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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. Do you have a photo of this? Curious of how you have done this. Cheers
  2. Dim lighting, tea coloured water, sand, wood, dead leaves, corys, eartheaters, plecos !drool:
  3. Yeah Hollywoods have a recipe for killing bba with flourish excel... overdosing.. but not sure how much. Depending on your tank size this is expensive though.. You could get a siamese algae eater if you didn't mind having one with your cichlids
  4. If you have the skill you can make all the spray bar holes slightly bigger
  5. Hi Mate, Sorry to hear about your Salvini.. If the gills have been severed and are hanging out I would say he's a goner for sure. No point extending his misery. As for putting him down. With a big fish I would take him out and sever his head quickly with a sharp knife. I guess there are chemical ways but IMO that is just fluffing around for the same result in the end.. His death will be quick if you use a knife. So ironic how we often discuss how to put down our little aquarium fish in the most humane way possible when you think about big scale commercial fishing where millions of fish are simply poured into the hull of a ship and will all suffocate slowly.. I'm not saying we shouldn't be humane.. it's just ironic
  6. I wouldn't say it looks amazing (cos it doesn't yet) but I think you are off to a good start... and well done on how much you have accomplished in a short time. A note on the driftwood: I think I remember you saying you collected it from port waikato? If so then it is probably pine (it also looks like pine). I have been hunting for driftwood there myself but in the end did not take any cos it's pretty much all pine there. Pine degrades/rots very quickly in or out of fishtanks (especially commercial quick grown pine) and it could very likely leach non fish friendly stuff into the water. Much better to go with some native hardwoods or the driftwood they sell in petshops.
  7. You guys realize the question was regarding marine tanks?
  8. Not sure what the technique is for breeding neons with a mesh but how about the plastic fly screen mesh you can buy pr meter in hardware stores.. I think I have a picture somewhere........... Here it is:
  9. Good explanation Thanks Spoon
  10. Less oxygen or no oxygen? if anaerobic then nitrate will be converted to nitrite, no? even worse. Just trying to understand what this quote really means, can someone marine explain please?
  11. Big +1 This show reminds me of Pimp My Ride/American Chopper but with tacky aquarium novelty ideas and american drama bullshit.. I think this show is a complete waste of time.
  12. You send in an army of Siamese Algae Eaters... or a bunch of gnarly plecos.. or Uaru.. many options really
  13. Found Nemo and a few of his friends at a friends dinner!
  14. Yeah I had them together for a while and they mostly just ignore each other
  15. Ok so when your office is at 18 degrees it will take 368W of heating to keep your tank at 26 degrees. This is not taking into account added heating from pumps, lights etc. So your 2x300w eheims is a good choice for this tank
  16. Ok so tank at 26... whats the coldest temp your office gets down to?
  17. Jasonnz could you tell me at what temp you are planning to keep the tank at and also what the lowest temp your office will get down to?
  18. Bonuses? I think you should have that iPhone looked at! Maybe you mean 4 days?? Yep still going great, sparkling clean surface
  19. Here: http://www.aquaristikshop.com Very reliable. I have bought there several times.. they ship using DHL. When you register and fill in that your adress is NZ then prices change to exclude VAT. Just be aware of the NZD 400 customs import rule whatever and the fact that anything electrical will come with a european plug (round ones). Voltage/hertz etc. is the same.
  20. So now comes the fun part - filling it up for the first time!! Just my 2c on filtration: For a tank like that in an office I would use two Eheim 2080. They are rated for 1200L each and would be soooo quiet and would only need a clean every 3 months or even longer. Especially if you go with light stocking. Buy them from Germany for around NZD 460 each incl. shipping - DONE! (buy media here) You could always add a DIY surface skimmer to one of them
  21. How about the liquid nails levelling idea: you put a big fat bead of liquid nails around the top of your frame. You then lay the ply&poly on top and immidiately put the tank on as well.. This way the ply will be perfectly level (or at least as level as the bottom of the tank is)
  22. Yeah quite an inferior aro you have there compared to those nice red ones they have in asia :sml1:
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