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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Koi are illegal in NZ but this was not always the case, hence they can be found in the wild due to accidental and deliberate release. You are not allowed to keep koi.
  2. Fish are easier to live with than men too! :smln: Luckily, Grant and I have always followed our fish keeping hobby together so it has not been a problem.
  3. Just returned from taking my parents to Hokitika to see a dying relative. Had to wait until the road opened again as it had closed due to snow. Here are some pics... rainbow on the way to St Arnaud. It followed us for miles! Heading towards St Arnaud Lake Rotoiti waterfront Lake Rotoiti waterfront Linesman fixing the lines outside of Reefton House in Reefton. It was the most snowfall they have had in 50 years Hokitika beach View across Hokitika Bridge to mountains ice on roadside coming through the Buller Gorge Sunset looking towards St Arnaud Interesting patterns on the hillside just out from St Arnaud
  4. I see your cyclops pond and raise you my brine shrimp pond... :slfg: There is not much to see in photos of live food cultures Joe. Usually, as said, just an ice cream container or similar covered in porridge, cat food etc :-?
  5. I have a siphon python but it was so slow I would read a book while waiting for the tank to fill - as big a mistake as sitting at the computer! Hmmm this would make a good Aquarium World article :happy2:
  6. Caryl


    Check our main site as it has information for all the affiliated clubs in NZ, articles, plant database and all sorts of helpful information. There is more to this than just the forums
  7. Well we are very careful to put our phones away at quiz. Tonight is the final. We will not win the overall prize ($500 to the school of our choice) but we have a good chance of being second (which will add to our bar tab). The Microbes have an unassailable lead (unless they come down with a bacterial infection and don't turn up) at 532 and we are currently second (up from third the week before) on 488.5. The next team, Portmanteaus are on 484.5 and the OBG's (Oldies But Goodies) have 484.5. We usually sit next to the OBG's and have a great friendly rivalry going as they are friends of ours. So it will be a close run fight for 2nd and 3rd. GO FOXY MORONS!!!! :happy1: :bounce: :happy2: :slfg:
  8. Caryl

    Two filters?

    You can never have too much filtration!
  9. Sorting compatibility can be difficult as there are many factors that can alter the result... Size of fish Which was added first Size of tank Decor Numbers of each species Total stocking ...immediately come to mind and I am sure there are other factors.
  10. Caryl

    Bristlenose fry

    Leave them alone as they pretty much look after themselves. If he is fanning there will be another batch in there.
  11. He also has parents who say no more tanks! Joe, I have some fly screens here if you want to use the mesh from those.
  12. and did you ask the club breeding co-ordinator to count the 10 after 30 days free swimming so they could be registered? Or have they not reached that age yet?
  13. Caryl

    growing algae

    Strong light and no plants for it to compete with. I had no trouble growing it in my African tank and I didn't actually want it :roll:
  14. but he's not a pheasant plucker he's the pheasant plucker's son and he's only plucking pheasants 'til the pheasant plucker comes
  15. I found moving in short bursts was helpful. Dr said to you 30 minutes per day but that does not mean you can't do it in 5 minute, or 10 minute lots to make up the 30 minutes. Anyway you can go to a pool? Walking through water is easier on the joints and less likely to cause you pain as the water supports the joints. If you can't swim, just walk up and down in waist to chest high water.
  16. I am sure it was because the male did or said something wrong :slfg:
  17. I think there are as many BGK called Mack as there are neons called Bob :slfg: Carbon, Steel or Sharpe. :gigl:
  18. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I went into town where it was warmer cos they had power :lol: They were working on the power lines at the end of the street. We had a couple of weeks warning that power would be off (but I forgot) while they did the work between 9am and 4pm but power was restored at 2.30 or so. I enjoyed a lovely walnut and pear salad with friends in town, read for a while in the library (always nice and warm in there. Could have taken the netbook and surfed the web too but wasn't worried about lack of internet) then headed home. It is amazing how quiet the house is without all the background stuff running - fridge, freezer, computers, UPS's etc. I am pleased to say the Jebo filter started up again with no problems although we will have to alter the timer as it will be out by 5 hours or so. Tank temp 22C, room temp 18.5C. Didn't think to check what temp the tank was before the power went off so will have a look later to see how much it lost. As it is built into a large wall unit and only has the front pane visible, the temp drops very slowly so I did not bother throwing a blanket or anything over it. It has a glass lid covered by a solid timber one as well.
  19. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    We are about to have an 8 hour power cut. Behave yourselves while I am away! :slfg:
  20. I hate exercising too but love my walks now. Back to the old routine now so weight should slowly drop again.
  21. I use no products in my tank and clean the filter out every 12 - 18 months when the flow reduces. As said, it has a lot to do with the type of fish you keep. Some nibble on plants too so the filter clogs more often in that case. I am due to clean the filter again so I will try to remember to take pics. I remove about a 2L container of sludge when I clean it out. This does not seem to cause problems in the tank but it is heavily planted and lightly stocked.
  22. We came 2nd tonight and were 3rd overall before tonight's quiz. We may have made it up to 2nd overall. It is the final next week as it runs school term. The answer was indeed Tom Cruise and obviously many had done the same research as we had
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