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Everything posted by maxxi1

  1. Yup that one is the one.. I still put root tabs in it and cap it with sand or stones
  2. Dalton aquatic soil and cap it with something.. I have heard of people using other soils but as mentioned above it cannot have any fertilizer and it will create higher nitrates so you will need to take that into account
  3. welcome back Jamie! what kinda fish are you thinking about jumping back into ?
  4. I've found a spreadsheet for 2008 - 2015 (in the drive)
  5. can you please post your area
  6. Minutes from all the meetings held this year are attached for affiliated members to view. These are sent to all clubs, presidents, secretaries and delegates to also pass on to club members at the time the meetings are held. Thanks Maxine FNZAS meeting minutes 15 05 2023.pdf FNZAS meeting 27 04 2023 (1).pdf FNZAS 31 10 2022 meeting minutes.pdf FNZAS 2022 AGM Minutes.pdf
  7. I think alot of the shops in Auckland carry Kribs, check them out
  8. Notice of FNZAS AGM May 20, 2023, 10am (Virtual Meeting) details below. Attendance: This year’s AGM is being held online via Zoom and all are welcome, please see the below link. HBAS are also hosting a day’s events – if you are interested in attending, please contact [email protected] for more information. Attending the face-to-face event is a great way to show your support to our fellow hobbyists who were recently affected by the devastating Cyclone Gabriel Topic: FNZAS AGM Zoom Meeting Time: May 20, 2023 10:00 AM Auckland, Wellington Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81939063657?pwd=TVVCR0t0ZHIvM3B1T2FWSjhVY2szUT09 Meeting ID: 819 3906 3657 Passcode: 639887
  9. A message from the President of the FNZAS. In light of recent events around Aotearoa, New Zealand, I wanted to reach out to all clubs to ensure that you are aware you can reach out to your executive should you need anything, we will try and assist in any way possible. Contact can be made via the www.aquariumworld.nz forums or via email, if you are a member and you cannot get access to the internet my cellphone number has been sent out to clubs via email, you can text and I will load a post on your behalf. If you think there is something specific the FNZAS can assist with, please let me know asap. We know that some areas are going through a period of great devastation; and we want you to know we are thinking of you and helping from a distance in any way we can. For your aquatic pets continue to do as much as you can. Turn over water to help keep oxygen in the water. Let the tanks cool down slowly by wrapping them in blankets if you can. Reduce feeding to help keep water parameters in check. If you are able to, do a small water change daily. We understand that areas have no power, no cellphone coverage and roads are blocked and damaged. Please ensure you and your whanau(family) are safe first and foremost. Below are some links to help you find out information or assistance should you need this. https://www.civildefence.govt.nz/resources/news-and-events/news-and-events/cyclone-gabrielle-february-2023/ https://www.civildefence.govt.nz/find-your-civil-defence-group/ https://www.hbemergency.govt.nz/ https://www.bopcivildefence.govt.nz/ https://www.aucklandemergencymanagement.org.nz/major-incident/flooding-2023 https://www.gdc.govt.nz/services/civil-defence https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/eligibility/urgent-costs/index.html https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/eligibility/emergencies/cyclone-gabrielle.html The following I have copied directly from a NZ Herald article as it is very informative. To donate, go to: https://www.redcross.org.nz/support-us/about-donating/donating-during-emergencies/ People wanting to donate to the Mayoral Relief Funds can do so by contacting the respective councils from the affected regions. HOW YOU CAN HELP Donations of food or money can be made to Auckland City Mission https://www.aucklandcitymission.org.nz/auckland-flood-response/ To help animals, texts can be sent with HUHA to 4463 to instantly donate $3. To volunteer, visit Volunteering Hawke’s Bay, Volunteering Northland, Volunteering Bay of Plenty, Volunteering Auckland or Volunteering Waikato To help with the cleanup, you can join the Student Volunteer Army https://sva.org.nz/ If you know someone who needs help with animals, call HUHA on 027 4416474, 022 249 1020, or 0800 00 83 33. To request help from SPCA, Aucklanders can call 09 256 7300 or email [email protected] Here is a link to the live noticeboard on Stuff. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/weather-news/300807929/cyclone-gabrielle-live-noticeboard-ask-or-offer-help-after-the-storm Stay safe members and clubs and help each other where you can. Maxine Lynch -- President of Federation of New Zealand Aquatic Societies https://aquariumworld.nz/ [1] https://issuu.com/fnzasaw [2] Links: ------ [1] https://aquariumworld.nz/ [2] https://issuu.com/fnzasaw
  10. Merry Christmas and have a safe new year everyone
  11. If it's not one of the ones that clip the lights in you may need to replace the whole light unit. Sorry for the bad news
  12. Ohh Caryl Once they are a month old if there's 10 submit a breeding register!
  13. I honestly couldn't even tell you what one is... but the societies act is so archaic that is why it was rewritten last year and why I posted this as someone is working on our rewrite draft ?
  14. attached PDF that has been signed FNZAS constitution 2014 (1).pdf
  15. hope the rehomes go well for you Mahn, hopefully not getting out of fish completely?
  16. I know - I just wonder if the WTB section would be more appropriate / gets a bit more traffic
  17. sorry late response - the owner of that website has since shut down unfortunately
  18. it may pay to make a new WTB post - this thread is from 2004
  19. just hatched more babies they are about 5 days old now.
  20. maximum pet supplies in naenae has some... they just came in so i do not know if that is where you went
  21. FNZAS AGM 2022 being held via Zoom, please make contact with your local club or the executive if you need the zoom details. Thanks
  22. The below email has been sent to all club delegates, club secretaries or presidents and also members or the FNZAS Executive committee, with the attached documents. Good afternoon, FNZAS executive committee and all clubs delegates and clubs Please pass this on to your club members should they wish to attend. Attached to this email you will find documents that are required for AGM -⁠ nominations -⁠ voting information -⁠ 2021 AGM minutes -⁠ agenda -⁠ financial report Capitations need to be paid for your club in order for your nomination and your vote to be eligible, so please ensure this has been done. This years meeting is being held via zoom This is a paid zoom account and will not kick us off. There will be a waiting room. Please join with your real name. Please ensure you are on mute unless requested to speak to keep background noise to a minimum. Guests are welcome however will not be able to vote. Voting will need to be completed via email, so please ensure you have access to email for the meeting. Maxine is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: FNZAS AGM 2022 Time: Aug 20, 2022 10:30 AM Auckland, Wellington Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87331986861?pwd=RCtqNUJKNklMU3RWK3FzRW5TSG9QUT09 Meeting ID: 873 3198 6861 Passcode: 223214 Thank you Maxine Lynch Secretary FNZAS Voting information for FNZAS AGM 2022.pdf FNZAS AGM 2022 Agenda.pdf Nominations for 2022 FNZAS Executive.pdf FNZAS 2021 AGM Minutes.pdf Reports 21_22 Financials.pdf Federation of New Zealand Aquatic Societies Inc Accounting Polices.pdf
  23. Hi Fishboy, I have a fish room in Upper Hutt if you need to rehome him or switch him for one of my many bristlenoses you are more than welcome, if he really is a bit like you say we have Multiple tanks so he can go into one of his own if needed.
  24. rule of thumb is no more then a third total filter media at once. As Caryl said, if you change it / them over a few weeks it should be okay Are you sure its cotton wool and not the white filter sponge, which you may be able to clean in some old tank water and put back in and then replace when it starts to impact your filters flow
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