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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. hovmoller


    I forced myself to watch a little of both "Tanked' and "Fish Tank Kings" the other day... Hard to describe how much I dislike the fake coral... and the shows in general actually. :sick:
  2. Yes make sure you remove uneaten food.. Fungus is a killer
  3. Yes liquifry is good. You can also crush dry food to a powder and feed that.
  4. Agree.. sticky this mods please
  5. Well I guess with the sump(s) it would be a 2000L system! :happy1:
  6. But that won't take you through the 2000 liter barrier! What a pity :slfg:
  7. They are not the fastest. 3 weeks max I'd say. When u browse that website it's only when you are logged in and have set your location to be New Zealand that the prices are shown without German gst. Makes a big difference. Also it will show you shipping cost as you add things
  8. It's only when you spend over NZD 400 that you might have to pay gst to customs. And don't believe that rubbish about fumigation and extra fees. But don't buy any medication overseas cos they will most likely hold that until you can prove you have a licence or something like that. Yes I have bought Eheim pumps from that site before and all you need is a 50 cent plug adaptor. And yes you have to decide whether a local warranty is worth the extra money. Good luck with everything
  9. Go 2700x1200x650mm in 12mm IMO Trust the science! I suppose you will have the usual bracing? You're not gonna have any kids banging on the glass anytime soon are you? :slfg:
  10. Have a look here: http://www.aquaristikshop.com/cgi-bin/neu/webshop.pl?f=*NR&c=207502&t=temartic_e&userid=g39dfuAUtFXff0F0b1kUwFMOvYBP303vHMX Comes to NZD 316 incl. shipping to NZ Hollywoods has a price matching policy so you could try to ask them if they can match that price. If not then buy it from Germany only difference is the euro plug
  11. Hehe this is funny but my first tank here in NZ was your option 1. A juwel rio 300 with an Eheim 2075 on it. It worked great. That filter is so good and quiet and I think it's rated for 600L so more than enough as long as you don't overstock. I wanted a base that fit better with our other furniture so I had a sort of a cupboard unit custom made to fit the tank (stained pine. Around $400 from memory)
  12. Wow you sure know how to exagerate don't you! From my memory they were $890 and around 4 cm long.
  13. Unlikely.. it would have to have circumnavigated around the north island to end up at Piha (west coast of Auckland)
  14. And on another note: I remember thinking the 240 was very narrow back to front.. A bit too slim for my liking.
  15. That what I mean.. you can't!... it will shut them all down.. they must be connected in serial or whatever.. you should test this in shop so you know what you are getting.
  16. It was a wooden one, painted blue.. so maybe one of those CHEP pallets.. must have been close to sinking cos the whole top was covered in them too. I guess the ironic thing is that that more barnacles grow on it the heavier it gets and eventually sinks an sends them all plumeting to their deaths in the deep (unless they wash up on a beach and die, like this one) Thanks for the ID F15hguy.. No they were all alive and swaying around trying to find water no doubt. It was on our way back we saw it so must have washed in just 10min max before we saw it.
  17. Went for a long walk with the wife and dog at North Piha yesterday and found a old pallet on the beach. Must have been drifting around at sea for quite a while. I could only find one species of animal on this and it was EVERYWHERE.. every little cm2 was occupied by very strange creatures. (well one that I definitely haven't seen before) Had a watery filled stalk, then a mussel sort of house split in several segments with claw like filtering sort of arms coming out of it. Anyone know this one?
  18. I run 2x eheim 2228.. yes a bit overkill I know but I like it! For canisters I would choose Eheim over any other brand always! Flow isn't everything. Yeah mine came with one light bar (2xT5) and I have a non planted setup at the moment and would like to only run one tube but with the juwel fixture there is no easy way of doing this. Would have loved if they could have just put two switches on it.
  19. I have a Rio 300.. Nice quality and my Discus seems happy in this tank. Used the internal filter for a while which is an ok filter but in the end decided I would like to have the space in the corner instead of a filter so I cut it out and now have external canisters instead. Lights are kinda dumb though.. you can only ever have two T5's on at the same time. Can't turn one off or take one out..
  20. Iceland have been making hydrogen from water using electricity produced from windmills and geothermal stations for quite a while now. I mean actually having a network of hydrogen stations where one can "gas up" the car :slfg:
  21. Have you done any calcs? You know: Roof area, average rainfall, etc etc and compared it to your current usage (or your previous house usage) to see if you have enough water left for water changes. Should be easy enough to do an estimate. Being on tank water is perfect for your new tank (if you have enough water that is). Just do a continuous drip system at a calculated rate and never have to worry about any water changes.
  22. Back on topic. I don't think you will find many interested buyers unless you would run some kind of delivery service and sell it for half the price of artificial water. I get my water in 20 16L buckets into my station wagon and it is very satisfying getting it myself instead of paying big bucks for making it artificially
  23. Well, top marks for optimism! I really hope this works out for you. If you end up taking orders I think you will have a lot of interest from some people on this forum including myself :thup:
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