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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. So now that its been in my tank for awhile. I'd say "she" is a male. Odontones. Hairy. Looks identical to my male(which was sexed by Rabbit)
  2. I've got like 40+ :lol: I thought only certain "elitists" had Rio Ucayali?
  3. +1 I couldn't imagine a tank without mechanical filtration. Actually I could, but I don't want to :lol:
  4. +1 IDK how the CL's will like it, but my cory's never complained
  5. Its a shame we didn't get those pics of you in your pj's when the east auckland "club" went shrimping! :sml2: Thats my brother and I. I usually dress a lot better though :roll: :lol:
  6. They must have been removed
  7. Thought you were not going to do it on a large scale?
  8. Got links to any of those studies? Not because I don't believe you, but because i'm interested
  9. http://www.hikari.info/tropical/t_28.html I have brine shrimp flake thats like 40ish% but thats just crummy flake David gave me a few pellets to try on my L270. They didn't take to them. Boy did the pellets smell though :lol:
  10. If he says no, I'll make you one! $5 charge though :slfg: I think I'll make quite a few. They look rather useful
  11. That is so weird. Just tried it on IE (after it told me my computer was not connected to the internet but firefox and msn were still working :facepalm: ) Might have to improve my design!
  12. Tried the direct URL and it didn't work either
  13. My favorite! :lol: Fish inbreeding seems to be pretty normal to be honest. A lot of people do it without realizing
  14. three days for the silicone to cure I'd imagine its because they usually breed in caves that are usually coarse. I've seen a lot of breeders sand the inside of PVC to create caves.
  15. I had an apple snail the size of my fish crawl out of my 4ftr, down the meter high tank stand and managed to travel halfway across the fishroom before I found it
  16. Good to see they're sticking to the same type :lol:
  17. Sam editing his photos to make things brighter than they really are?!?!? Who does that remind me of? :lol: Looking awesome dude. Which angels are the "pair"?
  18. Ramshorns are usually ok with plants. Well mine were. You can always breed in a small tank. I would use one of those small plastic "goldfish" bowls, or similar, to breed them in. I have those tiny 5mm snails in most of my tanks. Not on purpose. But they breed like CRAZY.
  19. We all love a good poop thread :sage:
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