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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. And is it a major ask for the retailer to know the difference? Seeing as P44 is a retailer who claims to have seen four types, he may be able to expand everyone's knowledge when it comes to SAE/FF. I asked my local animates and nobody had heard of a SAE, but were certain the FF would eat black beard
  2. I would hardly call Animates a "LFS". They have to follow animates policy and cant freely do what they want in terms of naming. So you're saying there is 4 species now? I don't recall reading that when reading articles on the differences between SAE and FF. Care to explain the difference between the four?
  3. With cory breeding there its lots of option. You can let them spawn, remove the parents, remove the eggs, or leave them together :thup: Just need lots of plants etc for them to spawn on and to keep the eggs safe.
  4. Taking a few minutes to decide if you have a tank full of SAE or flying foxes is hardly a cost.
  5. My common name is Josh, scientific name is Joshua(which could even be deemed as Yeshua) but I'm often miss identified as a Joseph :smln:
  6. Joshlikesfish

    Hey Sam!

    :digH: Just found an appropriate use for that smiley. Digging out an old thread :cofn: I don't have a cat but I'd like to see this thread up and running again, Sam? :spop:
  7. Money is not the only economic benefit, and its a past transaction instead of a past event Or so my level one accounting teacher drilled into our heads
  8. Till the asset depreciates, forming an expense, and still that money is there :lol:
  9. Your eco teacher sounds like more of a crackpot than mine :lol: Breed L046
  10. Did you change your address with the FNZAS?
  11. A lot of people I know go "pfff fish" untill I say "Thats a siamese fighter." then its all "Oooo wow do they kill each other?!?!?!?" When I was a helper at the animates pet fun days, so many people wanted to buy the "siamese fighter" and asked questions like "would they kill my goldfish?", "if they bite me, will I bleed?" The biggest appeal was the name from what I saw. I find it works with guppies too. Giving them fancy names like "Snakeskin" etc etc lets you up the $$$ How about the "Spotted bristlenose"? Thats the import name, but some people think they are Rio Ucayali. And no p44, I am not trying to "troll you" Then there are "pretty peckoltia" which are nothing like the "pretty peckoltia" overseas. I think this is going to be something that will be in constant debate. Especially if its an unknown fish that some people will be happy to name straight away but others are hesitant. As long as the given name takes people to correct information on the species Still get mix ups like SAE and flying fox though :-?
  12. I thought all arowana had to be chipped to ensure they came from a legit source?
  13. And it was started with a little bit of peer pressure :lol:
  14. You're obviously doing something right :happy2: Is it a pair of black angels? My friends pair sold for $80 on trademe awhile ago
  15. Do you have a big tv? I'll trade you a 4ft for it :sml2:
  16. I think he means he will now have more money to spend on his reptiles as its costing less to light the fish room
  17. Setting up a 4ft is only cheap. Why don't you do that?
  18. Wont it take a few years for the threadfin to get to a decent size?
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