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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Just leave them alone and see what happens. never had cory eggs myself so can't tell you hatching times but my book says "The spawning period often lasts several weeks with the female depositing as many as 50 eggs a day. Incubation period 4 days."
  2. Coldwater rockpool marines are easy if you keep the temp 18C or less. Pref 15C. I set mine up using a 3ft tank and an AquaClear HOB filter. Just took several large containers down the Kaikoura coast and gathered rocks, sand and any critters I could find. This included red bead anemones, sea cucumbers, brittle stars, cushion stars, starfish of other varieties, chitons, hermit crab, rockfish, triplefins and lots of shrimp. We also had a baby octopus for a while (little escape artist got out though and fluffed to death on the carpet). Every now and then we would top it up with fresh sea water and drop in some sea lettuce for food. Otherwise we didn't do anything else to it at all. Summer and the room temp sat at 28+ and we were having to drop frozen 3L bottles of water in there to get the temp down. Too much effort. The inhabitants can take high temps for short periods of time (as the tide goes out) but not long term. Have since bought a chiller but not got around to setting up the tank again yet.
  3. Yeah, what they said. Note also the suggestion we get invited round after the tank is set up. We don't do tank lifting :lol:
  4. Doesn't sound good and is probably being bullied as it is the smallest. Answers to kookie's questions will help us be more specific.
  5. Thou mayest covet but not pincheth it
  6. Caryl

    Hi, I'm new!

    Welcome to the fishroom Mel.
  7. Leopards like good water quality too and regular water changes if you want them to breed.
  8. As said, I recommend the Jebo range. Get the biggest you can afford, at least the 819 (not sure but I think it is the biggest of them). I am slowly replacing my Fluvals but an seriously considering that FX5 job for when I get my 6ft tank. Any chance of seeing it in action when we are in Wgtn for conference blue?
  9. Don't put someone else's contact details in the forums unless you have their express permission to do so. 8)
  10. How long has the tank been set up Taniwha? Clown loaches also prefer a matured tank 6 months+.
  11. Caryl

    Fluval FX5

    Very nice! Love the dual outflow thingy.
  12. Looking really good. What is the room colour scheme? That will help with cabinet colour suggestions 8) Of course, black or white go with everything (and black will make it look slimmer )
  13. The males don't fight. The death could be from anything. Other fish will nibble on it once it is injured or dead.
  14. Have you checked the hoses for blockages?
  15. Usually it gets noisy I think. I don't have one of those filters but the Fluvals get noisy, or the impeller breaks.
  16. I wonder if it was bullied to death by the bigger shark. Red tailed sharks should never be together. They are ok when small but as they grow the bigger one will usually harass the smaller of the 2. Clown loaches are very sensitive to water conditions so if they are happy that is a good sign.
  17. Caryl

    sieg heil

    It is simple. If you do not like how the site is run, then do not come here.
  18. What size is it? It makes a difference if it is tall and narrow or shorter and wide. Too small for angels though whichever. A tank that small could take a few neons, cardinals, cherry barbs, white clouds or fish that size.
  19. Ye s we have seagulls caper but not sure I have heard of them dive bombing goldfish. Herons will and I hope we don't end up with a visiting heron.
  20. Caryl

    Who is nipping?

    Take the easy way out and get another tank! Red eyes will go with most other short finned fish - rasboras, danios, tetras, barbs.
  21. He's not sharing with me!!!
  22. I am sure the biggest green bits will be weeds :lol: I have 55 goldfish sitting in temporary ponds waiting to go in there. Are you suggesting I pollute my pond with grass carp! :lol:
  23. I have no experience with either of them but a lot depends on which you like the look of better. I get my tanks made at a glazier's for a fraction of the cost but then of course you have to get a stand. One of my tanks is built into a wall unit, one sits on a stereo speaker, one is on a chest of drawers, another on a solid coffee table and the other one is on concrete blocks.
  24. Lok forward to seeing you again wok. Make sure you register!
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