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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. Can you show us a picture of the stand?
  2. +1 for the Hatchets! And corys lots of corys You don't have to decide it all at once you know
  3. It is safe... but won't it float?
  4. Is that a towel rail in the back of the tank? :slfg:
  5. Oooh.. hope this is gonna be a good one :spop: (sorry only have small plecs)
  6. +1 I know these people pushes your buttons but there will always be idiots out there pushing other peoples buttons... seems to be part of life. As P44 said the trick is to ignore them and hope they will go away.
  7. So people are walking down the street protesting.. (which they have the right to do) and you wanna start a fight? To me that makes you worse than they are.
  8. hovmoller


    I bought these from Thailand on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/POTTERY-BREEDING-CAVE-LO46-ZERBA-PLECO-/180464621381?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a04879745 They are very nice!
  9. Add only a very thin film of oil to the side you want to see... stick it on and then go to town on the vinyl with a scraper (creditcard)... The more you scrape the thinner the film of oil between vinyl and glass and the better it will stick. Have fun!
  10. Mr Weidner does not mention a common name for A. heckelii (good on him :slfg: ) Quote: "were for a long time numbered among the eartheaters and the tribe Geophagini. The latest wisdow is, however, that they form a separate tribe, the Acarichthyni, within the subfamily Geophaginae (kullander, 1998)"
  11. I just got that standard black/blue background on a roll at the LFS. Wiped it with canola oil and used a credit card to stick it on... works and looks great!
  12. Alternative to paint: http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=236032
  13. Haha.. yeah I got it back in Denmark in 2002 I think for around 50 NZD. Just checked Amazon, it's 360 USD!!! that's insane how the price can go up that much
  14. Yeah I certainly didn't mean to say anything negative about HFF as such. I was using HFF and their staff as an example of a retailer that know their stuff which for me as a fishkeepers makes it a brilliant place to shop. I am simply expressing a big question mark to why these names? Because I simply don't understand why? With the species we have discussed here, to me other names would be better. I can accept if other people feel differently, so lets leave it at that. David I'll have a look at what Thomas Weidner calls A. heckelii as a common name when I come home. Will let you know.
  15. Glad to hear your room is working out for you.. And congrats on the cory eggs (nice moss picture :lol: )
  16. You are right.. There are too many issues being brought into this topic. The only issue here is why do experienced retailers (such as HFF) continue to use (in my opinion and I hope a few others out there) obviously misleading common names where most of the rest of the world is using another. And please don't give me this crap attitude "bloody foreigner comming here and trying to tell us what to call fish here in NZ". That is not what this is about. I am just another passionate fishkeeper that have made my home New Zealand like so many of you out there.
  17. Yeah yeah here we go... Good ol' kiwi tall poppy syndrome ey? If you have read the posts you will see that HFF don't need any help at all.. They know exactly what they are dealing with and what they are selling (or at least they have a very good estimated guess) because they have the experience with ALLLLL the fish they see come through. What I don't get is that when they do have all that knowledge.. why don't they apply it a bit better (in my opinion of course) and not just use whatever name came from whoever sold them the fish. Of course it will only ever be an educated guess, that is all we can ask of them. I am not asking for guarentees. But to just stand abck and say "hey it's not our problem that you got a Flying Fox and not a Siamese Algae Eater. You should have done your research customer" We all know how many idiots goes and buy a fish because it's a cool fighting fish that will kill all the others or keep big goldfish in tiny bowls etc.. If the LFS didn't take a bit of responsibility for what they sell then where would we be?
  18. IMO if you can't name the fish you are selling or can't tell me it's requirements, behaviour etc. then you are not qualified to sell it. If you wanna sell live animals, do you homework!
  19. Explain this then: HFF post that they now have "Acarichthys heckelii, also known as the Threadfin Acara" Then goes ahead and call it "Threadfin Cichlid". I asked why and they said "because that is what our supplier calls it" Here the fish has been identified as Acarichthys heckelii and along with it is an article refering to its most common name. In this case the common name is right there.. and "Threadfin Cichlid" could be many fish really.
  20. Ah.. I think it was blueether. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=50529&p=552759&hilit=torrent+fish#p552759
  21. Someone on here used iron sand collected from Muriwai (or similar) for a native freshwater setup. He/she had an avatar with an awesome looking torrentfish lying on black sand.. Perhaps he/she woul dknow more on this... Sorry can't remember who it is. But maybe do a search on torrent fish or something
  22. Exactly! and that is why I suggested earlier that this thread was doomed from the start.. and yes it is very much a case of "You should all name your fish what I want them to be named" :slfg: Just thought these names were sooo obviously wrong that more people would agree that they are wrong. I don't see anything wrong with discussing one common name by itself and having a debate as to how wrong or right it is... I think common names should be what the majority of people would like to call something.
  23. Can you reach the tail fin with tweezers? I know this might damage the fin but if you can save his life I would do that
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