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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Ask for some in the trade section. Hopefully a local will have a culture.
  2. Is there something in the saltwater that affects brain function? Layton I would have thought if those places don't have it, it isn't available. Ring a builder and ask them for a source.
  3. Welcome to The Fishroom. I have kept cold water rock pool marines myself but had major problems with the heat. You need a chiller. I used soft sand and rocks from the place I gathered the critters (Kaikoura Coast) and used a hang-on-the-back AquaClear filter. My tank had anemones, sea cucumber, chitons, shrimps, rockfish, triplefins, various types of starfish and brittlestars plus a hermit crab. We also had a baby octopus for a while but he escaped and died a fluffy death-by-carpet.
  4. Could be constipated. Feed some green veges, especially shelled peas, and see if that helps.
  5. Caryl

    Noisy Pump

    My filters all have built in pumps so I know nothing about them that I could recommend one to you.
  6. Caryl

    Sick guppies :-(

    Carbon re-releases all the stuff back into the water if you don't change it and can cause major problems if this happens. I never use it. It is useful to remove medication or tannin discolouration but otherwise it is not necessary.
  7. I have mini vallis in my tank and I vacuum over the top of it no problem.
  8. Caryl

    Hey Everyone

    Hi from me too. :bounce:
  9. Caryl

    Sick guppies :-(

    Smaller fish will often show signs of stress (clamped fins etc) before the bigger ones. Check your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels.
  10. Welcome to the fishroom. Nice tank. You are right, there is no such thing as overfiltering but there is such a thing as too much current for some species. As Alan suggests, a spraybar would help. Turning it down will not make it any less efficient. My 4ft African currently has two Fluval 404's, an Eheim wet/dry and a Jebo 801. Plus it usually also has an internal cansiter or 2 as spares in case of emergencies. Only have that many as I wanted to keep the filters going after dismantling other tanks. The big ones all have spray bars.
  11. Caryl

    java moss

    I think I have some spare. PM me your name and address and I will post some. It travels fine in a ziplok bag in an envelope so only costs 45c.
  12. There are so many hybrids out there
  13. I saw 'lionheads' and assumed you meant goldfish 8)
  14. I was reading a thread in the saltwater section re how to keep the temp down in the marine tanks on hot days. Got me checking my tanks and I found an interesting (to me) discovery. I would expect the inside tank temps to match the room temp. The ponds could vary due to wind chill but... Lounge temp - 29.5C Tanks in lounge... 4ft community (tank surrounded on all sides except front) 29.5C leopardfish in 3ft tank (metal lid) freestanding 29.5C goldfish in 18" tank open on all sides and near window 32C! The goldfish was in direct sun for a short time early morning but not since. The African tank matched its room temp too - 28C but I have the aircon on now so it should drop. Outside I have one 6ft paddling pool, one water trough slightly smaller but similar height, and half a mussel float for the daphnia. The air temp is 27.5 but was 30.8 earlier in the day. The paddling pool and daphnia float are both 28C but the goldfish pond is still 30.8C. Maybe the fact it is fibreglass means it retains the heat longer. I expected the mussel float to also keep its heat longer as it is black and quite shallow. Since none of the fish (or daphnia) appear to be concerned their temps are up a bit I have not done anything to lower it, like turning off the lights, lifting the lid, running a fan across the surface, or dropping frozen bottles of water into the tank. How are the temps at your place?
  15. Sciaenochromis ahli? I am no cichlid expert though.
  16. Don't use Ammolock! It will stuff up the cycling. Keep it natural. It will also stuff up test results.
  17. They are digging for China! I would assume it is the knife fish. I know nothing about them but know it won't be the others :lol: As to why it is doing it, apart from the previous suggestions, why not?
  18. Looking gorgeous Apisto. Can't wait for your article
  19. Generally speaking most of us are lucky so when we do have power cuts, they aren't very long. You can get battery operated airpumps. Don't think swishing them about in a bucket is worth the effort Caper. Only some of the bacteria die, most survives, so better to leave it undisturbed until the power comes back on.
  20. HBAS meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.30pm at the Aquarium, Marine Parade, Napier. If you click on the Home Page then Clubs, you will find a list of contact details.
  21. Good one Luke! Yes pegasus, he has already made "Hmm I think I will write an article" noises 8) :bounce:
  22. That's right Caper, they need the water movement - trapped as they are in a small container. Bacteria are living organisms too. You wouldn't like to be suddenly dunked in cold water would you? A person with a weak heart or something could die from a shock like that.
  23. They are a cold water fish (I have some). Their preferred temp is 16 - 20C but they can be kept outside. I am sure someone in here said they kept them in a barrel outside right through winter with no problems. Don't know what temp they got down to though. Sharn has the right link. Their name is Phalloceros caudomaculatus
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