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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Have a look here as it has a great description of the differences and names... http://www.thekrib.com/Fish/Algae-Eaters/
  2. Caryl

    livebearer show

    The Fish Show is open to all FNZAS members. This means you must be a member of an affiliated club. The host club provides small bare tanks (heated and with airlines etc) and people bring their fish in bags or containers, not tanks. Fish are displayed one to a tank (unless they are entered as a breeding pair). Here is what the NZKA Show stand looks like for their Fish Shows...
  3. Hi from me too - I need no introduction
  4. How acidic is your tap water? If already so you need not alter it at all. Much easier.
  5. If you can't get hold of your club breeding co-ordinator, any affiliated FNZAS member will do. I would have counted them for you Loopy but the trip south was cancelled so we won't be passing through Just re-read your message and realise you are asking for someone to do it, not asking what to do :oops: How about bagging 10 and taking them down for Gordon at Critter Kingdom to count and sign off? Or take the bag to Marcel at work. If you can't get someone to come to the fish, take the fish to someone
  6. Caryl

    Bristle nose eggs.

    Depends how much room you have for several hundred bouncing baby bristlenoses :lol: The males are pretty good at guarding the eggs and the fry don't seem to get eaten as much as livebearer fry - possibly cos they are a bit bigger or not so tasty with spines. If you decide to move the eggs it is important to have a good steady flow of air going over them to replicate the dad fanning them constantly.
  7. Caryl

    livebearer show

    Had planned to but unfortunately have since had to put in an apology. I am trying to organise a group entry from Marlborough though Some of our members have some very nice platies!
  8. Aha you are right Mystic. It is post pics that have to be online. Guys I have sent you both emails
  9. Caryl

    Bristle nose eggs.

    I would leave them. The fry don't take to being moved very well either when still very small.
  10. The pic has to be stored online as far as I know. You can't upload it direct from your computer (could be wrong though)
  11. I'm afraid I avoid Auckland whenever possible wok. Could courier it though Jude will be visiting soon and she could take it to the North Island for a start. When do you get to Welly next? 8)
  12. Any graphics programme will do it for you (like those that come with cameras or scanners) ie. Adobe Photo Elements, or Deluxe, Digital Image Pro, ArcSoft Photo Studio etc. If you use Photobucket it has a resize function. Otherwise, email it to me (click the email button at the bottom of my message) and I will do it for you. Several download a free programme called Irfanview which does it for you as well. If you can't figure it out, email it to me (click on the email icon at the bottom of my message) and I will do it for you tonight when I get home.
  13. Just checked - I have a 403, not a 304
  14. Remember it has to be max 80 x 80 and 8kb.
  15. Well you aren't a very dedicated fishkeeper then are you? :lol: :lol:
  16. I had a bristlenose swell up and die once and have no idea why. All the others were, and are, fine. If it was feeding on algae wafers etc then I doubt in this case it was constipation. It was just a thought.
  17. Which parts? I think I have a 304 at home with a stuffed impeller (am at work but can check at lunchtime) and a broken end on the uplift tube but the rest works.
  18. When I bought them off the breeder he gave me those names (plus others which have died) so that is why I know some of my fish are jacobfreibergiis, just wasn't sure which ones exactly
  19. Egg laying females, as a rule, do not 'burst' or become eggbound just because there is no male to fertilise the eggs. I would be more suspicious of diet and constipation.
  20. Frenchy are you saying my striped brown fish is a peacock? Yellows hold eggs, I don't know abuot any others have I have not researched them :roll:
  21. Not sure if it is normal but I would think the slightest of injuries would show up on that sort of colouring and wonder if it hasn't bumped its nose on something.
  22. Give them a few days to sort out pecking order (assuming no actual damage is being done). If this does not work, ask the shop to take back the aggressive one.
  23. Caryl

    sick cory

    May have a stone stuck?
  24. You aren't overstocked. Here is a good site to help work our stocking levels http://www.thetropicaltank.co.uk/tanks-uk.htm Small fish live less years than bigger fish. When you buy them it is hard to tell what age they are although 12 months is a little short. Have you still got carbon in the filters? If so, remove it. As it ages (after 3 months or so) it releases toxins back into the water rather than adsorbing them as it is supposed to.
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