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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I sat in the sun outside for lunch today and it was very pleasant. It is now hailing! Guess the cold front they promised has reached us :tears:
  2. Mine prefer cucumber and won't even look at zuchinni. I cut the cucumber into 3cm wide rings and thread about 8 rings onto a plastic knitting needle that has a small fishing sinker tied in the middle of it. That spreads it all out along the needle and all get to dig in at once.
  3. Welcome. I have heard many say Bettas don't like Fluval Edge tanks anyway
  4. This is Jaxxnz remember? He does this to create just the reactions he has got! I believe the advice in this situation is "Don't feed the troll" :roll:
  5. The tank itself looked great but when I saw the overall pic of it in the room I realised it was only half the size it should have been Bigger is better! :slfg:
  6. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I thought it was Rusty's nest! :slfg:
  7. I would suggest to them that the person they were paying was obviously not doing a very good job of it and offer to take over for a while to show them what it could look like if done properly.
  8. Another one hit! :happy2:
  9. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I have just had a phone call to say I have won a $500 travel voucher from a Show I attended last week :happy1: It might go well with the Tomtom GPS I won as well
  10. You must specify it in the policy for many. We thought we were covered but were only covered for the tank itself, not the damage caused when it cracked. We changed to a "Premium" policy which would cover the damage as well. Most insurance companies only pay out on damage done by water from a "normal" water source, not an aquarium ie a burst pipe or broken tap.
  11. 1. Gourami's do not fare well if overfed. Keep intake minimal. Not heard that one before. They are omnivores so will eat anything. They like to graze on algae and benefit from live foods along with the dried and frozen. 2. Gourami's may develop ulcers on their torso if not kept well fed. Feed several times per day Not heard this one either. 3. Gourami's are not bothered if planted or not A gourami's natural habitat is heavily planted. 4. Gourami's require heavy planting, or will become agressive This can be true and will vary depending on tank size. 5. Gourami's need females in groups (battle finding female dwarfs) No they don't. 6. To calm agressive male dwarfs, add more males (which I did and it seems to have helped) If they are too aggressive it is possible their tank is too small or there is not enough plant cover for them to create small territories.
  12. I would guess the gobies and/or eel. Is it both sexes missing forks or just males or just females? Males can get aggressive when spawning.
  13. I am sure if anyone in your area is interested they will contact you.
  14. Then you count 30 days from the time the 10th one popped up.
  15. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    And since dad built the aviary, and provided the materials, any money from that should go to him! Went for a walk up the Wither Hills today for the first time in ages, due to rain and flooding (there are 3 fords on the trail). Very nice and lots of people doing the same.
  16. There is a one month minimum. 60 days is 2 months
  17. Poor Peter was, at six years old, A martyr to the common cold. It stopped him going, many a time, To party or to pantomime, For when the longed-for morning broke Poor Peter would begin to croak, To sneeze and snuffle, cough and sniff And use his pocket handkerchief In vain they dosed the wretched child With physics strong and physics mild; For though he took them as he should They did him not the faintest good. At last his parents in despair Consulted Doctor Debonnaire. "Haliver-oil!" the great man cries. "Yes, that's the cure that I'd advise: For halibut–I grant it's odd– Contains more vitamins than cod." But wayward Peter did not like The stuff, and straightway went on strike. He fought and scratched and kicked and swore And stamped upon the nursery floor. In vain they coaxed him and cajoled him; "Open your mouth!" his parents told him: But Peter kept it firmly shut Against the oil of halibut. That night (a trifle feverish Perhaps) he saw a monstrous fish Swimming, as though in deep-sea gloom, About his little moonlit room. A drooping mouth the creature had; Its eyes were large and round and sad, And every time it moved its fins The air grew thick with vitamins. "Pray tell me," Peter said (for he Was tender-hearted as could be), "What makes you such a tearful fish? Speak–is there anything you wish?" "Alas!" the halibut replied, "I weep because of wounded pride. In vain for children's sakes I toil– They do not like my liver oil. So here I swim, a gloomy ghost Hated by those I love the most." "Ah, say not so!" the boy exclaimed. "You make me bitterly ashamed. See–I will swallow it with pleasure!" And down his throat it went full measure. The halibut, immensely cheered, Smiled gratefully, then disappeared: And Peter since that day, I'm told, Has never had a single cold.
  18. Pros - they are all in one Cons - they are all in one :-? If you want an instant set-up then they are all set to go and many like the sleek look. If something goes wrong, you are only dealing with one company. There may be some aspects you don't like, or you would prefer a specific brand for some of the equipment. Personally I have never bought an all in one as I do not like the look of any of them. I prefer to order to size from a glazier (they used to be a lot cheaper but I have not had a tank made for years so this may no longer be so) and have a solid wood stand made to fit. The all in ones I have seen seem very flimsy to me and I have seen some shockingly weak joints and lack of adequate support in a number of them. You can get good bargains by buying up the equipment piece by piece too. If something goes wrong though, you need to have noted where each came from so you know where to go to complain.
  19. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I went swimming with friends then we all enjoyed a nice lunch. In the meantime, the guys have been doing this to our back yard... No, it isn't a fishroom, just a garage extension. Concrete will be poured Tuesday. :bounce: Double glazing has been finished, painter has finished, loft stairs installed, heatpump and Solartube installed, carpet quote received... all systems GO! :happy1:
  20. In my experience goldfish don't care what the pH is. Mine used to be way over 8 in the concrete pond. Plants didn't like it but the goldfish didn't care.
  21. http://www.iheartchaos.com/post/3049801 ... t-moth-its
  22. Never reply to those things. They on-sell your email address as a valid one and you will be inundated with even more spam
  23. Then it's going to be a very short article after all :gigl:
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