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Everything posted by malawi_man

  1. typically cichlid tanks have lots of overturn on filtration, this is so we can have lots of fish - this is to spread out aggression because males can get a bit psyco sometimes.
  2. the parents were imported and the male is awesome! I have 15 fryeri that I got from him in a grow out tank.
  3. if they're from zenepitz then they're pure, don't know who else is selling them.
  4. I guess it could be a fryeri but I wouldn't breed from it unless you are 100% sure
  5. could be a fryeri but the head looks a little stubby doesn't it?
  6. hi, It would be almost impossible to ID that fish accurately, It looks like it comes from the aulonocara genus but you wont find out which species because all the females look the same HTH
  7. I almost vener buy fish from shops anymore, usually trademe or fnzas.
  8. oops, my mistake, people do call them peacocks too. If someone said electric blue peacock, what would you think?
  9. electric blue peacocks are scaenochromis fryeri - I think this is what you're talking about. HTH
  10. most people prefer to keep the lake species seperate for display tanks, I have kept bricardi and lelupi and other lamprologus species in with malawians though
  11. haps = haplochromis - there are three main groups of malawis, these are typically the biggest. Mbuna means rockdweller (another one of the groups) and that includes electric yellows, all the zebras, melanochromis and anything else with that general shape. Peaocks are the other group, all of them come from the aulonocara genus, also called peacocks. tang is short for tanganyika (spelling?) for example tropheus come from there, all the lamprologus, frontosa etc. You can keep them with malawis but not many people do. HTH
  12. mine never held for more than 2 days
  13. They seem ok at the moment with orange, blue and ob zebras, fryeri, yellows and 2 male lithos.
  14. how many do you still have? what size are they now?
  15. I don't mind, as long as we all learn something
  16. another african food debate :roll: :lol:
  17. I find that most fry will get out of the way
  18. I'll be there 8) Lets get a good turnout people!
  19. i will feed tem lots of whiteworms. I had a pair ages back that only bred once, the female spat out 60 eggs when I put some rocks in for her to hide but I managed to raise up all of them so there must be alot from that batch around. They are both about 13-14cm
  20. they are definately 1m 2f, I have vented them. But I have good news, I have got the male and one female to settle down in the 750l growout tank. Not sure if they'll breed though.
  21. I have 1 male and 2 female blue lumpheads, (cyrtocara moorii) also called blue dolphins. The females fight so much that I can't put them in the same tank now. I have had all 3 seperated for a while but I want to breed them. I put the male and the least aggressive female in the grow out tank and they haven't stopped circling each other, with the occasional jaw lock. Is there anything I can do to make them like each other? It's really starting to annoy me, are everyone elses this aggressive?
  22. I have 2 different variations of ahli I think, one just has a yellow line along the edge of the anal fin and the other variation has the orange anal fin. Can't see the first one on cichlid-forum.
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