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Everything posted by blueyes

  1. Okay.....so find plan B then.... thanks guys...... the twisted variant isn't illegal then? Would it grow across the top of the tank like this one? Thanks.
  2. Thou shalt not keep us in suspense....tell, tell, TELL!!! lol
  3. Cool, thanks....I really like how it is growing across the surface of the water, thought it might be a cool way to provide shelter for those fishies that prefer the darker corners of the tank.....
  4. When the first thing you do when you get up in the morning or get home from work is check that everyone in your tank is alright :roll:
  5. What is the tall plant at each end of this tank, and is it available in New Zealand? Thanks in advance
  6. Hehe.... sounds like an awesome fulla....maybe he does need his own pet fish
  7. blueyes


    I think two of my x-ray tetra are playing kiss and catch......the girls belly looks full of eggs......sad......I'm not ready for this!!!
  8. I love the wee Panda corys too.... I'm looking out for some of those next!!
  9. Yeah I think so......they don't seem to mind sharing their tank when the bird decides to take a dip in it lol
  10. Hmmmmm, I wonder how long the shrimp would last in the tank with my giant Goldies.....
  11. Oh, that was my second guess lol...... Josh depends on how far you can travel.... Clevedon might be another good place to try......
  12. Haha, yeah....I've heard of that place, maybe you could go in and ask them for some advice on how to best care for them
  13. Then you need a bigger tank...... I hear they grow really big but very slowly hehe
  14. Hmmmm........ maybe you found a freshwater mermaid 8) hehe
  15. Hehe, yeah bummer....that means I have to get more fish....oh what a shame!!
  16. Okay, so yesterday I went down to the pet shop with a mission, finding some more black widow tetra as I only have 2 and I think they need a bigger family.....well they didn't have any so instead of turning around and walking out of there.... I browsed.....and browsed and....... well...... I kinda sorta bought a Peppered Cory...... this interested the Clown Loaches immensely as they all came outta the cave to investigate...... its so cute and I'm sure it thinks its a tetra, or maybe it was just the fact that I emptied the crumbs from the shrimp pellets into the tank and it was all floating on the top..... so cool watching it dart around, it has settled in nicely......so ..... today I am going back to get it a couple of friends...... oh and the other good news is that I have finished paying off my cannister filter so that will be arriving soon, which means I can set up the 3 foot tank soon..... yay!!!!! This is gonna be fun!!!!! :bounce:
  17. Thanks for the answers, yeah it is a shame it's only 2 years.......
  18. Sorry to hijack the thread, this is off topic, but how long on average do siamese fighters live for?
  19. I got a 25kg bag of builders sand from Bunnings for $6
  20. Looks so good....are you available for hire for tankscaping P44? lol
  21. blueyes

    My Boys

    They are such piggies.... I gave them a piece of pear yesterday morning and they won't let anyone else near it!
  22. blueyes

    My Boys

    Yeah, I just noticed that the Albino's bristles have come in way more than the other guys, couldn't get a pic of the wee girl,I think she's a bit camera shy........ My fav is the first photo too.... the quality isn't too good i'm afraid, I took them with my phone.... they are finally starting to become less shy and don't run away when they see me coming, though they do still clamp their fins when they see me lol
  23. blueyes

    My Boys

    Just thought I'd share
  24. blueyes


    Hehe, and heres me worrying about how I am going to set up the next tank.... I envy those of you that know what you are doing lol
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