bladder issues. We have a comfy 2 trios of rachovii and 2 more females arriving this coming week. We also have palmqvisti and korthasae we look forward to sharing eggs with other killi keepers
  22. A lot of people are looking for killifish lately we are based in Wellington - can ship shipping costs are 30 Non rural North Island 45 Non rural South Island depending on availability these are the species we often have fry for Fundulopanchax Gardneri - Aquarium strain Fundulopanchax Gardneri P82 Fundulopanchax Gardneri Gold Aphyosemion Australe - Chocolate Normanii Lampeye Fundulopancax Filamentosus coming up - Aphyosemion Australe - Orange Clown Killies Nothobranchius Palmqvisti (half a year away) Nothobranchius Eggersi (half a year away) Nothobranchius Rachovii (half a year away) Private message for details
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