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Everything posted by Ismart120

  1. Haha, happens all too often - kinda like the old beat up tank ornaments I sold the other day - started at a dollar reserve and both went for the same price as in the shops. Not that I minded...
  2. Maybe a full shoal of neons, say 6 more? They look better in large numbers imo. +1 to a bristlenose too
  3. +1 Unless eqc pays out on the two - I'd quite like to get the fish back into proper sized tanks at some point really... anyone having serious thoughts about moving?
  4. Looking good Where abouts do the loaches hang out most often? I've got mine set up with driftwood and rocks that they hide in a lot - hoping that there'll be enough hiding spots for any potential young to survive.
  5. I agree with Sophia here, its more creating the illusion of depth more than anything, you could try mucking around getting the path more windy, or even narrow it out towards the back (the whole depth perspective thing looking into the distance) but honestly, if it looks good in real life, thats what counts.
  6. I wouldn't say it lacks depth - for me its the plant in the centre front that makes me focus forward? Without that I think the photo would be netter, although I get the impression its more impressive and less of an issue in person.
  7. Actually, you should do a tutorial thread on basic plant layout concepts, dosings and light etc. At the very least your tank shows that you know something about it.
  8. Yeah, so far so good but I'll double check - having said that its gone through a number of major earthquakes in the cbd and hasn't gone over, when whole buildings on either side have, go the juwel tanks lol
  9. My girlfriend has a 3 foot cichlid tank in her apartment, but the body corp there is really good and also allows birds, the ones that I looked at however weren't so understanding. lol. 'Pets' is a term that depends on the people you take to - decorative center piece is what I'd call a tank, if it got me in an apartment with a tank. 209 is rubbish, my least favourite paper so far in my degree, however, doing 309 next semester so that could change quite soon. (shudder)
  10. I tried that kinda but I've found that the wcmm's tend to hand around the top more, which kinda gives it an empty tank look, I'm not sure I'd go that route myself. That might just be my fish though?
  11. I know some apartment places don't allow fish tanks so I'd expect something similar and to that but hope for the best? Like repto said, space would be your main issue though How big is your tank?
  12. How long would you be looking at staying at one? I'd be surprised if they did to be honest though.
  13. Keen on seeing what you/others come up with - the only smaller african fish I can think of is the butterfly fish - not sure thats quite what you want. lol. Not knowing anything about them, what about goby fish of some sort? The ones i'm thinking of seem to be fresh water, but would look good in either a planted or a rock based set up.
  14. Lol, fishing keeping obviously attracts certain types of people... I'm starting my fresh water paper next semester, gonna ace it - I've had enough practice with a lot of what is covered :slfg:
  15. Dentist? Mint - I'm going for audiology if I can...
  16. The hoplos I've got would most likely choke trying to get down a tetra, and I've had them with neons for ages - maybe I'm not thinking about the right ones though?
  17. Yeah, All my friends are like that - I've got two doing masters in biology and another doing honours calculus (got a perfect A+ right through), sigh, I'll catch up sometime...
  18. Perfect, thanks guys - been looking for those for a while =)
  19. I make two. (Doing ecology at canty) Any others?
  20. Actually, I wonder how many students there are on the site?
  21. Haha, never knew that part of the site existed. Cheers
  22. I've found going the opposite way by turning off the heater for a few days can sometimes work without harming the plants - a week or so and its not totally effective, someone should try a little of both - most things cant handle both extremes too close together
  23. Oh, and last thing, are you using reflectors on the tank? I'm not convinced its made much difference on my reckord 600...
  24. Yeah, slightly surprised there aren't more older people on here though - seem to be a few operating on trademe selling fish and equipment from what I've experienced
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