Okay, so yesterday I went down to the pet shop with a mission, finding some more black widow tetra as I only have 2 and I think they need a bigger family.....well they didn't have any so instead of turning around and walking out of there.... I browsed.....and browsed and....... well...... I kinda sorta bought a Peppered Cory...... this interested the Clown Loaches immensely as they all came outta the cave to investigate...... its so cute and I'm sure it thinks its a tetra, or maybe it was just the fact that I emptied the crumbs from the shrimp pellets into the tank and it was all floating on the top..... so cool watching it dart around, it has settled in nicely......so ..... today I am going back to get it a couple of friends...... oh and the other good news is that I have finished paying off my cannister filter so that will be arriving soon, which means I can set up the 3 foot tank soon..... yay!!!!!
This is gonna be fun!!!!! :bounce: