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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. Reef is it your opinion that expanding a genus to include more species does not fall under the above statement?
  2. Reef I understand where you are coming from with those comments but I probably wouldn't have chosen those words. If you don't mind. It would be extremely helpful to me and I'm sure a lot of other people if you would take us through the process of adding say one species to the list. Perhaps you can use an example you have done yourself. A fish that is not high risk. The different steps, the information you provided about this species, cost etc. If you are willing to share that information I think we can all learn from your experience and it would keep a lot of people from making wild guesses to what this process is like. Thank you in advance
  3. Yes, same panels are used in food prep areas commercially
  4. Don't get me wrong... I love all animals... just happen to love Herons more than I do goldfish. A heron eating goldfish is just nature at work (food chain and all that) and in that case I'm rooting for the Herons. It's nothing personal and I do feel sorry for you if you have lost fish you cared about. Appologies if I have offended you.
  5. No that stuff has grooves cut in them so you can squeeze it between joists.. Don't buy that. They should have regular sheets of 2400x1200mm in different thicknesses Oh can I ask what the poly is for? To insulate the room or the tanks by themselves?
  6. I have a 97 Libero that did the same... had the transmission rebuilt... cost megabucks :facepalm:
  7. Also shops here are not allowed to sell adapters without ground so I doubt you will find that exact one... except on one of the markets where they have all the imported junk. But even then you'll only find an NZ one. Just get some on ebay from a top rated seller.. I did that no worries
  8. You can buy that exact one on ebay... very cheap too
  9. Seeing all the threads that are going around at the moment on the issue wouldn't it be prudent for the president to say a few words on progress and calm the masses down a bit and assure everyone that progress is being made? (And don't tell me to read minutes again. I've been tuned in and excited for two years now)
  10. Last time I checked I paid $15 to be a mere "associate" member so I can read aquariumworld online. And that doesn't even get me a membership card anymore so I can get store discounts. The main reason I joined and paid was because there was so much talk about the federation working on getting new fish on the allow list and I thought I should help the cause by joining (and paying). So we are supposed to "stay tuned for exiting times to come"? I haven't heard a peep about how this is going and last time I asked I was told that I could just go and read all the minutes from all the delegates meetings. If the initiative that Jennifer talked about 2 years ago is truly happening but funding is an issue then I would happily make a donation to that particular activity, and I'm sure others will too. Then as she suggests there could be a voting system of sorts and in the end a sweet list of desirable species could be applied for. If then these species were approved I'm sure there are importers that would start importing these species since they are obviuosly the most desired as proven by a vote on this site..
  11. Oh yeah what riveting two years it's been
  12. Hey you sound like my wife!! She doesn't get why I keep boring brown/grey fish :facepalm: She would rather I get some pretty colourful ones :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: Guppy eating leaf is awesome... The End :slfg:
  13. Very nice, thanks for sharing. ID of fish anyone?
  14. Jaxxnz you are talking about three different things here: 1. You setting up a quarantine facility so you/we can import fish 2. Getting new species of fish added to allow list 3. How to make special orders from an already established importer Which one is it you want to talk about here? For once I actually agree with Jaxxnz on one of his suggestions. That the federation should lead the way and pay for new species to be added to the allow list. That could either be funded by membership fees or donations as jaxxnz sort of suggested. If the federation really wants to do something to stimulate this hobby in NZ then I see few better ways than to try and get some never before seen species into the country. There was a post from Jennifer a long time ago that the federation is working on this but I have yet to hear any news on that.
  15. Err.. yeah lets just say I would not trust MY fish with him. But yeah would love to have a leaf fish or a few and feed them live guppies
  16. Still room for 5 discus though :thup:
  17. 3/ Like someone else much wiser than me said: because these creatures can tolerate extreme conditions doesn't mean they thrive in them or that they can survive them for very long. 4/ I asked same question (about what NOT to keep) on another forum and got this answer from Puttputt: "crabs, nudibranches that eat a specific food, snails that eat other snails, anything that you dont know what they eat, sea squirts, big star fish - they'll eat everything, big kina - as per starfish (my purple urchin consumed a live limpet (black footed one - you know) on the weekend, Sponges (they die and pollute), and thats all so far."
  18. Try youtubing "aquarium co2" you will get heaps of ideas from there. Otherwise you can get inline diffusors on ebay quite cheap but not sure how good they are though
  19. Great job on the stand! Does he do that for a living?
  20. I would just like to add to this discussion that beause I have been able to buy some of my gear and food overseas much cheaper than I would have been able to here it has allowed me to expand my hobby to more and bigger tanks than if I'd had to buy everything locally. This in turn means that I have probably bought more fish and other non importable things locally because I was able to save on food and gear.
  21. Ah yes they are flexi hose aren't they? do they fit on the eheim 5000 or will I some kind of adapter? Yeah I'm not too impressed either, though Eheim was the quitest around but your old Laguna 7500 is much quieter than the Eheim (but too much flow for the marine tank)
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