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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. I would actually like to hear from a LFS what their take on this is? (if they dare) I know we have heard from HFF that they use the name that they bought it as from their supplier. And we have heard from someone at HFF Albany that they thought Sterbai Cory and Golden Leopards are two different species. But seriously if you can commit to saying when selling them that those fish are actually Siamese Algae Eaters and Sterbai Cory, then why can you not label them as that when you know that is what most people call them? and that the other names might mislead people if they actually tried to do some research on the fish they are buying.
  2. So in this case the person would have to go to the shop, take a picture of the fish, then go home and somehow work out that what the shop sells is in fact not a Flying Fox but a Siamese Algae Eater? I'm saying that when the shop is confident of what they have, they should sell it as that and not some pseudo made up common name like "Black Line Flying Fox". Have you googled that name btw? it will certainly lead you in the wrong direction of which fish it really is.
  3. This talk of responsibility of which species exactly a LFS is selling is slightly beside the point of this thread. No, we can never demand that a LFS should get their species right 100% of the time and take responsibility for it as well. What I'm talking about here is when you go into a LFS and ask: "Those Black Line Flying Fox there... what are they, Flying Fox or Siamese Algae Eater?" The staff then (very confidently) says "it's the Siamese Algae Eater". I that case.. Why deliberately sell the fish under a name that can only lead to much confusion? just because their supplier called them that. BTW the Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus siamensis) IS on the allow import list, so we can rule out any trickery caused by that.
  4. Indeed it was. I think this thread was doomed from the start trying to debate something so personal as common names..
  5. It's not really a big problem and yes there will always be many opinions as to what common name is correct. Therefore in reality there can't be a truly correct common name. That is not what I am asking for... The whole thing started when HFF posted that they now have "Threadfin Cichlids" in store and then immidiately after that quotes an article: "Acarichthys heckelii, also known as the Threadfin Acara". Then it lead to the Sterbai Cory being called "Golden Leopard" which is the only place in the world I have seen it being called that.. So I was really just asking if there are more people out there that think that some of these common names are simply too uncommon. This is not a right or wrong issue.. More of a "what does the majority think" issue
  6. I agree that is also a problem but the examples above are from a lfs that I think we can all agree "know their fish"
  7. As posted before this IS NOT a thread about the use of scientific names... please don't bring that topic into this.
  8. Starting this thread in case there are still people out there that wants to have a go at me for wanting more common common names... The issue in question is: Why do LFS's sell their fish under names that are very uncommon? Examples: "Golden Leopard Cory"... Know to the rest of the world as "Sterbai Cory". "Black Line Flying Fox"... (as above) "Siamese Algae Eater" (and yes there is indeed a "Flying Fox" but this is not the same fish) The problem I have is that a new fish keeper might see that the local LFS has "Black Line Flying Fox". He/she then goes home to read about that fish... can't find anything other than "Flying Fox" and therefore assumes that this must be the fish in question.. Same goes for the Cory.. I think in these cases the LFS is misleading fishkeepers... (which I am sure they have no intention of doing) We can all make mistakes, especially with common names that are as imprecise as anything but a common name should be the name that is most commonly used to describe something... Opinions on this? (and let's keep it friendly mr pleco) Oh and let me just say that this is not a discussion about the use of scientific names.. that is a whole other can of worms.
  9. Just "normal" polystyrene sheets from a hardware store (bunnings, mitre 10 etc.) 10mm if you wanna do something about your heatloss 25mm if you wanna do it hardcore 50mm is a waste of money and space
  10. Have you tried to take the top plastic cover off the motor head? Just unscrew all visible screws (if not under warranty) If you say the water comes out from where the chord enters then it might be in there somewhere the leak is.
  11. Nah duct tape just makes a huge mess if you ever need to remove it.. I use normal office type tape (the stuff you cant really see if you put it on paper) The trick is to have a long piece on the poly and to rub it onto the poly really well with the tip of your fingernail
  12. You don't get condensation between poly and glass.. (it's warm there) I just have tape going around the corners... a bit rough but it sticks for now...
  13. Kribs eggs are orange too and surprisingly big for such a small fish.. Kribs could have laid them between some rocks and by the way you are describing it sounds like the angel found someone else eggs and had itself a nice feast! It was the butler who did it!! no wait I mean the kribs :slfg:
  14. Well said... and good explanation thanks!
  15. That garage TM trader is Redwood aquatics in chch.. hehe
  16. Seachem Prime (HFF website): 250ml = $34.30, 5ml treats 200L = $0.34/100L Nutrafin Aqua Plus (on TM): 2L = $38.50, 5ml treats 40L =$0.24/100L :smln:
  17. How much is Seachem Prime? I recently bought 2L Nutrafin Aqua Plus on TM for $38.50. I thought that was a pretty good deal.
  18. Sorry to hear that Josh. So YOU were the one... ("4 on hold") So how long have they been in your tank before this happened?
  19. Yeah I think "Black silica sand" is a contradictory in itself.. I don't think silica itself is ever black? Just go to Muriwai and load up a couple of buckets of iron sand (what Sophia said).
  20. It works! And it works well! Clad as much as you can (except the sides you want to see through of course) in 25mm polystyrene. Not just during the night but all the time and make sure its stuck on tight and there are no airgaps around the sides. Even though you think you keep spending much on powerbills the poly makes a big difference.
  21. As for cleaning the water of potential "food"... Power filter vs. Mussel..... hmmm... I think the filter will win that one
  22. I found the thread that explains this: http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=236032
  23. Not so far.. the trick is to scrape all oil/air bubbles out really well so the oil layer between glass and poster is extremely thin.. then it will not come off until you peel it off yourself.
  24. Just an alternative to paint: Just recently I used standard aquarium backing paper/poster (blue/black) but wiped it with canola oil and stuck it on the back of the tank and smoothed it out with a scraper thingy (like you would wallpaper I guess.. It looks amazing.. so black.. and sticks so well to the glass.. and if I ever get tired of it I don't have to worry about how to get paint of the glass.. Just an idea.. BTW I got the idea from a thread of "Japes" on MFK I think
  25. Hi John and welcome! Nice male Krib you've got there! Hope he gets better soon.
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