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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. My L140 devour courgette. My L270 have been fed novotab their entire lives. Occasional shrimp pellets and novo fect. Does the tank have lots of hiding spaces etc? How big are they?
  2. Naming large fish with personalities is all good :thup: Naming a school of cardinals on the other hand... :sml2:
  3. Maybe you could call it Tinkerbell? :nilly:
  4. Males fighting has never stopped me from getting them to spawn. How old were they in the first place?
  5. I've recently bought some bamboo to use as caves. I've got one cave from the lengths of dried stuff I have. Its produced a slimy coat in the water. Is that normal? Should I soak them all in something other than my tanks till they stop producing the slimy coat? Thanks
  6. I've had fighters jump into others compartments and one of the two fighters will be nearly dead when I find them in the morning. Its not uncommon for them to fight to the death.
  7. With high CO2 and ferts :thup: Mine was growing one-two sets of leaves per day under two 6500k t8's and high DIY CO2 and root tabs :sml2:
  8. You can even hide the overflow like with David R's big tank :nilly:
  9. Could always try goldfish :nilly: Lots of driftwood, some rocks, and some easy to grow plants like ambulia and java fern may be an idea? Makes for a simple and easy to maintain community. Also keep the stocking low if you want it to be really easy. I wouldn't suggest a heavily planted tank. If it goes wrong, it really goes wrong Thats just my experience though. Africans as mentioned before are another option. They can be rather colorful and active. I personally prefer dwarf cichlids but everybody has their thing
  10. I meant that I would say things that cant be said on the forum, like rather angry words :slfg:
  11. Things that cant be said on this forum :lol:
  12. I love all my asian friends :thup:
  13. Joshlikesfish


    I want to buy 5 but I have to pay $39 US shipping
  14. Joshlikesfish


    I assume for plec breeding? All of mine have spawned in bamboo which you can get from the warehouse. I've seen slate/tile ones used by NZ breeders with much success. As long as you use aquarium safe silicone you should be fine :thup: You can get slate from land scaping stores
  15. My A. Heckillii (i think that how you spell it) are pretty friendly. Will eat from my hand. So will most of the bettas I own. My tbar on the other hand tries to bite me :sml1:
  16. That stuff grows like weeds, so somebody will probably be able to give you some clippings
  17. http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/detail/view/hagen-power-glo-high-output-t5-46-54w/m/1009/ HFF has them for $70 so I would assume animates would cost a bit more. Don't you have waterworld or something in hamilton?
  18. My moss is all dank and stringy The tank I gave my mum(which is basically my dads as he's the one that feeds the fish and cleans it :roll: :lol: ) grows the xmas moss I put in there really well. Might have to go harvest it soon :lol:
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